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1、陈述句的否定形式,1、用not与谓语动词连用来表示否定 not的缩写式为nt直接在肯定句上加not;适用于绝大多数句子,not应加在谓语动词部分的第一个词(助动词、情态动词、be动词、表示“拥有”的have)后,并常可与该词缩写成一体。be动词的否定句a.)句型:主语+be动词+notI wasnt good at English. / He isnt hungry.b.)进行时和被动语态(现在时、过去时、进行时)都有be动词,所以它们的否定句与be动词的否定句同形。They arent cleaning the room.(现在进行时) The child was not looked af

2、ter.(过去时的被动语态)这个孩子以前没有被照顾过。c.)将来时(will,shall)、完成时及情态动词的被动语态不能用be动词的否定句型。They will not be sent to the front.( )他们将不会被送到前线。They will be not sent to the front.()情态动词的否定句句型:主语+情态动词+not+动词原形I can not do it myself.You mustnt take the books out.,一般动词的否定句句型:主语+do(does,did)+not+动词原形注意:否定式的缩略形is not isnt are

3、not arentwas not wasntwere not werentdo not dontdoes not doesntdid not didntcan not cantwill not wontmust not mustnthave not haventhas not hasnthad not hadntam not 无缩写形式,应为Im not 形式。,He doesnt do his homework every day.他不是每天都做作业They didnt have the class-meeting yesterday.They dont live in Shanghai.现

4、在完成时的否定句句型:主语+have(has)+not+动词的过去分词I havent finished reading the book yet.这本书我还没读完。He hasnt had his breakfast yet.过去完成时的否定句句型:主语+had+not+过去分词He hadnt finished reading the book by the end of last month.截至上月末,他还没看完这本书。注意:have表示“拥有”时,其否定句可以在have后直接加not,也可以在do、does、did的后面加not,此时have用原形。I havent a pen.=I

5、 dont have a pen.我没有钢笔。He hasnt a shirt.=He doesnt have a shirt.,2、用具有否定意义的词来表示否定这类词有no(不,没有)none(无人,没有任何东西)nobody(没人,谁也不)nothing(没有东西,什么也没有)nowhere(哪儿也不)nohow(绝不,毫不)neither(两者皆不)never(永不,从不)dislike(不喜欢)disagree(不同意)useless(没有用)unimportant(不重要)及短语out of,far from,tootoNo one is in the classroom.教室里没人

6、。I like neither.两个我都不喜欢。He never tells a lie.他从不撒谎。The book is useless.这本书没有用。She dislikes him.她不喜欢他。The machine is out of work.这台机器不能工作了。He is too young to go to school.他太小,还不能上学。3、否定中心转移(1)形式上否定主句,意义上否定宾语从句;这类动词有think,believe,suppose,feel,expect等:I dont think he has time to play with me.我想他没有时间和我玩

7、。动词hope不发生否定中心转移:I hope you werent ill.我想你没生病吧。,(2)形式上否定谓语,意义上状语:I didnt come by bus.我不是坐车来的。This great victory has not been won easily.这伟大的胜利来之不易。4、半否定(1)总括性代词、形容词或副词等和not连用时,表示半否定(也称部分否定);这类总括词有all(一切,全体)both(二者,两)each或every(每个,人人)everyone(每个人,人人)everything(每件事,每件东西)everywhere(每个地方,各地)always(总是)al

8、together(全体)wholly(全部)等:Both are not correct.(或Not both are correct.) 并非两个都对。(只有一个对)比较:Neither is correct。两个都不对。Such a thing cant be found everywhere.这种事并非到处可见。Such a thing can be found nowhere.(或Such a thing cant be found anywhere. )这种事什么地方也见不到。总括性单词和带有否定意义的前后缀的单词连用时,谓语动词使用肯定式,意思为完全否定:Both are usel

9、ess.两者都没用。We all dislike him.我们都不喜欢他。,(2)具有半否定意义的词可构成半否定句,这类半否定词有hardly(几乎不)seldom(很少)little(几乎没有)few(很少)nearly加否定词(几乎没有)almost加否定词(几乎不)等:I can hardly(或 scarcely) recognize you.我几乎认不出你来了。He is seldom late.他很少迟到。Few people could do it. 当时很少有人能干这事。5、双重否定双重否定意为同一句中有两处具有否定含义。常译作“无不”或“没有不”;有时也译作肯定句,但比肯定句

10、语气含蓄。A bird cant fly without wings.鸟没有翅膀不能飞。Nobody is absent from the meeting.参加会议的人都到齐了。I could not help laughing when I saw it.当我看到这情景时,忍不住笑起来。(could not help doing sth 忍不住做某事)6、局部否定局部否定意为被否定的不是全句而是句子的一部分,常见的有:,(1)“not+非谓语动词”只否定非谓语动词:Tell Li Ping not to open the door.告诉李萍别开门。(2)介词except, but, exce

11、pt for, apart from, beyond等,只否定自己的 宾语:We went except(或but) him.除他(没去)外,我们都去了。We didnt go except him.除他(去了)以外,我们都没去。,习题1、I go to work by car. I _ _ to work by car. 2、You like these movies You _ _ these movies. 3、Lee has lunch at two oclock Lee _ _ lunch at two oclock.4、 Mr crane works in a restaurant

12、 Mr crane _ _ in a restaurant. 5、They go to visit the teacher They _ _ to visit the teacher .6、She is watching TV now.7、The cat runs fast.8、My grandpa gives me a hot dog.9、I have a ball.10、I am listening to music.11、Sarah can clean the classroom.12、There are some flowers in the vase.13、We need some

13、milk.14、Su Hai and Su Yang live in a new house.15、Take the chair to the door.16、He did the housework yesterday.17、He does well in maths.,18、Give me a bottle of milk.19、He had done with the goods before he went away.20、Tom has strong arms.21、I think he will come.22、Nancy drew some pictures yesterday.23、Both are right.24、Everything has been done.,



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