高中英语 module 6 war and peace section ⅳ other parts of the module教学案 外研版选修6

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《高中英语 module 6 war and peace section ⅳ other parts of the module教学案 外研版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 module 6 war and peace section ⅳ other parts of the module教学案 外研版选修6(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 6 War and Peace Section Other Parts of the Module原文呈现读文清障DDay2To our astonishment, just two days after we had received our confidential orders to join the DDay landing troops, and after a day fighting and seeing many of my friends

2、killed by the enemy, we found ourselves outside a peaceful village in France. It was so sudden, after the mess and confusion of war on the beach.It was late afternoon, and the sun was setting on a perfect country scene of farm buildings, a main street, a few shops, a garage and a church. But we hesi

3、tated because we were aware that there might still have been enemy soldiers. Our lieutenant told Private Kowalski and me to advance and check the village.to ones astonishment令某人惊讶的是confidential/knfIdenl/adj.机密的,秘密的see宾语(many of my friends)宾补(killed by the enemy),宾补为过去分词短语;find宾语(ourselves)宾补(outside

4、 a peaceful village in France),宾补为介词短语。mess/mes/n.混乱的局面in a mess一片混乱confusion n混乱set vi.(太阳)落山garage n车库hesitate v迟疑there might have been是there be结构用于推测过去的情况。lieutenant n中尉advance v前进,进军D日登陆2第12段译文使我们吃惊的是,就在我们接到加入D日登陆部队的机密命令后两天,经过一天的战斗,并亲眼目睹我的很多朋友被敌军残杀后,我们发现我们来到了一个宁静的法国村庄外面。经历了海滩上的混战之后,这一切是如此突然。时近黄昏

5、,太阳正在落山,照在农场建筑物、大街、商店、车库和教堂上,勾勒出一幅完美的乡村景色。但是我们迟疑着(并没有贸然进村),因为我们知道或许那里还有敌兵。我们的中尉命令我和士兵科瓦尔斯基前去搜村。As we entered the main street, a young woman on a tractor drove out of the garage, saw us and called out something in French. Immediately five men came out of the bar, and two more from a farmyard, holding

6、 guns. I took off myhelmet and yelled, “American! Put your guns down!” They gathered round us, shouting and shaking our hands. Some women appeared and kissed us.We soon understood that the enemy had abandoned the village, so Kowalski went back to the others to let them know it was safe. I walked int

7、o a barbershop and stroked my chin, to show I needed to shave. The barber had a magnificent moustache, which he used wax to keep in shape. He filled a tin with cold water, and took out a razor from a drawer. He used a leather sharpener on the razor, and then gave me the best shave I had had in years

8、. Finally he picked up a pair of scissors and a comb, and cut my hair.as引导时间状语从句,as意为“当时候”。tractor/trkt/n.拖拉机two more another two另外两个take off摘(脱)下(衣帽、鞋子等)helmet/helmIt/n.头盔yell/jel/v.大叫,呼喊put down放下现在分词短语shouting and .作伴随状语。abandon v放弃,抛弃barbershop/bbp/n.理发店stroke/strk/v.抚摸chin/tIn/n.下巴,下颌shave/eIv/

9、v.&n.刮胡子moustache/mst/n.小胡子wax/wks/n.蜡keep . in shape定型,为保持形状fill . with .用装满razor/reIz/n.剃须刀sharpener/pn/n.磨器,磨具I had had .是省略了that的定语从句,修饰the best shave。pick up拿起,拾起scissors/sIzz/n.剪刀comb/km/n.梳子第34段译文当我们进入主大街时,一个年轻妇女开着拖拉机从车库出来,看到我们并用法语大声喊着什么。立刻有五个人走出酒吧,另两个人出了农舍,拿着枪。我摘下头盔喊道:“美国人!把你们的枪放下!”他们围着我们,喊叫

10、着并握着我们的手。有些妇女跑过来吻我们。,我们很快明白了敌人已经放弃了整个村子,于是科瓦尔斯基回到其他人那里通知他们已经安全了。我走进一家理发店,摸了摸我的下巴,表明我需要刮胡子。理发师蓄着漂亮的胡须,还用蜡定了型。他往一个罐子里加满了冷水,并从一个抽屉里拿出一把剃须刀。他在一块皮革上磨了磨剃须刀,然后给我刮胡子这是我几年以来刮得最好的一次。最后,他拿起一把剪刀和一把梳子为我理发。When the rest of our company arrived, they unloaded their baggage and bedding while the villagers brought ou

11、t some jars of wine, and laid a table in the middle of the street, which they then covered with plates of potatoes and carrots, ham and sausages. Someone shouted “Cheers!” in English and we all drank toliberation and to the French constitution. Some of our boys had never tasted wine before, and spat

12、 it out, thinking it was vinegar.We gave stockings to the women, which they loved, and in return, they gave us perfume for our girlfriends. I was too ashamed to admit that I was too young to have a girlfriend. But the villagers treated us like heroes, and for a brief moment, I felt that all the fear

13、 and danger had been worthwhile. But I also remembered my friends who had died earlier that day, and wondered if they would have agreed.unload/nld/v.卸下jar/d/n.罐子,广口瓶lay v. (laid, laid)放置;摆放carrot/krt/n.胡萝卜cheers/tIz/int.(用于祝酒)祝你健康!drink to为干杯liberation/lIbreIn/n.解放constitution/knstItjun/n.宪法vinegar/

14、vInIg/n.醋stockings/stkIs/n.(常复)(女式)长袜in return作为回报perfume/pfjum/n.香水ashamed adj.害羞的for a brief moment短暂的瞬间worthwhile/wwaIl/adj.值得做的,有价值的,有用的常用于It is worthwhile to do/doing .结构中。who引导定语从句,修饰my friends。从句if they would .作wondered的宾语。 第56段译文当全连其他人员赶到时,村民们在他们卸下行装和被褥的时候拿出几罐葡萄酒,在街道中间摆了一张桌子,然后在上面摆了一盘盘的土豆、胡萝

15、卜、火腿和香肠。有人用英语大喊:“干杯!”于是我们都为解放和法国宪法干起了杯。我们中的一些男孩儿们以前从未尝过葡萄酒,把酒吐了出来,以为是醋。,我们送给妇女们长袜,她们非常喜欢,作为回礼,她们拿出香水要我们送给女朋友。我太害羞了,没有承认自己太小还没有女朋友。但是村民们把我们当成英雄来对待,一瞬间,我觉得所有的恐惧和危险都是值得的。但是我也怀念那天早些时候牺牲的朋友,不知他们是否同意我的想法。原文呈现读文清障Winston Churchills SpeechesWinston Churchill is wellknown as a statesman, politician and as the British Prime Minister during most of the Second World War. He is especially famous for his speeches which many believe made people even more determined to


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