人教版英语七年级上册英语教案 sectiona(1a-1c)

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1、Starter Unit 3 What color is it?Period2 (1a-1c ) Teaching goalsTalk about letters and colors with such patterns as Whats this? ItsV. What color is it? Its.Get the students to grasp the English new words: color, red, yellow, green, blue, black,white,purple,brown.To get the students to practice their

2、listening skills. To make the students more interested in learning(目标引领:用一段话表达了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标,一目了然。)Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step1 Preview一、 Do you know something about colors? If not, look at the following passages. 虽然色彩带来的感觉可能因人而异,在不同的文化背景中也有不同的涵义,但是人们对某些颜色影响的界定还是放之四海而皆准的。我们的眼睛第一看到暖色,第二

3、看到的才是冷色。冷色相对低调,而暖色更加高调,不过,饱和度也会产生一定影响。 RED: With its aggressive, stimulating and sexy nature, assertive attention and provoking action, the red is impossible to ignore. 红色:气质咄咄逼人,令人振奋而本性魅惑,彰显自信和挑战,这样的颜色自然不容忽视。 PINK: Depending on its saturation or value, pink evokes varied mood swings. Magenta and fu

4、chsia are perceived as sensual and theatrical. But water-down the red in lighter pinks and the raw sensuality of red is replaced with gentle romanticism. 粉红:根据饱和度和色值的不同,粉红可以引起不同的情绪振动。品红和紫红被视为性感夸张,但用浅粉冲淡红色之后,原始的诱惑感觉就会被柔和的浪漫情愫取代。 ORANGE: Inheriting some of the drama of red, orange is tempered by the f

5、riendly humour of yellow. Its the colour that stimulates the appetite and radiates with warmth and vitality. 橙色:继承了红色的张扬,又被黄色的婉转所中和,橙色能有效促进食欲,也是放射着温暖活力的颜色。 YELLOW: Yellow and black is the most unignorable colour combination in nature - tigers, stinging bees - its the colour that says: youd better pa

6、y attention to me. 黄色:黄色和黑色是自然界最让人过目难忘的组合老虎,蜜蜂都是这样一身装扮。这样的颜色是在宣告:你最好注意着点。 BROWN: Rustic, durable, wholesome and deliciously rich are just some of the traits of the colour thats often associated with earth and home, substance and stability. 棕色:纯朴、持久、健康、厚实,这些还不能概括棕色的所有特征。这种颜色经常与乡土、物质和稳定这些概念联系起来。 BLUE:

7、 Ever noticed how many corporations and financial institutions use blue in their brands? Thats because blue is seen as dependable and committed. It is also the colour we often associate with calm and serenity. Darken the blue and youll add an instant authority, credibility and power to it. 蓝色:你注意到有多

8、少公司和金融机构在它们的商标里选用蓝色吗?因为蓝色是标志可靠和忠诚的颜色。我们也经常将它与沉着和宁静联系起来。而蓝色一旦加深,就会带来权威、信誉和权利的暗示。 GREEN: Because of its association with nature and foliage, green in design can be used almost like a neutral colour: greens never clash with red or pink roses, yellow sunflowers, lilacs or bluebells. 绿色:因其与自然和绿叶的关系,设计师常用

9、它来充当中间色:绿色从不与大红或粉红的玫瑰、黄色太阳花、紫丁香、风铃草这些图案冲突。 PURPLE: Its perhaps the most enigmatic and complex colour, with the range of meanings - from royal to elegant to spiritual to mysterious. Purple is often favoured by very creative and eccentric people who are not afraid of appearing daring. 紫色:可能是最神秘也最难解的颜色

10、,其涵义也是多层次的:贵族、优雅、宗教、玄奥,不一而足。兼具创造力、神经质和胆识的人常偏好紫色。(设计意图:让学生了解一些关于颜色的背景知识,唤起对新知识的渴望。)二Look at P9, put the following into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.紫色 _ 棕色 _ 蓝色_ 绿色_ 黑色 _ 白色_ 黄色_红色_ 颜色_橙色 _橙子_三、Put the following into Chinese.1.What color is it?_2.Its V._3.What colo

11、r is it?_4.Its red._5.Whats that?_6.Its Z._7.Its black._(设计意图:预习体现了以学生为中心的思想,强调学生自主学习,为下步学习打下基础。)Step2 Warming up and leading in 1)T: Do you like listening to English songs? Ss: Yes!T:I play an English song I can sing the rainbow. Do you know what it is? Ss: Yes. Its a rainbow.(彩虹)T: What color is i

12、t?Ss: Its red,orange,yellow.T: Lets come to 1a.Write the letter for each color.Ss do1a.2)Memory challenge.Do you have a good memory? Can you match them?Teacher shows the words of colors ,the pictures of colors and color letters, then asks students to match them.1.red 2. yellow3. green4. blue5. black

13、6. white7. purple8. brown(设计意图:利用彩虹的英语歌曲引入,图文并茂,色彩鲜明,开门见山,使学生迅速热身,并且引出本课的学习目标,自然而然地进入到新课的学习,通过记忆大挑战的环节让学生把单词、颜色、及字母对应起来,对预习的环节进行了检测,课堂效果良好。)Step3 Listening for the general idea听取大意 1b1 .Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.The main idea of the conversation is to talk about_.A. the two

14、 children are talking about the lettersB. the two children are talking about colorsC. the two children are talking about the letters and their colors on the balloon.( 设计意图:让学生对听力文本有大致的了解,概括要尽可能全面。) 1b2.Listening for the specific ideas听取细节 Listen again and fill in the blanks. Boy:Whats this? Girl:Its_. Boy:What_is it? Girl:Its_. Boy:Whats _? Girl:Its_. Boy:_ color is it ? Girl:Its_.( 设计意图:通过本项训练,旨在培养学生获取重要信息的能力,并能通过上下文来猜测,核对信息。本环节所设计的空格正好用来检测前面所学过的字母和本单元生词课所学有关颜色的



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