2017-2018学年(人教版)人教版九年级英语教案:unit 4第一课时section a(1a-2d)

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1、肥乡区常耳寨中学2017-2018学年第二学期 九年级 英语 备课组备课教师王桂霞使用教师授课时间2017年 月 日课时1课题Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A(1a2d)课型新授课教学目标1.能掌握以下单词:humorous,silent,helpful,from time to time,score。能掌握以下句型:Paula used to be really quiet.Did Mario use to be short?Yes,he did.Whats he like now?Hes tall now.重点重点:1.掌握本课

2、时中出现的生词humorous,silent,helpful,from time to time,score。2.学会描述自己或他人过去常常做的事情的基本句型:I used to.3.发现自己或他人在外表、性格、兴趣等方面所发生的变化。难点掌握used to do/be句型。教学用具录音机,多媒体课件和学案。教学环节说 明二次备课来源:学优高考网复习新课导入一、创设情境,切入主题Step 1:LeadinShow some pictures of Doraemon,and ask students to describe his appearance.来源:学优高考网gkstk设计意图:绝大多

3、数学生认识并喜欢哆啦A梦,所以回答他的外貌会非常积极。通过回答问题,唤起他们对学过的用来描述人物外貌的词语的回忆,以便展开下列教学活动。课 程 讲 授Step 2:Words presentation1.Ask students to look at the chart in 1a,and then discuss with group members.Try to fill in the chart with words to describe people.2.Let some students say their answers.Let other students add more.S

4、tep 3:PresentationShow two different pictures of Cindy.Talk about the differences.来源:学优高考网Cindy used to have straight hair,but now she has curly hair.Step 4:Listening to 1bBefore listening1.Show the picture in la,and tell students that Bob hasnt seen some of his friends for four years and now hes se

5、eing his friends.2.Ask students to describe their appearances and guess what his friends used to look like.While listening 来源:学优高考网1.Play the recording for the first time.Students only listen.2.Play the recording for the second time.Students listen and try to fill in the blanks with the right words.

6、3.Play the recording again.Let students check their answers.After listeningThe teacher gives explanations of 1b.Step 5:Work on 1c1.Ask students to look at the picture in 1a and make conversations in pairs.The teacher moves around the classroom while they are practicing.Give them some help if needed.

7、2.Students work in pairs to ask and answer the appearances about Mario,Amy and Tina.3.Ask some pairs to roleplay the conversations.Step 6:ListeningWork on 2aBefore listeningMake sure all the students know the meanings of the words.Work on 2bStep 7:PairworkTell students to make conversations about Pa

8、ula using the information in 2b and let some pairs act out their conversations before the class.小结作业布置口头作业:Recite the conversation in 2d after school and try to roleplay it.书面作业:抄写1b、2b中的功能句。来源:gkstk.Com板书设计Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A(1a2d)Appearance:tall,short,straight/curly/long/short hair,of medium builtPersonality:outgoing,shy,funny,serious,cute,quiet,kind,brave,课后反思


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