2017秋牛津译林版七年级英语上册课件:unit 6 food and lifestyle reading1

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1、Unit 6 Food and lifestyle,Reading,Keeping fit,Learning aims: 1.Learn more words and phrases (短语)about food and lifestyle. 2.Learn to find information by skimming(略读) and scanning(跳读). 3.Learn how to live a healthy life .,fruit,Lead-in. Expand your vocabulary,pineapple,watermelon,They belong to (属于)f

2、ruit.,strawberry,potatoes,carrots,pumpkins,vegetables,Vegetables are good for our health.,food,cake,rice,moon cakes,We have food when we feel hungry,零食 snacks,chocolate,sweets,They are two kinds of snacks,Task 2.Skim to find meanings,1 healthy (line3) a not often 2 fit (line3) b do sports 3 hungry (

3、line6) c how one lives 4 seldom (line7) d good for ones health 5 exercise (line7) e needing food 6 lifestyle (line11) f strong and healthy,f,d,e,a,b,c,Pre-task. Free talk What food do you like ? Is it healthy?,A healthy diet,A healthy lifestyle,the food we eat,the way we live,Reading(1) What we eat

4、and how we live,What they eat and how they live,Kitty,Daniel,Their diets and their lifestyles,Task1.listen and answer: 1.What does kitty love doing? 2.Does Daniel have a healthy diet or lifestyle ?,While-task Task1.Watch and answer: 1.What does kitty love doing?,She loves dancing.,2. Does Daniel hav

5、e a healthy diet or lifestyle ?,No , he doesnt .,Every day,half an hour,She loves dancing,Task 4 .Read part one carefully and answer,3.How long does she dance?,2.How often does she dance?,1.What does she love?,What does Daniel like doing ? 2. What does Daniel need to do?,Read part 2 carefully and an

6、swer,He likes playing computer games.,He needs to change his life style.,Task5 .Scan to find what they eat.,I have _ and _ for breakfast every day. I eat_ and _for lunch and dinner. Sometimes I have an_ or a _ between meals. I seldom eat _ or _.,I love _ and _. My favourite meat is _. I dont eat_ an

7、d _ every day. I dont often eat_.,milk,vegetables,apple,bread,fish,sweets,cakes,pear,fish,cola,fruit,beef,vegetables,hamburgers,1. Kitty loves swimming. 2. Kitty often eats healthy food. 3. There is too much sugar in cakes and sweets. 4. Daniel seldom plays computer games. 5. Daniel does not like to

8、 play sports. 6. Kitty and Daniel have healthy lifestyles.,T,F,T,F,T,dancing,F,has a healthy lifestyle.,often,Task 6 Read loudly and do T or F,Simon: How often does Kitty dance? Millie: She dances _. Simon: How long does Kitty dance every time? Millie: She dances for _. Simon: Why is healthy food so

9、 important for Kitty? Millie: Because she needs to _.,every day,half an hour,keep fit,Check the answers,Simon: Does Daniel have a healthy lifestyle? Millie: _, _ _. Simon: What does Daniel plan to eat every day? Millie: He plans to eat _ _ every day. Simon: What does Daniel plan to do? Millie: He pl

10、ans to _ every week.,No he doesnt,more fruit and,vegetables,go swimming,Task 7.Make an interview (采访),Hello! Im a reporter from cctv. May I ask you some questions about your diet and lifestyle?,a reporter 记者,You can ask following questions: 1. What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper? 2.

11、How often do you eat snacks? 3. How much TV do you watch every day? 4. How long do you sleep every day? 5. Do you want to change your diet ? Why?,Post-task Group work: Design(设计) a healthy diet and lifestyle for Daniel.,For breakfast, he can eat _ For lunch, _ For supper, _ He can play He can/should

12、 ,Self-study time: (10 Minutes) Simon is asking Millie some questions about Kittys and Daniels lifestyles. Help Millie answer his questions.(B4),Homework: 1.Finish learning paper 6-3. 2.preview(预习)grammar.,want to be 想成为 1.Kitty 想成为一个优秀的学生 2.当我长大后,我要成为一个舞蹈家。 3.如果你想成为一个优秀的运动员,你就必须每天锻炼两小时。,Kitty wants

13、 to be a top student.,I want to be a dancer when I grow up.,If you want to be a top player, you have to exercise for two hours every day.,Language Points,1.我/我哥哥/我表弟/他们想当老师/医生/警察.,I want to be a teacher.,My brother/ my cousin wants to be a doctor.,They want to be policemen.,Its +形容词+for sb. to do st

14、h (easy, important, good, bad, interesting) 对(某人)而言,做(某事)是(怎么样)的,1.Its important for Kitty to be healthy. 2.Its good for us to eat healthy food. 3.Its bad for you to watch TV too much. 4.Its interesting for me to make a pumpkin lantern.,2.对我们/学生/老年人来说,学好英语/了解世界/吃健康的食物是重要的.,Its important for us to le

15、arn English well.,Its important for the students to learn the world.,Its important for the old people to eat healthy food.,3.水果和蔬菜对你有好处. 甜食对你的牙齿有坏处.,Its good for you to have fruit and vegetables.,Eating sweet is bad for your teeth.,4.我早餐/中餐/晚餐经常吃面条/蔬菜/鱼.,I often have noodles for breakfast.,I often have vegetables for lunch.,I often have fish for supper.,想要成为一名舞者 跳半时舞 需要保持健康 对于某人做某事重


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