2017春人教新目标版八年级英语下册教案:unit 4 第五课时

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1、抚 顺 市 第 二 十 六 中 学 教 学 案探究新知:Linda Miller knows all about such stress. In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older.2. Leading-in“导入新课”(1) Look at the picture in 2b, and answer the following questions: 1) What is the common problem for Chinese and American fa

2、milies?来源:学优高考网 2) Who gives their opinions about the problem?展示汇报: 1. 速读 (Fast Reading)Read quickly and find the answers to the questions:(1) Are Chinese children busier on weekends than weekdays?(2) What are they learning at after-school classes?来源:学优高考网gkstk(3) What kind family do the Taylors bel

3、ong to?(4) When does competition start?(5) Why dont they just let their kids be kids?(6) Is too much pressure good for a childs development?实践创新: 完成课文:来源:gkstk.Com来源:学优高考网 2. 精读 (Intensive Reading)(1) Read the passage carefully and find the words in 2c (2) Read the article again and answer the quest

4、ions. Does Cathy Taylor think Its important for kids to join after-school activities? Does Linda Miller agree with Cathy? Whats her opinion?来源:gkstk.Com Does Dr. Green agree with Cathy or Linda? What does she say?序号:29年级:八年级学科:英语 执笔人:LY课题:Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?(第五课时)时间:教学目标1. 学习并掌

5、握新词汇:2. 能正确使用以下常用表达:cut out删除;删去 comparewith比较;对比 its time for到了该干的时候了3. 学会使用以下句型:Linda Miller knows all about such stress. In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older. 教学重点重点词汇、常用表达及句型。教学难点在理解文章故事情节的基础上对文章进行进一步的解读。教具:多媒体课件、录音机课前展示激趣导入探究新知课前3分钟检查单词预习情况,教师根据

6、学生读的状况,适当领读,帮助学生正音。1. Free talk “自由交际”1) Make conversations to talk about after-school activitiese.g.:What after-school activities do you usually do?I often do homework.(use the Internet, have after-school lessons, hang out with friends, watch movies, play sports or exercise)2) Role play the convers

7、ation.(1e)2. Revision “复习检查” 通过检查“学案”中“新知预习”内容检查预习效果,opinion意见;想法;看法 skill技艺;技巧 typical典型的 football橄榄球;足球 quick快的;时间短暂的 continue持续;继续存在 compare比较 crazy不理智的;疯狂的 push鞭策;督促;推动 development发展;发育;成长 cause造成;引起 usual通常的,寻常的(2)能正确使用以下常用表达:cut out删除;删去 comparewith比较;对比 its time for到了该干的时候了 (3)学会使用以下句型:每堂一清:.

8、 Close the books and try to fill in the blanks.These days, Chinese children are sometimes _ on weekends than weekdays because they have to take so many after-school classes. Many of them are learning _ _so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university. Others are practicing s

9、ports_ they can compete and win . However, this doesnt only happen in China.The Taylors are a _ American family. Life for Cathy Taylors three children is very busy. “On most days after school, ” Cathy says, “I one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football _. Then I have to ta

10、ke my other son to piano lessons . Maybe I could _ _ a few of their activities, but I believe these activities are _ for my childrens future. I really want them to be _.” However, the tired children _ get home _ after 7:00 p.m. They have a quick dinner, and then _ _ _ homework.Linda Miller, a mother

11、 of three, knows all about _. “In some families, _ starts very young and _ until the kids get older,” She says. “Mothers send their small kids to _ _ _ classes. And they are always _ them with other children. Its _. I dont think thats _, Why dont they let their _ _ _? People shouldnt push their kid

12、so hard.”Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs _. Dr. Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. “Kids should have time to _ and _ for themselves, too. _ its normal to want successful children, its even _ _ to have happy children.”作业:1. 用方框中所给单词的适当

13、形式填空来源:学优高考网gkstksoundnicewritefriend feelyou likeneed helphowWe have a lot of trouble in our life, but we have to face them. When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, there are six ways to make you 1 good about yourself.(1)Look in the mirror (镜子) and say to 2 ,“Im a special person a

14、nd theres no one in the world 3 me. I can do anything!”It may not 4 so good, but it really works!(2)Do something 5 for someone. 6 others always makes you feel good.(3)Smile! Be 7 to people you meet. Look for the good things in your friends and family.(4)Learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate your own room or learn 8 to swim? Go for it! New challenges (挑战) are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment when



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