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1、为隆重中国共产党成立97周年,充分发挥基层党组织战斗堡垒和共产党员的先锋模范作用,在二轻系统营造奋勇争先、创造新业绩的浓厚氛围Unit 1 Art-Period 2I 单句语法填空1 If I _ (be) you , I _( put) her suggestion into account.2 If I _( have) a chance to try it ,I _(do)it in another way.3 I wish my daughter _(apply) theory to practice.4 _ there _ (be) a flood, what _ we _(do)?

2、5 Without music , the world _(be) a dull place .6 We took a taxi to the airport .Otherwise we _ (be) late.7 But for your help I _(fail) in the experiment.8 It _(be) difficult to discover the truth about Iraq War if people refused to consider anything that might be true.9 If everyone in the country _

3、(know) first aid ,many lives world be saved.II 单句改错 1 If I am you , I wouldnt answer the call。 2 Without electricity , human life will be quite different today.3 Has he gone to the doctor right away ,he might have been alive._4 The secretary suggested that they brought the men in at once._ 5 He was

4、very busy yesterday .Otherwise he had come to the meeting.III用虚拟语气改写句子1 She was given enough money .She bought the book.If she _ enough money, she wouldnt have bought the book.2 He wants to come to the party, but he cant because he has to work. He _ to the party if he didnt have to work.3 Tom didnt

5、work hard and he failed the exam. _Tom _ hard, he would have passed the exam.4 We know little about the disease, so we are not able to treat the patients effectively. If we _more about the disease, we would be able to treat the patients effectively.5 Li Qiang is easy-going , so he has a number of fr

6、iends.If Li Qiang were not easy-going , he _ a number of friends. IV语法填空1 We _ back in the hotel now if you didnt lose the map.A are B were C will be D would be 2 Ellen is a fantastic dancer .I wish I _ as well as her.A dance B will dance C had danced D danced3 We would rather our daughter_ at home

7、with us , but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longerA would stay B has stayed C stayed D stay 4 We_ Johns name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury.A will put B will have put C would put D would have put5 Without you help , we _ this task on time-My pleasure.A dont finis

8、h B will not finish C didnt finish D would not have finished6 Sorry, I am too busy now .If I_ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.A have had B had had C have D had7 Should it rain ,the crops_.A would be saved B would have been savedC will be saved D had been saved 8 If it _ tomorrow. I

9、 wouldnt go out.A had rained B were to rain C is going to rainD will rain9 Dont touch that wire, my child.-What _ if I _?A will happen ; will do B would happen ; didC would have happened; had done D happens ; doV语法填空 Nowadays, the smog has been 1_ world concern. Since the winter last year, the smog

10、2_ (occur) a lot of times in China,3_ has done great harm to our daily life. Many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy smog weather. Whats worse , quite a lot flights have to be put off, and a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the 4_ (poison) air caused by the s

11、mog. How I wish we could enjoy the clean air and the blue sky. Some people demand that enterprises should take the duty. They think without so much industrial fuel burning, the air wouldnt 5_(pollute) so heavily. Others insist that the government should accept greater 6 _ (responsible). Fortunately,

12、 people have realized the great harm 7_(cause) by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment and are taking measures 8_(reduce)the smog weather .It is suggested that everyone should go to work or school with the public traffic, such 9_ the bus and the underground. Also, it is high tim

13、e we 10_(plant)more trees .Please protect our would with your heart whoever you are.选修六Period 2答案I 1 were ,would put 2 had, ,would do 3 applied 4 should, be should, do 5 would be 6 would have been 7 would have failed 8 would be 9 knewII 1 amwere 2 willwould 3 HasHad 4 brought(should)bring 5 hadwould have III 1 had not been given 2 would come 3 Had, worked 4 knew 5 wouldnt haveIV DDCDD DABBV 1 a 2 has occurred 3 which 4 poisonous 5 have been polluted 6 responsibility 7 caused 8 to reduce 9 as 10 planted全面贯彻落实党的十九大精神,经研究,决定在系统内开展以“不忘初心、牢记使命”为主题的“红七月服务月”活动。现就有关事项通知如下


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