【精英新课堂 贵阳专版】八年级英语上册(人教版 导学案):unit4 第一课时 section a(1a - 2d)

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【精英新课堂 贵阳专版】八年级英语上册(人教版 导学案):unit4 第一课时  section a(1a - 2d)_第1页
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【精英新课堂 贵阳专版】八年级英语上册(人教版 导学案):unit4 第一课时  section a(1a - 2d)_第2页
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【精英新课堂 贵阳专版】八年级英语上册(人教版 导学案):unit4 第一课时  section a(1a - 2d)_第3页
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【精英新课堂 贵阳专版】八年级英语上册(人教版 导学案):unit4 第一课时  section a(1a - 2d)_第4页
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《【精英新课堂 贵阳专版】八年级英语上册(人教版 导学案):unit4 第一课时 section a(1a - 2d)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【精英新课堂 贵阳专版】八年级英语上册(人教版 导学案):unit4 第一课时 section a(1a - 2d)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?第一课时Section A (1a2d)【学习目标】1学生能学会关于形容词、副词最高级的常用词汇与句型。2学生通过听含有最高级的对话,学会用最高级来谈论周围的事物,提升学生的语言交际能力。3学生通过开展小组学习活动,了解我们周围有哪些最出色的人或物,知道生活中有很多值得我们去学习的人、周围环境中有很多值得我们去珍惜的事物,形成学生热爱生活的意识。【学习重点】重点单词和短语:theater,comfortable,seat,screen,close,ticket,worst,cheaply,song,DJ,choose,car

2、efully,reporter,so far,fresh,comfortably,no problem【学习难点】通过交流表达和听力训练,用形容词或副词的最高级形式来描述人或事物Learning action tips:Teacher presents the map of this area by multimedia, students talk about their own city. Lead the topic:the superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.Whats the largest mall in our city?W

3、hats the most popular place in our city?(First think it over well and answer then communicate ingroups)Task 1Learning action tips: Preview the words on Page2526 in the word list. Students read the words by phonetic symbols, then underline new words in the text and mark the Chinese meaning. At last f

4、inish the task in 1a.【知识链接】辨析sound/voice(1)sound指发出来的各种各样的声音。(2)voice指喉咙里发出来的声音。choose的用法来源:学优高考网gkstk【点拨】choose的过去式为chose,过去分词为chosen。【短语归纳】choose to do 选择做某事chooseas选作来源:学优高考网gkstkchoosefor为选情景导入生成问题1T:Whats the largest mall in our city?S:_2T:Whats the most popular place in our city?S:_自学互研生成能力Tas

5、k 1Lets read new words and the phrases.1I can read.(我会读)theater, comfortable, seat, screen, close, ticket, worst, cheaply, song, DJ,choose, carefully, reporter, so far, fresh, comfortably, no problem2I can write.(我会写)翻译下列短语和句子:(1)最大的屏幕the_biggest_screens(2)离家最近the_closest_to_home(3)最短的等待时间the_shorte


7、e_most_cheaply_there.(13)最好的服装店是哪家?梦幻服饰服装店。Which_is_the_best_clothes_store?_Dream_clothes.(14)城镇电影院Town_cinema3I can summarize.(我会总结)当对三者或三者以上的人或事物进行比较,表示“最”的含义时,需要用最高级。形容词 最高级前面一般要加the 。副词最高级前面可加也可不加the。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)Sun Cinema has the_most_comfortable (comfortable) seat.(2)107.9FM is the_best

8、 (good) radio station of all.(3)You can buy clothes the_most_cheaply (cheaply) in Millers.(4)Mike does his homework the_most_carefully(carefully) of the three.(5)Dream clothes is the_worst (bad) store.Task 2Lets listen to the tape and finish 1b,2a,2b.Task 3Make conversations and interview.如:You can

9、choose three from these books.你可以从这些书中选三本。Task 2Learning action tips:1Students turn to Page25 and listen to the tape, finish the listening tasks in 1b.Students listen to the tape again and repeat.2Students turn to Page26 and listen to the tape, finish the listening tasks in 2a and 2b. Then students

10、listen again and repeat.【Method coach】听力三要素:听前浏览;听时记录;听后检查模仿纯正的语音语调,朗读听力材料,培养学生的语言交际能力。Task 3Learning action tips:Students read aloud the dialogue in1c, 2c and 2d, make the dialogue and have a conversation practice with“Whats the best clothes store in town? I think Blue Moon is the best.”注意形容词最高级及其构

11、成(规则和不规则:good, better, best;bad, worse, worst)【知识链接】最高级的常用结构:(1)“the最高级(名词)表示范围的短语或从句”意为“中最的”。如:Jack is the_tallest_student_in his class. 杰克是他班上最高的学生。 Of all the subjects, I like English best 在所有的科目中,我最喜欢英语。(2)“one ofthe/物主代词/名词所有格形容词最高级可数名词复数”意为“最之一”。如:Jim is one_of_Mikes_best_friends. 吉姆是迈克最好的朋友之一

12、。(3)“the序数词形容词最高级名词”意为“第几个最的”。如:The Yellow River is the_second_longest_river in China.黄河是中国的第二长河。1.I can practice.(我会练)A:Which is (1) the_worst(最差的)radio station?B:I think 970AM is the worst.A:Why do you think so?B:They play (2)the_most_boring_songs(最无聊的歌曲)A:I think so, it also has (3)the_worst_musi

13、c(最差的音乐)2I can make conversations.(我会编对话)你能结合课文及2b的内容编写对话,来介绍自己并询问朋友周围最好的设施吗?运用句型:Whats the best movie theater? I think Sun Cinema is the best.A:Hello!_Im_a_reporter._Can_I_ask_you_some_questions?B:Sure.A:Whats_the_best_radio_station_in_town?B:I_think_107.9FM_is_the_best.A:Why_do_you_think_so?B:The_

14、DJs_choose_songs_the_most_carefully.A:Thanks_for_telling_me.B:No_problem.3I can interview and report.(我会采访和汇报)Oral report:In_our_group/class,_Wang_Lin_thinks_the_best_radio_station_is_97.9_FM._It_is_the_most_popular._Li_Lei_thinks_the_best_clothes_store_is_Blue_Moon._It_has_the_best_clothes._Han_Mei_thinks_the_best_restaurant_is_Italian_Restaurant._It_has_the_most_favorite_food.交流展示生成新知Preshow:Show in groups. (Time: six minutes)Task 1:First read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum


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