2018秋人教版(武汉)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 1 第一课时x

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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?第一昌时“ Section A (1a一2d)工,根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1.The school trip was w , We had great fun,2.一Did your Sister go out with a ? 一Yes,she went out with Julie,3.Itook quite af photos at the Happy Valley(欢乐谷),4 He stayed at home上of the time to watcir TV pecause of the rain,5.一D

2、id they find the keys? ”一No,they didnt find them %开, 用所给单词的适当形式填空 。1. What about have) some noodles?2. David (Di3. There are quite a anice bike last week. placel for yon to Vi in Wuhan at this time of the year,4 The Science museuin 3 yery (oader) for students as adults to learn Science, 5.They (go)

3、to the zoo and (seej many interesting animals yesterday.开, 选择填空。( )1didnt go to Beijing Vacation,. stayed home,A, for;in B,on;at C,on;i D.in;at )2.You read the newspaper just now. Did you find in it?A,interesting anything B, anything interestingCinteresting Something D.something interesting( 。 )3. T

4、he physics problem is too hard ,so students can work it out,A,little B.few C,alittle D.a few )4, Please stop Walkingyand OUr teacher pas toteiiaus,A, Something important B,important somethingC,anything important D.nothing important(同一Where did Tina go vacation? ”一She to the mountains,A, for;goes R.o

5、n;went C,tno;went D.to;go下,根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 一你去哪里度假了? 一一我去了海滩。一Where you on ?一Lwenttothe2. 一你买了什么特别的东西吗? 一一是的,我买了一块手表。一Did you buy ? 一Yes,T bought a watch,3.上星期六我去看皇了我的上计工 my uncle4. 好久不见。 5.我没有去山里。我去打排球了。1 to the mountains,工T , 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A:|,B:I went to Wuhan,A:2,B:On October 2nd,A:3,

6、B:Yes,with my uncle and aunt, 人:4B:It was wonderful, We had fun,A:Oh,greatl Did you take any photos there?B :S, Pli show you when they come out,A:OK ,thanks, A, Did you go there with anyone?B, How did you go there?C,. When did you go there?D. Yes, did,上, Where did you go on vacation ,了Bob?F. Sorry,we didnt,G, How was your vacation?



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