2018年中考英语(遵义专版)总复习练习 6 八年级(上) units 4-5

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《2018年中考英语(遵义专版)总复习练习 6 八年级(上) units 4-5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年中考英语(遵义专版)总复习练习 6 八年级(上) units 4-5(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、八年级(上)Units 45一、单项选择。( C )1.(长春中考改编)In 2022, Beijing will host the Winter Olympics._my brother and I want to watch it.ANeither BEither CBoth( A )2.(长春中考改编)I hope my school life of senior high will be_than that of junior high.Amore exciting Bvery excitingCas exciting as( A )3.(2017邵阳中考)Mr.Smith said

2、his son was as_as his daughter.AhardworkingBmore hardworking Cthe most hardworking( A )4.(西宁中考)I hope everyone can care about_the environment and stop_things.Aprotecting;wastingBprotecting;to wasteCprotect;wasting( C )5.(2017安徽中考改编)It is necessary for schools to_the need of all the students developm

3、ent. Acut B.hide C.satisfy( B )6.(包头中考改编)There are plenty of sports you can do in bad weather,_,you can play basketball indoors.Asuch as Bfor exampleCas well as( B )7.My mother says my friend is similar_me,but I think she is different_me.Aas;from Bto;from Cto;to( C )8.Shall we go to the amusement pa

4、rk right away or next weekend?_Any time will do.AExcuse meBHave a good timeCIts up to you( A )9.(2017北京中考改编)The hotel is very old.Its one of_buildings in the city.Athe oldest Bolder Coldest( C )10.(2017上海中考改编)Do you know _ a 5day trip to Hong Kong costs?I guess its about ¥4,000.Ahow fast B.how longC

5、how much二、(2017邵阳中考改编)完形填空。Once there were two mice.They were friends.One mouse lived in the country,_11_mouse lived in the city.After many years the Country Mouse saw the City Mouse,he _12_,“Do come and see me at my house in the country.”So the City Mouse went.The City Mouse said, “This food is not

6、 good,and your house is not good,_13_.Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should _14_ and live in the city.You would live in a nice house _15_ stone.You must come and see me at my house in the city.”The Country Mouse went to the house _16_ the City Mouse.It was a very good house.Nice food wa

7、s ready for them to eat.But just as they began to eat they heard a great _17_The City Mouse cried,“Run!Run!The cat is coming!”They ran away _18_ and hid.After some time they came out.When they came out,the Country Mouse said,“I_19_ living in the city.I like living in my hole in the field.For _20_ is

8、 nicer to be poor and happy,than to be rich and afraid.”( A )11.A.the otherBother Cothers Danother( B )12.A.spoke B.said C.told Dtalked( A )13.A.too Beither Calso Dneither( D )14.A.coming Bcame Ccomes Dcome( B )15.A.be made of B.made of Cmaking of Dmake of( C )16.A.at Bon Cof Din( C )17.A.sound B.vo

9、ice C.noise Dspeech( A )18.A.quickly B.more quickly Cthe most quickly Dquick( B )19.A.like B.dont like Cam not like Dlikes( D )20.A.he Bthis Cthat Dit三、(2017江西中考)口语交际。情景七选五请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填入对话的五个选项。A:Hi,how are you?B:Not very well,I think I have the flu.A:Oh no!You poor thing.21._D_B:It

10、might be,I suppose,but it doesnt feel like it.Ive had it for a few days now.I just feel really weak and tired all the time.A:22._C_ Maybe you should go home and get some rest.B:Yes,you are right.A:23._G_B:Thats true.Could you tell Mr.Smith Im sick?A:24._A_B:And could you give him my homework?A:Sure.

11、B:Thanks.A:No problem.25._F_B:Ill try my best.Thanks.Bye.A:Bye.See you.四、(咸宁中考)任务型阅读。Too many people want others to be their friends, but they dont give friendship back.That is why some friendships dont last very long.To have a friend, you must learn to be one.You must learn to treat your friend the

12、 way you want your friend to treat you.Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest, be generous(慷慨的), be understanding.Honesty is where a good friendship starts.Friends must be able to trust one another.如果你不说实话,人们通常都会识破。If a friend finds out that you havent been honest,you may

13、lose your friend.Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow.You dont have to give your lunch money or your clothes, of course.Instead you have to learn how to share things you enjoy,like your hobbies and your interests.Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings.These

14、can be very valuable to a friend.They tell your friend what is important to you.By sharing them you can understand each other better.Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem.Something may go wrong at school.Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve.Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem.So to be a friend, you must listen and understand.You must try to put yourself in your friends place so you can understand the problem better.No_two_friendships_are_ever_exactly_alike.But all true friendships have three things in common.If



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