高中英语 module 4 great scientists section ⅰ introduction & reading-pre-reading教学案 外研版必修4

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1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 4 Great Scientists Section Introduction & Reading-Pre-readingIt seemed that Albert Einstein had changed the whole business. In fact, he did not invent the “thought experiment”, but he raised it to high art. Imagine twins, weari

2、ng identical (完全相同的) watches; one stays home, while the other rides in a spaceship near the speed of light . little wonder that from 1919, Einstein was, and remains today, the worlds most famous scientist.In his native Germany he became a target (目标;指标) for hatred (仇恨,厌恶) because he was a Jew, a lib

3、eral (自由主义者), a humanist, an internationalist. His powerful voice later was widely heard, especially after he moved to the US. Meanwhile,like any famous people, he made bits of legend: that he failed math in school (not true). That he opened a book and found an uncashed $1,500 check he had left as a

4、 bookmark (maybe he was absentminded about everyday affairs)That he was careless about socks, collars, slippers . that he couldnt even remember his address: 112 Mercer Street in Princeton, where he finally settled (定居). He died there in 1955. And after the rest of Einstein had been cremated (火化), hi

5、s brain remained for further research.Thanks to Einstein, we said goodbye to a prior (优先的) universe and a previous (先前的) God. Einsteins God was no clockmaker, but the embodiment (化身) of reason in nature. This God did not control our actions or even sit in judgment on them. Physics is free, and we to

6、o are free, in the Einstein universe which is where we live.Section_Introduction_&_Reading_PrereadingThe Student Who Asked QuestionsIn a hungry world rice is a staple food and China is the worlds largestproducer. Rice is also grown in many other Asian countries, and in some European countries like I

7、taly. In the ricegrowing world, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading figure.Yuan Longping was born and brought up in China. As a boy he was educated in many schools and was given the nickname, “the student who asks questions”From an early age he was interested in plants. He studied agr

8、iculture in college and as a young teacher he began experiments in crop breeding. He thought that the key to feeding people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly. He thought there was only one way to do this by crossing differentspecies of rice plant, and then he could produce a new p

9、lant which could give a higher yieldthan either of the original plants.staple/steIpl/adj.主要的;重要的producer/prdjus/n.生产者grow v(grew, grown) 生长;成长leading/lidI/adj.主要的figure/fI/n.人物a leading figure一位杰出人士bring up培养;养育as是介词,as a boy相当于时间状语从句When he was a boy。educate/edjkeIt/vt.教育 nickname/nIkneIm/n.绰号who引导

10、限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the student。be interested in对感兴趣take an interest in对产生兴趣agriculture/rIklt/n.农业begin experiments in在方面开始实验breeding/bridI/n.培育the key to 的关键(to为介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词)one way to do .一种做的方法修饰way时可以用动词不定式to do .或of doing .by crossing .通过杂交species/spiiz/n.(动物或植物的)种该词同means, series等一样,单复数同形。which引导限

11、制性定语从句,修饰先行词a new plant, 且在从句中作主语。yield/jild/n.产量original/rIdInl/adj.原来的;最初的问问题的学生第13段译文在全球粮食短缺的情况下,水稻是主要粮食,而中国是世界上最大的水稻产地。亚洲其他许多国家和一些欧洲国家比如意大利等也种植水稻。在水稻种植领域,中国科学家袁隆平是一位杰出人士。袁隆平在中国出生并长大。他小时候在很多学校接受过教育,并被人们取了个绰号为“问问题的学生”。袁隆平从小就对植物感兴趣。他在大学里研究农学,作为一名年轻的教师,他开始了作物育种方面的实验。他认为,解决人们吃饭问题的关键在于拥有更多的稻米,并且能更快地生产

12、出来。他想只有一种方法可以做这件事通过杂交不同品种的水稻,然后他可以培育出一种新的水稻,这种水稻可以比原先的任何一种产量更高。First Yuan Longping experimented with different types of rice. The results of his experiments were published in China in 1966. Then he began his search for a special type of rice plant. It had to be male. It had to be sterile. Finally, i

13、n 1970 a naturally sterile male rice plant was discovered. This was the breakthrough. Researchers were brought in from all over China to develop the new system. The research was supported by the government.As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the

14、1990s. There were other advantages too. 50 thousand square kilometres of rice fields were converted to growing vegetables and othercash crops. Following this, Yuan Longpings rice was exported to other countries, such as Pakistan and the Philippines.In Pakistan rice is the second most important crop

15、after wheat and will be grown in many parts of the country. The new hybrid rice has been developed by the Yuan Longping Hightech Agricultural Company of China. Its yield is much greater than the yield of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.experiment with用做实验此处experiment用作动词。publish/pblI/vt.出版come out出版,是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态。search在此处用作名词,后接介词for。sterile/steraIl/adj.(指生物)不孕育的;不结果实的breakthrough/breIkru/n.突破make/have a breakthrough取得突破bring in sb.使某人参加from all over China来自全中国support/spt/vt.支持 be supported by由支持、赞助a


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