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1、Unit 1第一篇It was my first day at collage and I was hauling my suitcase up the stairs of my accommodation block with my parents close behind me. I was sharing a bedroom and sincerely hoped that my roommate would be like me, quiet, tidy and studious, someone with whom I could have lengthy philosophical

2、 conversations about the meaning of life. I was also rather hoping that I would be the first to arrive in the room so that I could grab the best bed!I opened the door and peered in, muttering a little prayer that my roommate hadnt arrived yet, then gasped in astonishment at the sight that met my eye

3、s. Had the room be visited by a hurricane-or perhaps there had been a burglary? There had to be some explanation for the clothes that were strewn all over the floor and the beds-both beds! On both beds too were four of the most enormous suitcases I had ever seen, both of them overflowing with clothe

4、s (and not a book in sight, I noticed).Sprawled on one of the bedsthe best one, of coursewas an attractive girl dressed as if for an extremely glamorous party. She was talking animatedly on her mobile and, on hearing us enter, waved casually in our direction without so much as bothering to look up.

5、Our mouths fell open in a collective gasp of astonishment, and we must have stood there for at least a minute waiting for her to acknowledge us. she did no such thing but instead turned to face the wall and continued her conversation.“Well!” said my mother. “Well!”My father cleared his throat nervou

6、sly while I gulped. How on earth was I going to cope? Slowly the girl turned over and granted us a lazy smile. “Hi!” she said languidly. “My names Tracy. Look, Im really hoping you dont object, but Ive decided to change rooms. Do you mind?”它是我在大学里的第一天,我把我的行李箱上楼的我和我父母住宿块紧随其后。我分享一间卧室,真诚地希望我的室友会像我一样,安静

7、,整洁,好学,能跟我冗长的哲学讨论人生的意义。我也很希望我将是第一个抵达的房间,这样我就能抓住最好的床上!我打开门,在细看,咕哝着祈祷,我的室友还没有到达,然后喘着粗气惊讶地看到,见过我的眼睛。房间被飓风访问,或者也许有盗窃?必须有一些解释的衣服散落在地板上,床 床! 在两个床也最巨大的四个行李箱我所见过的,他们两人的衣服( 而不是一本书 ,我注意到) 。躺在一个床上的最好的一个,课程是一个有吸引力的女孩身着极其迷人的聚会。她活生生地在她的移动和说话,听到我们进入,挥舞着随便在我们的方向不懒得抬头。嘴里倒在一个集体惊讶的喘息,我们必须站在那里至少一分钟等待她承认我们。她没有这样做,而是转过头来

8、面对着墙,继续她的谈话。“好吧 !”我妈说。 “好吧!”我父亲紧张地清了清嗓子,我一饮而尽。我在地球上是如何去应对呢?慢慢的女孩了,答应给我们一个慵懒的笑容。 “嗨!”她阴沉地说。 “我的名字是特蕾西。看,我真的希望你不反对,但我决定改变房间。你介意吗?”问题;1. When the passage begins, the writer is about to start college.当通道开始,作者即将开始大学。2. The writer wanted to arrive before her roommate in order to get the best bed.作者想前到达她的室

9、友为了得到最好的床。3. The writer wondered if there had been a hurricane because the room was a mess.。 作者怀疑有飓风,因为房间里一团乱。4. There were no books in Tracys suitcases没有书在特蕾西的手提箱5. At first, when the writer and her parents arrived, Tracy did not acknowledge them首先,作者和她的父母来到时,特蕾西不承认他们6. Unlike the writer, her roomm

10、ate Tracy is very messy不像作者,她的室友特蕾西非常混乱7. The writer did not think that she and Tracy would get on作者不认为她和特蕾西将会有进展8. When they saw Tracy and the state of the room, the writer and her parents were shocked当他们看到特蕾西和房间的状态,作者和她的父母感到震惊9. It can be inferred(推断) that when Tracy said she was going to change r

11、ooms the writer would feel relieved可以推断,当特雷西说,她会改变房间作者会觉得松了一口气第二篇:At 11:43 am last Tuesday, college student Lenny Howard was standing at the open hatch of a small plane staring down at the ground 3500 ft below. “Ok, lad,” said the parachute instructor briskly. “Ready to jump in ten!”“Im insane!” tho

12、ught Lenny. “I cant stand heights and here I am about to jump into the sky with nothing but a bit of cloth on my back. And Im doing it for Rag Week! Rag Week!”Lenny jumped. When he hit the ground (safely!) 30 seconds later, not only had Lenny made his first parachute jump, he had also succeeded in r

13、aising $400 for Save the Children, one of the charities sponsored by his University Rag Society.Skydiving is one of the many unusual activities that students do during Rag Week, when students all over the country raise money for charity. Other events include bungee jumping, 3-legged races, anything

14、in fact that will attract attention and encourage people to sponsor them. “Hitches”, for example, involve raising sponsorship to hitchhike to an exciting destination without spending any money. Theres even “kidnapping”, where, as the name suggests, someone is kidnapped and a ransom is demanded for t

15、heir return. Traditionally , theres also a colorful parade through the streets with students collecting money from the public.The term “Rag” has its origins in the 19th century when students used to collect rags to make clothes for the poor. More recently, “Rag” has been given the meaning “Raise and

16、 Give”. Rag Week is one of the most enjoyable and successful events in the student year, with large sums of money raised for good causes. Fundraising doesnt stop at Rag Week as Student Rag Societies organize charity events throughout the year. Recently, Loughborough Universitys Student Rag Society raised almost $1000000, Long may the “Rag” tradition continue!在上午 11.43,上周二,大学生 Lenny 霍华德正站在一架小型飞机舱口打开瞪着地面 3500 英尺深。 “好了,小伙子,”降落伞教练轻快地说。 “准备跳十!”“我是疯了!”莱尼想。



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