2018年秋七年级英语(广东)人教版练习:unit 7 第一课时

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1、Unit 7How much are these socks?第一课时Section A(1a2e)01基础过关.根据句意及图片提示填写单词。,(第1题图),(第2题图),(第3题图),(第5题图),(第4题图)1.His brothers trousers are black.2The red Tshirt is Mikes.Its very nice.3Sallys yellow socks are on the sofa.4What color is your brothers sweater,Alan?5That green skirt is only 15 dollars.根据句意及

2、汉语提示填写单词。6The shoes(鞋) are very nice.I like them.7Can I help you?Yes. I need(需要) a bag for school.8Jack,do you know the two women(女子)?9We will take(买下) two red cups.10I dont like the small Tshirt.I like the big(大号的) one.单项选择。(C)11.How about this blue skirt?Its too_.I want a long one.Abig Btall Cshor

3、t Dfat(D)12.My Tshirt _ blue and my shorts _ black.Ais;is Bare;are Care;is Dis;are(A)13._ is that jacket?_ 80 dollars.AHow much;Its BHow much;TheyreCWhat color;Its DWhat;Theyre(A)14._ is your sweater?Its white.AWhat color BHow much CWhere DWhat(D)15._?Yes,please.I need a sweater.ADo you like trouser

4、sBHow about the sweaterCCan you help meDCan I help you.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16我们聚会需要一些水果。We need some fruit for the party.17他的房间大吗?不,是小的。Is his room big?No.Its small18那些香蕉多少钱? How much are those bananas?19我喜欢这条裙子,我要买下它。I like the skirt and Ill take it20那件红色的夹克衫看上去真漂亮。That red jacket looks really nice02能力

5、提升.情景交际。根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余选项。A:Good afternoon! _21_ B:Good afternoon! I want to buy a sweater for my son.A:A sweater?Do you like this new style(款式)?B:_22_ A:Well,how about this one?B:Good.Its very nice.A:_23_ B:Er,green,I think.Do you have a green one?A:_24_ How about this blue one?B:Its OK. _25_ A:35 dollars.B:Ill take it.Thank you.A:Youre welcome.AWhat color does your son like?BSorry,I dont like it very much.CHow much is it?DWhat do you want to do?ECan I help you?FHere you are.GSorry,we dont have any green ones.21E22.B23.A24.G25.C



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