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1、(长宁)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A.concept B. demand C. drawn D. complain E. ownF. firm G. practice H. relationship I. recognize J. printedWhy is there no risk to the custome

2、r when a bank prints the customers name on his cheques?When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may 41 at any time. Primarily, the banker-customer 42 is that of debtor and creditor (债权人). Who is which depends on whether the customers account

3、is in credit or is overdrawn. But, in addition to that basically simple 43 the bank and its customers 44 a large number of duties to one another.Many of these duties can give rise to problems but a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot 45 that the law is loaded against him.The bank mu

4、st obey its customers instructions, and not those of anyone elses. When, for example, a customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit (借记) his account only in respect of cheques 46 by himself. He gives the bank sample of his signature, and there is a very 47 rule that the bank has

5、no right to pay out a customers money on a cheque on which its customers signature has been forged (伪造) . It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very skilful one; the bank must 48 its customers signature. For this reason there is no risk to the customer in the 49 , adopted by banks,

6、 of printing the customers name on his cheques. If this results in forgery, it is the bank which will lose, not the customer.41-45BHAED 46-50CFIG崇明A. distasteful B. telephoning C. individual D. fight E. surroundingF. chemicals G evolution H. botanist I. escape J. survivalWhen you watch TV programmes

7、 about wild animals. It is amazing to see how an African animal can 41 a fions attack. In the wilderness, every one has a stunt (绝技). Even plants have their own ways of fighting off enemies.Over millions of years of 42 . plants have developed a unique defence system. Chemicals are wildly used for 43

8、 . By making their leaves, flowers, stems, roots and fruits 44 or poisonous to animals, plants can fight back.One such plant is the Golden Wattle tree. British 45 David Cameron has found when an animal eats the trees leaves, the amount of poisonous tannin(单宁) increases in the other leaves. Its like

9、the damaged leaves 46 the others telling them to fight together against the enemy, he said.The tree also sends defence messages to neighboring plants by giving out a special smell. Golden Wattle tree in the 47 45 meters will get the message and produce more tannin within 10 minutes. Now, if an anima

10、l eats too many of the trees leaves, it will die.Every species of plant or tree specializes in the production of a particular set of 48 . A plant-eating animal that can safely eat the leaves of one tree may be poisoned by its neighbor.In this way, plants have developed not only 49 defence systems, b

11、ut also shared them with others. This makes it impossible for a single animal to destroy even a small area of forest.41. I 42. G 43. J 44. A 45. H 46. B 47. E 48. F 49. C 奉贤A. involved B. summary C. panic D. humble E. requirementsF. exposure G. split H. relevant I. offer J. demonstrate People from E

12、ast Asia tend to have more difficulty than those from Europe in _41_facial expressions and a new report published online in Current Biology explains why.Rachael Jack, University of Glasgow reseacher, said that rather than scanning evenly (均匀地) across a face as Westerners do, Easterner_42_ their atte

13、ntion on the eyes.“We show that Easterners and Westerners look at different face features to read facial expressions,” Jack said. “Westerners look at the eyes and the mouth in equal measure, whereas Easterners favor the eyes and _43_ the mouth.”According to Jack and her colleagues, the discovery sho

14、ws that human _44_ of emotion is more complex than previously believed. As a result, facial expressions that had been considered universally recognizable cannot be used to _45_ convey emotion in a cross-cultural situation.The reseachers studied cultural differences in the _46_ of facial expressions

15、by recording the eye movements of 13 Western people and 13 East Asian people while they observed pictures of _47_ faces and put them into categories: happy, sad, surprised, fearful, disgusted, angry, or neutral(中立的). They compared how accurately participants read those facial expressions using their particular eye movement strategies.It turned out that Easterners focused much greater attention on the eyes and made _48_ more


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