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1、玻璃纤维增强塑料管道维护手册 玻璃纤维增强塑料管道维护手册 Maintenance Manual for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics Pipes Maintenance Manual for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics Pipes 一、前言 Introduction 一、前言 Introduction 本文件旨在用于指导玻璃钢管线的维护与维修。本文叙述了几种不同的维修方法,合同执行方 应选择最适合其现场情况的方法。 The following document is intended to be used as a guide

2、line for the maintenance and repair of Fiberglass pipelines. Different repair methods are described in the following pages and the contractor should choose what best fits his site conditions. 推荐现场预留少量的备品备件,这样可有效减少停机维护的时间。 It is recommended that a small quantity of spare parts be available to minimiz

3、e the downtime. 由于玻璃钢管道每次损坏的位置、程度和原因以及管线的重要性程度都不一样,所以每次维修 前须咨询技术人员提供协助。本手册的编制是基于丰富的玻璃钢产品制造和安装经验,使用者应予 以尊重。 Due to different location, condition, reason and system importance for damages, please ask for help from our technicians before repairing. This manual is based on our rich experience of manufac

4、turing and installation, and it should be respected by user. 不同厚度的铺层可参照附录A,维修时的具体操作步骤可参照现场手糊操作规程 。 Detail lamination for different thickness refers to Appendix A, and the procedure please refers to . 二、直管段缺陷维修 Repair of Defects in the Straight Pipe Section 二、直管段缺陷维修 Repair of Defects in the Straight

5、 Pipe Section 现场的所有管道和管件均应在安装前进行检查,以确保产品在运输和贮存过程中没有损坏。 All pipes and fittings should be inspected before installation at job site to ensure that no damage has occurred during transit or storage. 如果管道在安装或者运行过程中发生了渗漏,其可根据接口形式进行适当的维修。开挖或者是 高空坠落,均可能引起直管段的渗漏。 If leakage appears after installation or duri

6、ng operation of the system, it can be 1 1 repaired appropriate to the type of joint. Leakage in a straight pipe can be caused during digging or by falling objects. 如果管线中存在损坏的地方,那么这些地方就会开始渗漏,所以这些坏点应进行维修或从管线 系统中移除。 If existing pipelines are damaged, they can start leaking and therefore the damaged par

7、t should be repaired or removed from the system. 2.1 可直接修补的缺陷 Defects Can be Repaired Directly 2.1 可直接修补的缺陷 Defects Can be Repaired Directly 2.1.1 表层损伤,未影响强度的 Surface damage, no effect on the strength 2.1.1 表层损伤,未影响强度的 Surface damage, no effect on the strength 此类损伤仅限于表层且是局部的(受损面积小于DN/4DN/4且不超过5050mm

8、,取小者) , 损伤深度低于壁厚的10%或3mm(取小者) ,一般是由刮擦、轻微碰撞引起的,可按如下方式处理: The damage is superficial and partial (damage area is less than the smaller of DN/4 DN/4 and 5050mm), and the damage depth is lower than the smaller of 10% (of actual thickness) and 3mm. This type of damage is usually caused by scraping or slig

9、ht impacting, and could be repaired by the following: 压力1.0MPa,可以直接打磨掉纤维裸露部分,然后刷胶处理。 For PN1.0MPa, it s only need to grind the fiberglass and then brush resin. 压力1.0MPa,可以打磨掉纤维裸露部分,然后铺敷短切毡补平即可。 2 2 For PN1.0MPa, grinding the fiberglass first, then filling up with CSM (chopped strand mat, following i

10、s the same). 2.1.2 表层损伤,影响强度轻微的 Surface damage, affect the strength slightly 2.1.2 表层损伤,影响强度轻微的 Surface damage, affect the strength slightly 此类损伤仅限于表层且但是损伤范围较2.1.1更大的(受损面积小于DN/4DN/4但不超过200 200mm,取小者) ,损伤深度低于壁厚的15%或5mm(取小者) ,一般是由碰撞、坠击、垫伤引 起的,可按如下方式处理: The damage is similar to 2.1.1 but larger (damage

11、 area is less than the smaller of DN/4DN/4 and 200200mm), and the damage depth is lower than the smaller of 15% (of actual thickness) and 5mm. This type of damage is usually caused by impacting, crash or compression, and could be repaired by the following: 压力1.0MPa,直接打磨掉纤维裸露部分,补平损伤区域,然后再补强增厚3mm、延伸补强

12、 宽度100mm。 For PN1.0MPa, grinding the fiberglass and filling up the damage area, then reinforcing the area at least 3mm and 100mm width (3mm is thicker than pipe, 100mm is wider than damage area, following is the same). 3 3 压力1.0MPa,直接打磨掉纤维裸露部分,补平损伤区域,然后再补强增厚5mm、延伸补强 宽度150mm。 For PN1.0MPa, grinding t

13、he fiberglass and filling up the damage area, then reinforcing the area at least 5mm and 150mm width. 2.1.3 结构层受到损伤,影响强度较重的 Structural damage, affect the strength seriously 2.1.3 结构层受到损伤,影响强度较重的 Structural damage, affect the strength seriously 此类损伤伤及结构层且损伤范围较大的(受损面积小于DN/4DN/4但不超过500500mm, 取小者) ,损伤深度

14、低于壁厚的20%或10mm(取小者) ,一般是由碰撞、坠击、垫伤引起的,可按 如下方式处理: The damage is deep into structural layer and larger (damage area is less than the smaller of DN/4DN/4 and 500500mm), and the damage depth is lower than the smaller of 20% (of actual thickness) and 10mm. This type of damage is usually caused by impacting

15、, crash or compression, and could be repaired by the following: 压力1.0MPa,直接打磨掉纤维裸露部分,补平损伤区域,然后再补强增厚10mm、延伸补强 宽度等于手糊半宽。 For PN1.0MPa, grinding the fiberglass and filling up the damage area, then 4 4 reinforcing the area at least 10mm and half width of lamination joint. 压力1.0MPa,直接打磨掉纤维裸露部分,补平损伤区域,然后再

16、补强增厚15mm、延伸补强 宽度等于手糊半宽。 For PN1.0MPa, grinding the fiberglass and filling up the damage area, then reinforcing the area at least 15mm and half width of lamination joint. 严重程度超过本条所述的,应予以更换以确保管线的安全稳定运行。 If the damage is more serious than above description, please replace the pipe for safety operating of pipeline. 2.1.4 贯穿性损伤 Transfixion Damage 2.1.4 贯穿性损伤 Transfixion Damage 此类损伤一般贯穿范围较小且裂纹没有扩散(贯穿面积小于DN/10DN/10且不超过 10mm、 裂纹或分层面积不超过贯穿面积两倍) , 一般是由重物坠击、 尖锐物垫伤及其他人为造成的



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