人教版七年级英语上册 unit9_sectionb(1a-2c)随堂练习

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1、Unit9 SectionB(1a-2c)随堂练习一、根据汉语写出单词1. 空闲的 _2. 妙极的;酷的_3. 星期二 _4. 星期三 _ 5. 星期四 _6. 星期日 _ 7. 有用的,有益的 _ 8. 从开始 _ 9. 太太;夫人 _ 10. 完成;做好 _11. 课;一节课 _12. 小时 _二、单项选择1. We have science from 9:00 _ 9:45.A. with B. in C. for D. to2.Do you have time to play soccer with me this evening?Sorry, I am very _.A. busy

2、B. sad C. happy D. interesting3. I love art lessons because theyre really _.A. relaxing B. difficult C. boring D. sad4. Math is difficult _ interesting.A. but B. and C. or D. then5. Do you have _ on Monday?A. ChineseB. a ChineseC. the ChineseD. an Chinese三、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 老师说数学有用,但是我认为很难。The teacher sa

3、ys _ is _, but I think it is _.2. 科学难但有趣。_ is difficult _ interesting.3. 我的音乐老师是布朗夫人。_ _ _ is Ms Brown.4. 我每天打一个小时的篮球。I _ _ for _ _ every day.5. 我想在星期六下午见你,但是我真的很忙。I want to meet you _ _ afternoon, but I am really _.四、补全对话,每空一词A: Hi, Alice! What is your favorite 1 ?B: My favorite? I 2 history best.

4、Its interesting.A: Its interesting? But I think its boring. P. E. is my 3 subject. Mr. Green 4 a good teacher. 5 your history teacher?B: Mr. Brown. Hes very funny.A: When do you have 6 class?B: I have history 7 Tuesday and Thursday.A: You dont have history on Monday, Wednesday or Friday?B: No, I 8 m

5、ath.A: Is Mrs. Black your math 9 ?B: Yes, she is. Math is difficult. I dont like it. 10 Mrs. Black is a good teacher.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _参考答案及解析一、1. free2. cool 3. Tuesday4. Wednesday5. Thursday6. Sunday7. useful8. from9. Mrs.10. finish 11. lesson 12. hour二、1. D fromto表示

6、“从到”。2. A 由Sorry可知是太忙了,去不了。故选A。3. A 由love可知应用表示积极的词汇。relaxing放松的;difficult困难的;boring无聊的;sad悲伤的。选A。4. A difficult与interesting是一对表示意思相对的词汇,故用but。5. A have Chinese意为“上语文课”。三、1. math; useful; difficult2. Science; but 3. My music teacher4. play basketball; an/ one hour5. on Saturday; busy四、1. subject 2. like 3. favorite 4. is 5. Whos 6. history 7. on 8. have 9. teacher 10. But


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