中考英语 词汇句型巩固复习 补全对话(无答案)

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1、中考英语词汇句型巩固复习 补全对话二. 补全对话。(1)A: Tommy, 1. how do you go to work? B: I often take the bus to work.A: Oh, 2. how long does it take? B: It usually takes me about 20 minutes. 3. What about you? A: I often go to work on foot.B: 4. How far is it? A: Oh, its only one kilometer.B: You are lucky. You neednt g

2、et up early to go to work.A: Thats true. But sometimes Im also late for work.B: 5. Why are you late for work? A: Because I like staying up late and cant get up in time next morning.B: Well, you shouldnt stay up late; its not good for your health.A: Ill try my best not to do that.(2)A: Hey, Peter, yo

3、u look sad. 1. Whats wrong? B: I had an argument with my best friend. 2. What should I do? A: Well, you should say you are sorry.B: Yes, I know I should. But its not easy.A: Well, you could write him a letter.B: 3. I dont think so. I dont like writing letters.A: Maybe you could call him up, and ask

4、him to watch the ball game together.B: 4. Good idea! But I dont know if he will go with me.A: Be brave! You should have a try!B: OK. 5. Thanks. (3)A: Sam, look at those travel posters. Id love to go on a vacation.B: 1. Where would you like to go , Jeff?A: Id love to climb up Mountain Tai.B: Really?

5、I heard that its a very beautiful mountain, but its also dangerous for climbing.A: I like exciting vacation. 2. Would you like to go with me? B: Id like to. But I cant go with you.A: Why cant you go with me? B: Because I have something important to do on vacation.A: 3. What are you going to do? B: I

6、m going to be the volunteer for 2008 Olympics.A: 4. Are you going there by yourself? B: No, not only myself. Gina and Peter are going with me.A: 5.That sounds great. Id also like to change my plan to go with you.B: No problem.(4)(A: Alice B: Lauras mother)A: Hello! 1. Could I speak to Laura, please?

7、 B: Im sorry she isnt in. This is Lauras mother. 2. Can I take a message? A: Youre very kind. This is Alice. Im sorry to tell you that our math teacher is ill. She is now in hospital. Id like Laura to go to visit her with me.B: 3. Sorry to hear that. Ill let Laura know it. 4. When and where will you

8、 meet? A: What about 9:00 at the gate of St. Peters Hospital?B: OK. Ill give her the message.A: 5. All right. See you!B: See you later. (5)John: Hello! Is that Mike speaking?Mike: 66. Yes, this is Mike .John: Mike, do you enjoy your new school?Mike: Yes, very much. But things are quite different her

9、e.John: Really? 67. Do you go to school every day ?Mike: Yes. I go to school every day. But on Friday afternoon we do a lot of activities in the school clubs.John: Sounds great! 68. How many subjects do you have?Mike: Seven subjects. They are English, math, history, science, physics, art and P.E.John: 69. What is your favourite subject ?Mike: I like math best. My math teacher says I am doing well in it. John: Well done! Will you come back this summer?Mike: Sure! See you then!John: 70. See you !



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