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1、Chinese Traditional Art中国传统艺术,目,录,CONTENTS,0204,中国传统艺术,Part 1,0510,Paper Cutting 剪纸,Part 2,1115,Sending the sky lantern 放天灯,Part 3,1625,Calligraphy 书法,Part 4,2631,Chinese painting 国画,Part 5,32-44,Embroider 刺绣,Part 6,4548,Shadow Play 皮影戏,Part 7,中国的传统艺术是历代的中国画家,书法家,手工艺者,诗人,建筑师等在中国的历史长河中,通过他们对中国人、社会和环境

2、的理解所呈现给我们的,反映中国社会历史生活的一幅文化长卷。In the long history of China, Chinese traditional art is that the generations of Chinese painter, calligrapher, crafters, poet, architect, etc. through their understandings of the Chinese people, society and environment , which is presented to us, reflecting Chinas socia

3、l and historical culture of a long life.,中国艺术的种类,我国传统艺术的遗产极其丰富并且辉煌。绘画、书法、音乐、戏曲、剪纸、放天灯、陶土艺术、刺绣、皮影戏,传统美食、传统服饰等等,中国是一个有着五千年悠久历史和文化传统的文明古国,传统人文文化底蕴深厚。 The heritage of traditional Chinese art is extremely rich and brilliant; there are Chinese Painting,Calligraphy, Music,Dancing, Chinese opera, Paper Cutt

4、ing,Sending the sky lantern,Clay Art, Embroider , Shadow Play ,Traditional food, Traditional costume. Etc. China, a ancient country of over 5,000 years of history and cultural tradition, has a profound traditional cultural foundation,中国剪纸,Chinese Papercuts,Paper Cutting 剪纸,1.剪纸的由来The origin of paper

5、 cutting 2.剪纸的内容Its content 3.剪纸的用途Its purpose,Papercuts refer to handicrafts made by cutting paper with scissors to form different patterns and pasting them on walls, windows, doors and ceilings.,剪纸,顾名思义,就是用剪刀把纸剪出各种图形,并且把它们贴在墙上、窗户、门和天花板上的一种手工艺品。,With their long history, papercuts, which originated

6、in China, have been very popular among the ordinary people of China. The first papercut can be traced back to the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386581) period. The initiation and spread of papercuts had a close relationship with Chinese rural festivals. People pasted papercuts on walls, windows a

7、nd doors at wedding ceremonies or festivals to enhance the festive atmosphere.,起源于中国的剪纸,历史悠久,一直深受中国老百姓的欢迎。第一幅剪纸作品可以追溯到南北朝时期(公元386581).剪纸的产生和传播与中国农村的节日有着密切的联系。人们在婚礼或过节时在墙上、窗户、门上贴上剪纸以增强节庆的气氛。,Chinese papercuts are rich in content. The auspicious designs symbolize good luck and the avoidance of evil. T

8、he child, lotus and bottle gourd designs suggest a family with a large number of children and grandchildren. Domestic birds, livestock, fruit, fish and worms are also familiar objects depicted by Chinese farmers. Papercuts made in different areas have different characteristics. Shanxi window papercu

9、ts are simple and bold; papercuts from Hebei Province and Shanxi Province are bright in color; papercuts in southern provinces are delicate and fine.,剪纸的内容是很有讲究的。吉祥图案寓意吉祥辟邪,娃娃、葫芦、莲花等象征多子多福,家禽家畜,瓜果鱼虫是农民熟悉的对象,也是他们表现的主要内容。剪纸作为一种民间艺术,具有很强的地域风格。陕西窗花风格粗朴豪放,单纯简练,河北蔚县和山西广灵剪纸加染色彩,浓厚中透着秀美艳丽,而中国南方省份的剪纸精美细致,装饰性

10、强。,CONTENT,THe purpose of paper cutting,主要用于当做艺术品欣赏 people can enjoy its beauty as artwork,Sending the sky lantern放天灯,放天灯的用途 The purpose of sending the sky lantern,。,放天灯的由来 the origin of sending the sky lantern,放天灯的由来 the origin of sending the sky lantern,天灯又名孔明灯(kongming light),Kongming light and t

11、hat the sky lanterns, is said to be the komgming by three countries had invented. That year, kongming in pingyang besieged by sima yi, cant send troops out of the city to help out. The light is the direction of the wind, it floats must made paper lantern of the message, for help, and then later, fol

12、lowed by out called the lantern for kongming light,放天灯的用途 The purpose of sending the sky lantern,现代人在孔明灯上寄语祈祷,男女老少会将愿望写在孔明灯,让其带上天空。Modern people put more as the blessing with kongming light. Men and women, old and young hand write down the desire of the blessing, the symbol of the harvest, happy yea

13、rs. Success,Kongming light,Chinese Calligraphy 书法 -The spirit of Chinese culture,-Calligraphy is understood in China as the art of writing a good hand with the brush or the study of the rules and techniques of this art. As such it is peculiar to China and the few countries influenced by ancient Chin

14、ese culture.,汉字的演变 Evolution,西安半坡仰韶文化陶器刻纹 Xian Banpo Yangshao culture pottery engraving,汉字的字体演变 The evolution of Chinese characters font,甲骨文inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynast 金文inscriptions on ancient bronze objects 小篆( calligraphy ) small seal style 隶书an ancient style of c

15、alligraphy current in the Han Dynasty 楷书regular script 草书grass script 行书running hand ( in Chinese calligraphy,甲骨文 Oracle Bone Script,篆书 Seal script,金文 Inscriptions on bronze,隶书和楷书 Calligraphy and script,草书Cursive script,“The best cursive handwriting” 行书 王羲之 兰亭集序,Chinese Painting国画,-Definition 定义: Ch

16、inese Painting: refers to paintings painted on Xuan paper or silk by ink and color, it is the main form of Chinese art.中国画(宣画):即用颜料在宣纸、宣绢上的绘画,是中华民族艺术1.In ancient times: Chinese painting was commonly called as Danqing, mainly refers to the paintings on silk and Xuan paper which mounted on scroll.2.In modern times:As opposed to Western styles of art, works painted in traditional style is called as Chinese painting, meaning “national paintin



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