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1、全国英语专业四级口语测试,提纲,一、全国英语专业四级口试概况 二、口试形式 三、口试内容 四、评分方法 五、口试组织与实施,一、全国英语专业四级口试概况,1994-1998试点 参加的学校:60所次 考生数:3330人 2. 1999开始正式推广, 给考试合格者颁发正式证书 参加的学校:72所次 考生数:2984人 3. 2001增加了北外和广外两个评分点 2001:加大推广的力度 增加两个评分点:北外/广外,2002:考生9,000多人,60 多所学校 2003:考生近12,500人,97所大学。 2004:考生近14,000人,约100所大学 2005: 考生16,000多人, 约110所

2、大学 2006: 考生约19,000人, 约120所大学 2007: 考生19,700多人, 129所大学 2008: 考生21,000多人, 145所大学 2009: 考生23,000多人, 154所大学,二、口试形式,英语专业特点:不适合面试 人数少,分布广,因此不适合设立固定考点面试; 各地学生、教师水平差距较大,不适合各校自考。 因此,考试采用录音方式。,1)RETELLING:就所听的材料复述大意: 听两遍,复述三分钟 2)MONOLOGUE/ TALK:就所熟悉的题材进行即席讲话; 准备三分钟, 独白三分钟 3)CONVERSATION:考生自由组合分为A、B角色就日常生活和社会生

3、活话题,根据角色要求(Instruction)进行交谈。 准备3分钟, 对话4分钟,三、口试内容,三项口试任务测试的重点与要求,复述故事 复述故事的能力 (条理性、完整性) 记笔记/强记能力 独白 描述自己经历的能力 内容切题、丰富;条理清楚;表达流畅 对话 交谈能力 交谈要充分;遵守交际规则(双向沟通),2001年试题:Task I: Retelling a story,I once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous. John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forgot wh

4、at he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife had to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes -even his meals! Once he forgot he had eaten breakfast twice, at home and at school. His wife liked to remind her neighbors, “If John didnt have his head tied on, he would forge

5、t that too!“ Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment. It wasnt that he was not clever, as some critical people tended to say, but just very, very absent-minded. One hot summer day, Professor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside

6、town about a three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret. However, by the time they arrived at the station, Smith forgot the name of the town he was planning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his happened to be in the stati

7、on. He offered to take care of the children while Smith hurried back home to find out where he was going. The professors wife was surprised to see him again so soon. “Oh, my dear, I forgot the name of the town.“ “What? You forgot the name? Maybe one day you will forget my name! Now Ill write the nam

8、e of that town on a piece of paper, and you put it in your pocket and please, please dont forget where you put it.“ Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house for the third time. “What is the matter now

9、?“ “AS you told me, I didnt forget where I put the name of that town, but I forgot where I left our children!“ (325 words),2001年试题:Task II: Talking on a given topic,Directions: Describe a teacher of yours whom you find unusual.,2001年试题:Task III Role-playing,Directions: Many high school graduates in

10、China are going overseas for their college education. A friend of yours is graduating this year and would like to ask for your advice on whether it is a good idea for a high school graduate to go abroad to study. Student A. You think this friend should go by all means, and you should try to convince

11、 your partner. Remember you should start the conversation. Student B. You think this friend should finish college in China before thinking about going abroad, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.,四、评分方法,1.口试的评分方法: 准则参考性口试(Criteria reference)

12、; 常模参考性口试(Norm reference) 2. 评分标准 (大纲p. 4-5) 3. 评分步骤,评分步骤流程图,back,分层随机抽样,两人独立评分,评分质量监控,原始数据处理,等级转换,评分步骤1,1)随机分层抽样 学校分类 随机分组: 32盘磁带一组(一般代表32所不同大学考生的录音),每组都能代表整体样本,评分步骤2,2)两位评分人员独立评分 根据完成三项任务的情况逐项打分 复述: 条理性、完整性 独白:内容切题、丰富;条理清楚;表达流畅 对话:讨论充分;遵守交际规则 根据完成三项任务的语音语调与语法的总体情况打分。 将5项分数相加,得到总分。,评分步骤3,3)原始成绩处理 将

13、各组考生按两名评分教师的分数分别排名 将两名评分教师的排名相加除以2,得到该生的平均排名,评分步骤4,4)评分质量监控 计算相关系数; 相关系数极低的整组重听; 一般情况下, 将两人名次相差很大的挑出, 重新审听,评分步骤5,5)等级转换 将原始成绩转换成优秀、良好、及格、不及格,及格以上的颁发证书 依据四级笔试的成绩确定及格的比例 (大约低10个百分点) 优秀率1-3%;通过率60%,评分点的协调,1. 口试磁带分别寄往南大、广外 ; 2. 南京大学评分点挑选出数套不同等级的磁带样本, 撰写评分细则; 3. 各校负责人集中, 讨论评分细则, 统一评分标准; 4. 分头回到各点上培训评分人员,

14、 再进行评分(南大考点每年要聘请部分高校的英语教师帮助评分); 5. 广外将评分成绩寄到南大, 统一颁发证书。,五、2009年口试的组织与实施,时间表 寄考题(5月8日 左右通过机要局寄出) 组织考试 (5月16日) 寄回考生磁带连同考生的花名册(考试后两天内) 评分 寄考生成绩与证书 (八月底寄出),组织口试,考前准备工作 电教设备 磁带 (姓名、考号、角色、性别) 考生配对 第三项任务 安排监考老师,考试过程中,监考教师 检查磁带考号(光盘) 考试指南快结束时,发第三项考试要求(instruction) 监考第三项任务的准备 坐在操纵台前协助电教人员控制录音键的开停 (第三项,记时) 注意: 只录答题,不录考题,如何处理考试过程中出现的偶发事件?,个别学生出现录音故障 考生人数为单数 突然停电,


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