高中英语 module 4 great scientists单元加餐练(一)-(二)外研版必修4

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《高中英语 module 4 great scientists单元加餐练(一)-(二)外研版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 module 4 great scientists单元加餐练(一)-(二)外研版必修4(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 4 单元加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练.完形填空For years, I belonged to a health club and never got near the exercise machines. I went straight to the pool and swam laps, as Id been _1_ since I was a teenager. I didnt understand the machines. They looked

2、_2_ to me.Then I _3_ a class in creativity. “Each week do _4_ you arent good at,” the teacher _5_. I had always chosen things I was reasonably good at. Was my own creative _6_ still there?I decided to start working out. “You adjust the weight here. You sit like this, keep your 7 straight, put your s

3、eat all the way back to get the maximum benefit.” My personal trainer 8 me on each machine with patience and I 9 everything she said.“Yes!” I already felt stronger and more creative. But the next morning, I was 10. I did not recognize my machines among the multitudes (众多器械). I couldnt 11 the seats.

4、I couldnt adjust the weights. I 12 couldnt remember when to keep my back straight .Then I remembered my creativity 13: try something you are not good at.I showed a woman my 14 and she pointed me to one of my machines. A man 15 and showed me how to press the buttons 16 I could easily change the weigh

5、ts. Another woman joined in. After 10 minutes, I was tired out, as much from stress as from physical exercise.“Ten more minutes,” I told myself. I did 15 minutes and felt greatly 17.Patience, a willingness to show 18 average ability and an openness to asking for help those are just a few of the life

6、 lessons I learned 19first months. Plus, I got slightly 20 arms and legs. Truly amazing!语篇解读:作者本来对一些健身器械不感兴趣,感觉它们很枯燥,但是在一堂关于创造力的课程中,老师要求学生去做一些自己并不擅长的事情,作者由此得到了启示,成功挑战了自己。1A.doingBplayingCgoing Dworking解析:选A这里要用一个词代替前面所提到的动词,以避免重复,在四个选项中能起到代替其他动词作用的只有doing,故选A。2A.interesting BfunnyCboring Dunfriendly

7、解析:选C作者不懂那些器械,自然不会感觉它们是“有趣的”或“好笑的”,故排除A和B;器械不会像人那样友好或“不友好”,故排除D。作者是感觉这些器械很“枯燥”,故选C。3A.taught BtookCenjoyed Dopened解析:选B句意:然后我上了一堂关于创造力方面的课。由下文可知作者是听课,而不是讲课的人,故排除A和D;作者只是陈述一个客观事实:自己上了一堂课,而不是陈述主观想法:喜欢一节课,故排除C,选B。take a class意为“上课”。4A.everything BnothingCanything Dsomething解析:选D每周不可能做你不擅长的“每一件事”或“任何事情”

8、,故排除A和C;老师是在劝导学生,自然就不会让学生什么事情都不做,故排除B,选D。句意:每周做一些你不擅长的事情。5A.insisted BbeggedCsuggested Ddetermined解析:选C老师建议学生每周都做一些自己并不擅长的事情,suggested“建议”,符合语境。6A.spirit BmindCsoul Dthought解析:选A句意:我自己的创造精神还存在吗?具有创造性是一种精神,故选A,其他三个选项不符合文意。7A.feet BbackCface Dknees解析:选B像那样坐在那里,然后应当是保持背部的平直,脚和脸是没法保持平直的,故排除A、C两项,D项不符合文意

9、,故选B。8A.impressed BinstructedCadvised Dencouraged解析:选B由教练所说的话可知,那是在进行动作和操作说明,由此可推断教练并不是在“建议”作者,也不是在“鼓励”作者,故排除C和D;A项放进文中意思严重不通顺,故排除A。教练只是在就每一台机器的使用对我进行“指导,说明”,故选B。9A.turned down Bfound outCpicked out Dwrote down解析:选Dturn down“调低”;find out“找出”;pick out“挑选出”;write down“写下,记下”。作者是记下了教练所说的每一句话,把四个选项都放进文中

10、很明显能看出来A、B、C三个选项都和后面的宾语成分搭配不当,且不符合文意,故选D。10A.amused BtiredCexcited Ddiscouraged解析:选D后面出现了一系列作者做不到的事情,对于这种情况,作者肯定不会是“愉快的”或“兴奋的”,故排除A和C;作者并没开始锻炼,所以不存在“疲劳的”,故排除B。作者有如此多的事情做不了,对此应当是感到“气馁的”,故选D。11A.move BputCrepair Dtake解析:选A作者去健身,自然是不需要“修理”座位的,故排除C;座位也是不能被“带走”的,故排除D;put这个词是上下方向的,作者没有搬起座位,自然就不存在“放”的动作,故排

11、除B;选A,指自己不能“移动”座位。12A.only BstillCeven Dalready解析:选C这个couldnt是比前面几个couldnt更进一步的,所以用even,故选C,其他选项不符合文意。13A.task BdreamCprocess Ddirection解析:选A上文中老师提到的一个要求就是:去尝试一些你并不擅长的事情。这是老师对学生的要求,自然就是学生的“任务”,而不是“梦想”“过程”或“方向”,故排除B、C、D三项,选A。14A.lectures BnotesCcourses Dtips解析:选B句意:我给一位妇女看了我的笔记,然后她给我指出我的一台器械。在四个选项中能给

12、别人看的只有notes,故选B。15A.remarked BattendedCrecognized Dstopped解析:选D要给别人讲解怎么操作器械,自然是要停下自己原先的动作,故选D。A、B、C三项不符合文意。16A.if BsoCas Dthough解析:选B因为有了男子的指导,作者才能顺利地完成后面的动作,很明显前后是因果关系,空格后面表示的是结果,而不是表示假设、原因或让步,故选B。17A.energetic BmovedCproud Dthankful解析:选C 作者努力做到了自己本来并不擅长的事情,这时的作者肯定是为成功挑战了自己而感到“骄傲”,故选C。其他三项都不能正确概括作者

13、的心情或状态,故排除。18A.above BbeyondCbelow Dbehind解析:选CB和D两项搭配不当,故首先排除;文中所讲的都是去挑战自己并不擅长的事情,故这是在平均能力“之下”的,如果在平均能力“之上”那就是擅长了,故排除A,选C。19A.those BthatCall Dthis解析:选A此处空格处修饰的是first后面的months,这是个复数形式,B、D两项都只能修饰单数,故排除;all和first冲突,故排除C,选A。20A.thinner BtighterCfatter Dfirmer解析:选D作者成功挑战了自己,成功锻炼了自己。经过锻炼的人不会变得“更瘦”,也不会“更

14、胖”,故排除A和C,而应当是“更结实,更健壮”,故选D。B项明显不符合文意。.阅读理解A few weeks ago a group of scientists produced a report about global warming and the natural world. They wanted to find out if global warming was dangerous for plants and animals. The scientists were surprised by what they found. They saw that during the ne

15、xt 50 years about 25% of land animals and plants will disappear from the earth. More than 1 million plants and animal species will die out by 2050.The head of the research team, Christ Thomas, who is a professor of conservation biology at Leeds University, said the results of their research were frightening. More than 10% of all plants and animals will disappear from the earth. It is too late to save many


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