2017春牛津译林版八年级下册英语教案:unit 1 past and present period 7

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1、TaskI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. describe the details of two different pictures;2. organize ideas by using a fact file before writing;3. write a report on the changes in their hometown;4. know how to improve their writing.II. Teachin

2、g contents1. New words and phrases: open space, narrow and dirty roads, in their free time2. New structure: . has changed a lot over the years.Many changes have taken place in . People are enjoying a . life.There were only . in the past, but now .III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of diffic

3、ulty1. Learn the steps of writing a report. 2. Write a report and improve the writing. IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Before-writing 1. Lead-inT: Great changes have taken place in our hometown. Im really happy to see that. Lets write a report on the changes in our hometown. Do you know how to write a

4、 good report? 来源:学优高考网【设计意图:通过创设情境,明确本课的写作任务,激发学生的写作欲望。】2. Changes in Moonlight TownT: Amy plans to write about the changes in Moonlight Town. She has an old picture and a recent picture of the town. T: Look at the pictures carefully and lets talk about the changes in Moonlight Town.Environment/life

5、/ transport Useful expressionsIn the past, there were People used to .But now there are The government has built .Group 1: Talk about how things looked in the past.Group 2: Talk about how things look at present.【设计意图:通过对比月光镇过去和现在的图片,引导学生从环境、生活和交通等不同方面描绘月光镇的变化,为接下来的正式写作准备语言素材。】Step 2 While-writing 1.

6、 Make a fact file to organize ideasT: We have got lots of useful information about Moonlight Town. We can make a fact file to organize ideas. T: Amy organized her ideas by using a fact file. Lets help her fill in the blanks.TopicFacts来源:学优高考网来源:学优高考网gkstk来源:gkstk.ComPastPresentEnvironmentLifeTranspo

7、rtopinion【设计意图:告诉学生可以利用表格组织写作思路,并且记得在陈述完变化之后,表达自己的观点,注意运用Study skills课时的学习策略。】2. Complete Part CT: Amy is writing her report on the changes in Moonlight Town. Please help her complete her report using the fact file.3. The structure of Amys reportParagraph 1: Introduction Paragraphs 24: Main bodyPara

8、graph 5: Conclusion【设计意图:通过分析范文的段落结构,来让学生明白一份完整的报告的构成。】4. Useful expressionsIntroduction: Many changes have taken place in . has changed a lot over the years.Main body: In the past, there were only ., but now .Years ago, people lived . Now people have moved . People used to ., but now .Conclusion: P

9、eople are enjoying a . life.In a word, life in . is better now than before.【设计意图:分段研读范文,逐层赏析文章的遣词造句,为下一环节的写作提供素材和范例。】5. How to write a good report?(1) Get useful information.(2) Find an old picture and a recent picture of your hometown. Find the differences between them.(3) Organize ideas by making

10、a fact file.(4) Make an outline before writing.(5) Write a report, using Amys article as a model.【设计意图:向学生展示写好一篇报告的五个基本步骤,帮助他们明确按步骤写作的理念。】6. How to improve the report?T: Li Hua has written a report on the changes in Yangzhou. Lets help him improve his writing. (1) Li Huas fact file T: Heres Li Huas

11、fact file. Its helpful to organize the ideas before writing. (2) Li Huas report T: Does Li Huas report have a clear structure? I dont think so. His report only has the main body. He should add an introduction and his opinion.Some parts need rewriting. We should add more details, put sentences into t

12、he right order, use correct tenses and choose proper expressions. 【设计意图:巧设情境,过渡到如何修改习作,说明修改原因,并给出一些提示,以此启发并鼓励学生修改自己的习作,帮助学生提升写作技能。】7. WritingT: Write a report on the changes in your hometown.Step 3 Post-writing 1. Group workT: Work in groups and assess the reports.2. Improve the writingT:Try to impr

13、ove your writing, using the skills youve just learnt.【设计意图:根据评价要求进行小组评价,然后独立修改。】Step 4 Conclusion T: Our hometown has become a modern city. People are living a happy life. Lets work together to make our hometown a better place.【设计意图:激发学生热爱家乡的情感,从而产生将家乡建设得更美好的愿望。】V. Homework1. Improve your writing. 2. Make a poster on the changes in your hometown.


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