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1、中国社会科学院研究生院中国社会科学院研究生院 20162016 年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试卷年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试卷 英英语语 (A 卷)卷) 2016 年年 3 月月 26 日日 8:308:30 11:3011:30 答题说明答题说明 1. 请考生按照答题卡答题卡的要求填写相关内容。在“姓名”一栏中,请用中文填写 1 本人姓名; “试卷类型” 一栏,本人无需填写。 2在答题卡答题卡的“考生编号”一栏中填入本人的准考证号。 例如:考号为 012345678900001,请考生在第一行中填写阿拉伯数字 012345678900001,然后再将各栏中相应的数字涂黑,如下图所示。如不涂

2、 满,计算机将识别为无效试卷。 考 生 编 号 (左 对 齐) 0 01 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 90 00 00 00 01 1 0000000000 1111111111111 22222222222222 33333333333333 44444444444444 55555555555555 66666666666666 77777777777777 88888888888888 99999999999999 3. 在答题卡答题卡上填写答案时,请务必按照图示将选项格涂满;在 A,B,C,D 四个选 项中, 只有一个正确答案。 填写两个或两个以上答案, 本题无效。

3、 如需涂改, 请务必用橡皮擦净后再重新填写。 4. 试卷第三部分(包括阅读 7 选 5、概要) 、第四部分(包括英译汉、汉译英), 请考生直接写在英语试题答题纸英语试题答题纸上的指定位置,不再提供额外的答题纸。 请将以下题目的答案填写在答题卡上。请将以下题目的答案填写在答题卡上。 2 PART I: Cloze (20 points) Directions: Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank. Production workers must be able to do statistical quality control. Pro

4、duction workers must be able to do just-in-time inventories. Managers are increasingly shifting from a “dont think, do what you are told“ to a “think, I am not going to tell you what to do“ style of management. This shift occurs not because todays managers are more _(1)_ than yesterdays managers, bu

5、t because the evidence is mounting that the second style of management is more _(2)_ than the first style of management. But this means that problems of training and motivating the work force both become more central and require different models of behavior. To be on top of this situation, tomorrows

6、 managers will have to have strong background in organizational psychology, human relations, and labor _(3)_. The MIT Sloan School of quickly management attempts to _(4)_ our understanding in these areas through research and then quickly bring the _(5)_ of this new research to our students so that t

7、hey can be leading-edge managers when it comes to the human side of the equation. The first three decades after World War II were _(6)_ in _(7)_ the United States had a huge technological lead _(8)_ all the rest in the world. In a very real sense, _(9)_ technological competitive. American firms did

8、not have to worry about their technological competitiveness because they were _(10)_. But that world has disappeared. Today we live in a world where American firms _(11)_ have automatic technological _(12)_. In some areas they are still ahead, in some areas they are _(13)_, and in some areas they ar

9、e behind, but on average, they are average. _(14)_ this means is that American managers have to understand the forces of technical change in ways _(15)_ were not necessary in the past. Conversely, managers from the rest of the world know that it is now possible for them to dominate their American co

10、mpetitors if they understand the forces of technical change better than theirAmerican competitors do. In the world of tomorrow managers cannot be technologically _(16)_ _(17)_ their functional tasks within the firm. They dont have to be scientists or engineers inventing new technologies, _(18)_ they

11、 have to be managers who understand when to bet and when not bet on new technologies. If they _(19)_ what is going on and technology effectively becomes a black box, they _(20)_ to make the changes. They will be losers, not winners. 1. a. enlightenedb. enlighteningc. enlightenmentd. enlighten 2. a.

12、sterileb. producingc. productived. extravagant 3. a. economicsb. economicc. economyd. economies 4. a. takeb. arousec. rised. advance 5. a. resultsb. evidencec. contentd. fruits 6. a. usualb. flawedc. unusuald. unessential 7. a. whichb. /c. thatd. those 8. a. byb. overc. ond. upon 9. a. was the world

13、 notb. the world was not c. did the world be notd. was not the world 10. a. superiorb. superc. inferiord. junior 11. a. stillb. evenc. neitherd. no longer 3 12. a. superiorityb. inferiorityc. majorityd. minority 13. a. commonb. averagec. ignorantd. exceptional 14. a. Howb. Thatc. Whatd. Which 15. a.

14、 thatb. theyc. thosed. who 16. a. illiterateb. sophisticatedc. literated. omniscient 17. a. regardlessb. in spite ofc. despited. regardless of 18. a. andb. likewisec. furthermored. but 19. a. didnt understandb. dont understand c. havent understoodd. hadnt understood 20. a. failedb. would have failed

15、 c. would faild. would be failed PART II: Reading Comprehension (30 points) Directions: Choose the best answers based on the information in the passages below. Passage 1 The leaders of the mythopoetic mens movement believe that modernization has led to the feminization of men. Mythopoets believe that the rise of the urban industrial society “trapped men into straitjackets of rationality, thus blunting the powerful emo


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