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1、CPU:Central Processing Unit 中央处理器DRAM:Dynamic Random-Access Memory 动态随机存取存储器SRAM:Static Random-Access Memory 静态随机存取存储器RAM:Random-Access Memory 随机存取存储器ROM:Read-Only Memory 只读存储器PROM:Programmable Read-Only Memory 可编程只读存储器EPROM:Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory 可擦可编程只读存储器EEPROM:Electrically Erasab

2、le Programmable Read-Only Memory 电可擦可编程只读存储器VDT:Video Display Terminal 视频显示终端SISD:Single Instruction stream and Single Data stream 单指令流单数据流MISD: Multiple Instruction stream and Single Data stream 多指令流单数据流DAP:Distributed Array Processor 机器名:分布式阵列处理器CM:Connection Machine 连接机PE: Processing Element 处理部件

3、SM:Shared-Memory 共享存储器SN: Shared-Nothing 无共享SMP:Symmetrical Multiprocessing 对称多处理MPP:Massively Parallel Processing 大规模并行处理SIMD: Single- Instruction ,Multiple Data stream 单指令单数据流MIMD:Multiple Instruction,Multiple Data stream 多指令多数据流SPMD:Single-Program, Multiple Data 单程序多数据GUI:Graphic User Interface 图

4、形用户界面PC: Personal Computer 个人计算机DOS:Disk Operating System 磁盘操作系统OS:Operation System 操作系统IP:Internet Protocol 网络协议ISP: Internet Service Provider 因特网服务提供商ISDN:Integrated Services Digital Network 综合服务数字网LAN:Local Area Network 局域网DSL: Digital Subscriber Line 数字用户线路FDM:Frequency Division Multiplexing 频分多

5、路复用RF: Radio Frequency 射频TDM:Time Division Multiplexing 时分多路复用E-R model:Entity-Relationship model E-R 模型DBMS:Database Management System 数据库管理系统CD-ROM:Compact Disc- Read Only Memory 光盘只读存储器SCSI:Small Computer System Interface 小型计算机系统接口I/O:Input/Output 输入/输出VGA:Video Graphics Array 显示绘图阵列VCR:Video Cas

6、sette Recorder 卡带式影像录放机RLE:Run-Length Encoding 行程长度编码JPEG:Joint Photographic Experts Group 联合摄影专家组SVGA: Super Video Graphics Array 超视频图形阵列hearsay 传闻,谣传register 寄存器,记录reallocate 重新分配capacity 容量instruction 指令location 单元位置cache 隐藏throughput 吞吐量nonvolatility 非易失性updatable 可修改的functionality 功能virtually 实

7、际上expansion 扩展peripheral 外围的taxonomy 分类orthogonally 正交的fetch 取数grid 网络load-balanced 负载平衡的scheme 方案couple 连接sort 排序block 块emulate 仿效topology 拓扑generalization 一般化speedup 加速化heterogeneous 异类的paramount 至上的delivery 递送platform 平台project 工程portable 可移植的distributed 分布式的real-time 实时的deploy 展开performance 性能su

8、rvive 幸存adaptable 能适应的concurrent 并发的innovative 创新的prototype 原型garbage 垃圾evoke 引起arcane 神秘的checkered 多波折的infamous 名声不好的glut 充斥cryptic 神秘的assortment 分类mitigate 减轻portability 可移植性glitch 小故障malfunction 失灵bug 错误detrimental 有害的unethical 不道德的hacking 不轨用机reliable 可靠的unobstructed 不被阻塞的degrade 使降低relay 转播unau

9、thorized 未批准的block 阻塞retrieve 找回intuition 直觉oscillate 震动mandate 命令round-robin 循环retrieve 检索facility 熟练perception 感觉designation 指定jerky 不平稳的fuzzy 模糊的typify 代表analog 模拟simulate 模拟triple 使增至三倍shrink 缩小quarter-screen 1/4 屏幕quadruple-speed 四倍速decompression 解压squeeze 压缩embody 包含codec 压缩解压accumulate 累加exot

10、ic 特殊的diminish 减小roundup 综述interactivity 交互性We have discussed how data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called bits.我们已经讨论过如何在计算机系统内部,用被称作“位”的电子状态来表现数据Literally hundreds of different types of computers are marketed by scores of manufacturers 1.不加夸张地讲,市场上有几百种不同类型的计算机在销售Mo

11、st school or office LANs that offer a direct connection to the Internet lease a high-speed dedicated line (such as an ISDN or T1 line) from the telephone company or an Internet provider.大多数学校或者政府机关的局域网,提供一个与因特网直接相连的从电话公司或者因特网提供者那里租约一条高速专用线。Cable connections are very fast and are available to anyone

12、with cable access whose cable provider has upgraded the system to support Internet access.电缆连接是相当快的,可以让任何人通过电缆访问,电缆提供商升级了支持因特网访问的系统。The two-way satellite services available today, such as StarBand, are relatively reliable, though an unobstructed view of the southern sky is requited and access may de

13、grade very heavy rainstorms.虽然需要在蝶形天线收发方向的上空没有任何障碍,并且在大暴风雨期间访问性可能降低,但目前可用的两路人造卫星服务,如 StarBand,是相当可靠的。The result is a language platform that has proven ideal for developing secure, distributed, network based end-user applications in environments ranging from network-embedded devices to the World-Wide

14、-Web an the desktop.结果是开发出了一个理想的、能在从嵌入式网络设备到万维网到桌面等各种环境下方便的开发安全的、分布的、基于网络的应用程序的平台。To live in the world of electronic commerce and distribution, Java technology must enable the development of secure, high performance, and highly robust applications on multiple platforms in heterogeneous, distributed

15、networks.在电子商务的时代,Java 必须具有开发安全性、高效性、健壮的、大众的、能在多平台和多样化、分布式网络运行的程序。It should be obvious that between the computer, dealing with bits, and the ultimate user dealing with abstracions such as flights or assignment of personnel to aricraft, where will be many levels of abstraction.显然,在处理二进位的计算机和处理像航班或把乘务

16、组人员分派到飞机这样一些抽象的最终用户之间将存在很多层抽象。A variation of ROM is programmable read-only memory (PROM). PROM is ROM into which you, the user, can load “read-only” programs and data. Once a program is loaded to PROM, it is seldom, if ever, changed 4. However, if you need to be able to revise the contents of PROM, there is EPROM, erasable PROM. Before a write operation, all the storage cells mus



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