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1、Wheelchair Accessible/ For Disabled Only 残疾人厕所Automatic Flush 免冲式厕所Sensor Tap 伸手出水Flush after Use请便后冲洗/来也匆匆,去也冲冲Toilet/Washroom/Restroom 公共厕所Caution: Wet Floor 小心滑倒Gentle Reminder 温馨提示Drinking Water 取水处Do Not Leave Your Belongings behind 请你带好随身物品Keep off the Grass 少一个脚印,多一份绿色Drive Slowly 高高兴兴上班去,平平安

2、安回家来Look out for coming traffic! 别往火坑里跳(交通安全)20% Off 八折优惠Beverage Not Included 酒水另付do not know their ABC 他们目不识丁2.If the public officials of higher authorities resort to bribery, those of lower authorities will follow. This is called “Fish begins to stink at the head .”【译文】上级公务员行受贿,下级公务员也会效仿。这叫“上行下效”

3、。3.Only the knife can save him.【译文】“只有外科手术才能救他。” 4. When I am Dead,My Dearest (C.G.Rossetti)I shall not see the shadows,(a) 我不会重见那荫影,I shall not feel the rain;(b) 我不会感觉雨天来临;I shall not hear the nightingale(C) 我不会听见那夜莺,Sing on as if in pain(b) 一声声仿佛哀鸣。 (虞苏美 译)5. The Golden Sunset (H.W.Long Fellow)The

4、 sea is but another sky, 茫茫然苍天如大海,The sky a sea as well, 浩浩然大海似苍天;And which is earth and which is heaven, 何处天上?何处人间The eye can scarcely tell. 俗眼岂能分辨?! (孙梁 译)Criterion of Translation n 1. Yan Fus (1853-1921)Triple Principle of Translation (faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance)n His faithfulness mea

5、ns that the translated text should be faithful to the original text. n His expressiveness means that the translated text should be expressive and coherent and the version should be smooth, and easy to read and understand. n His elegance demands that the translated text should be exquisite and that i

6、ts style ought to be very graceful. n 2. Liu Zhongdes Triple Principle for translation ( faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness)信于内容(to be faithful to the content of the original)达如其分(to be as expressive as the original)切合风格(to be as close to the original style as possible)n 3. Lu Xun(1881-1936)

7、: faithfulness(信), smoothness(顺)n 凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一则当然力求其易解,一则保存原作的风姿。 Translation must aim at two things: to be readily understood and to keep the full flavour of the original work.n 4. Fu lei(傅雷1908-1966): resemblance in spirit (神似),所求的不在形似,而在神似。n What is reqired is likeness in spirit rather than like

8、ness in form or apprarance.n 5. Qian Zhongshu(钱钟书1910-1997): sublimation (化境)n 文学翻译的最高标准是“化” The supreme criterion of literary translation is the transmigration of souls.n Translation is a transmission from source to target language, a representation of the original content and ideas in the target l

9、anguage. n 翻译是一种双语艺术,源语言和目标语言之间的转换,即用目标语再现源语的思想和内容。翻译导论 英汉语言结构对比和翻译中的转换 被动与主动 增词和减词词类的转换 名词性从句译法 正反译法 长句的译法 文化与翻译 He was nothing if not a hypocrite.译文:他不是伪君子才怪呢?1. Its more a poem than a picture. 与其说那是一幅画,不如说那是一首诗。2. He drank himself out of the best lines. 他借酒写得好诗句。3. He pretends to be as modest as

10、anything. 他装得极为谦虚。4. Fire goes wherever it can, but it prefers to follow a draft. 火是无孔不入的,可是它更爱窜入通风的地方。1. She couldnt have come at a better time. 她来得正是时候。2. She has been a widow only six months. 她的丈夫去世至今不过半年。3. I believe the speech was needlessly stubborn. 我认为那篇讲话口气强硬,大可不必。 4. The Englishman feels n

11、o less deeply than any other nationality. 英国人同其他民族一样,也有丰富的感情。 5. From a physical standpoint, there ought to be as many colours as there are different wave lengths. 从物理学的观点来看,不同的波长有多少种,颜色就有多少种。“无为” =to let things take their own coursen SL: 战士们坐成个“品”字型。n TL: The soldiers sat there facing each other.n

12、SL:结婚的事情八字还没一撇呢!n TL: There is a long way to go before getting married./ There is little hope of marriage./It is too early to talk about marriage.n SL: He knows the subject from A to Z.n TL: 他对这个主题了如指掌。 n SL: She is a cat.n TL: 她是个恶毒的女人。n SL: 这对年轻夫妇并不般配, 一个是西施, 一个是张飞。n TL: This young couple is not w

13、ell matched, one is a Xi Shia famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhang Feia well-known ill-tempered brute.n SL: “在中国, 新婚夫妇是不会把梨分开,一人吃一半的,谁想刚结婚就离婚呢?” n TL: “In China , no newly-married couple will cut a pear so that each can eat one part. Who wants to divorce soon after the wedding ?” n “The

14、 Chinese words pear and divorce have the same pronunciation.Translation Strategies1. Literal and liberal translationn Literal: an adequate representation of the original/ keeping agreement with the sequence of vocabulary /grammatical structure / rhetorical device 完整表述原文内容,并与原文在词序、语法结构及修辞技巧等方面基本保持一致。

15、n paper tiger/ one country, two systems/ to fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼/ gentlemens agreement/ be armed to teeth/ crocodiles tears/Judas Kiss n Liberal : just the opposite, dont adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original n 在忠实与原文内容的前提下不拘泥于形式和词序等。(1) Do you see any green in my eye? 你以为我是幼稚好欺负的吗?(2) They love to boast, though often with tongue in cheek. (= They lov


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