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1、1句型总结一、 社会交往(一)问候1. A: Hello ! Hi!B: Hello ! Hi!2. A: Good morning!/Good afternoon!/ Good evening !B: Good morning!/Good afternoon! / Good evening !3. A: How are you !B: Im OK .Fine , thanks, and you?Very well , thank you .4. A: How do you do?B: How do you do ?(二)介绍1. A: Im Bill . Whats your name ?B

2、: My name is Jim./ Im Jim . 2. A: Whos he / she ? B: He / She is . 3. A: Where are you from ? / Where do you come from ? B: Im from./ I come from .4. A: Where do you live ?B: I live in . 5. A: This is Mr./ Mrs. / Miss Brown.B: Nice to meet(see)you ./Glad to meet(see)you.(三) 告别1. A: Good-bye./ Bye-by

3、e./ Bye.B: Good-bye./ Bye-bye./ Bye.2. A: Good night.B: Good night.23. A: See you tomorrow./See you.B: See you tomorrow./See you.(四) 感谢1. A: Thank you./ Thanks./ Thank you very much .B: Youre welcome./ Thats OK ./ All right.(五) 道歉1. A: Sorry. /Im sorry./Excuse me, please .B: Thats OK./ Its all right

4、 .(六)邀请1. A: Would you like to (do)with me ?B: Sure./ Certainly./Of course.Sorry, I cant. (七)请求允许1. A: May I ? / Can I ?B: Yes, please./Sure. / Certainly.Im sorry.(八) 祝贺与祝愿1. A: Have a good time !Happy birthday !B: Thank you .2. A: Happy New Year!Happy Spring Festival!Merry Christmas!B: You , too. /

5、 The same to you .(九) 提供帮助1. A: Can I help you ?B: Yes, please./ No, thanks.(十) 打电话1. A: May I speak to Peter, please ?/ Who is this ?B: This is Peter speaking ./ This is Jack .3(十一) 就餐1. A: Would you like some ?B: Yes, please ./ No, thanks .2. A: What would you like (to have/ to eat/to drink )?B: I

6、d like rice and chicken . (十二)就医1. A: Whats the matter with you/him/her ? Whats wrong with you/ him/her ?B: I have / He has/ She has a stomachache .My / His/ Her neck hurts.(十三)购物1. A: Can/May I help you ?/ What can I do for you ?B: Yes, I want . No, thanks.2. A: Try it/ them on , please.B: Thank yo

7、u .3. A: What about this one ?B: Its very nice .Its cheap/ expensive. 4. A: How many do you want ?B: I want two, please.(十四)问路1. A: Where is ?How can I get to?B: Go straight.Turn left/right.(十五)谈论天气1. A: Whats the weather like ?Hows the weather ?4B: Its warm/windy.(十六)提醒注意1. Dont talk.2. No smoking.

8、3. Be careful.(十七)劝告1. You should.2. You shouldnt.3. Youd better.(十八)建议1. Lets .2. Shall I / we ?二、 态度(十九)喜欢和不喜欢1. A: Do you like singing ?B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2. A: Does he/she like ?B: Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesnt.3. A: What colour /animal do you like ?B: I like blue/ dogs .I like it v

9、ery much.4. A: What season /sport does he/she like ?B: He/ She likes .(二十)能够和不能够1. A: Can you / he/ she ?B: Yes, I / he/ she can .No, I / he/ she cant.2. I am /He is /She is good at.I am /He is /She is not good at.5(二十一)偏爱和爱好1. A: Whats your favourite ?B: My favorite is .Its .(二十二)意愿和打算1. A: What ar

10、e you going to do after school / for the party ?B: Im /Were going to(do).2. A: What is he/she going to do ?B: He/She is going to (do).3. A: What do you want to ?What does he/she want to ?B: I want to (be/do).He/She wants to (be/do).4. A: Where do you want to go ?Where does he/she want to go ?B: I wa

11、nt to go to the .He/She wants to go to the .三、情感(二十三)1. How nice/wonderful!2. Im so happy /sorry!3. Really ?4. Dont worry.5. Good!/Well done! / Thats fine .四、时间(二十四)1. A: What time is it ?B: Its .6Its time for/to .2. A: What time /When do you ?B: I (do) at 6:50.3. A: What day is today ?B: Its Monday

12、.4. A: Whats the date today?B: Its September 1st.五、空间(二十五)位置1. A: Where is ?B: Its on/in/under/behind/next to/in front of .六、存在(二十六)1. A: Is there in your city ?B: Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.2. A: There is/are in the street/ park/my home/my room .七、特征(二十七) 颜色1. A: What colour(s) is /are ?B: Its

13、/Theyre .(二十八)价格1 A: How much is/are it/they ?B: Its / Theyre 20 yuan .(二十九)个性和外貌1. A: What does he/she look like?B: His/ Her hair /eyesis/are .He/ She wears .He/She is tall/ pretty.7(三十)年龄1. A: How old are you ?How old is he/she?B: Im years old.He/She is years old.八、计量(三十一)数量1. How many trees ?九、逻辑

14、关系(三十二)原因和结果Why?Because.十、职业(三十三)工作1. A: What does he/she do ?Whats your mothers job ?B: He/She is a/an .2. A: Where does your father work ? B: He works in .十一、所有(三十四)1. A: Do you have?B: Yes, I/ we do .No, I / we dont.2. A: Whatdo you have ?B: I have .3. A: Have you got ?B: Yes, I have . No, I havent.8十二、其它(三十五)1. A: Whats this/that ?B: Its a/an .2. A: What are these/those/they ?B: They are (s).


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