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1、The French and Indian War,“You and the French are like two edges of a pair of shears, and we are the cloth that is cut to pieces between them.” Native American to an English man,France Claims Western Lands,French exploring interior of America Late 1600s France had claimed the Ohio River Valley, the

2、Mississippi River Valley, and the great lake region. Louisiana (La Salle) stretched from the Appalachian Mountains to the Rocky Mountains PAGE 132 and 134,French Main Settlements,Quebec and Montreal Located along the St. Lawrence River New Orleans Mississippi River *Why are these settlements so impo

3、rtant?,French Population,1760 NEW FRANCE had about 80,000 people (England had over 1 million) *Why is their such a difference in population?,French were mostly fur trappers who traded with the Natives,Furs, guns, knives, iron pots, etc.,Native American Alliances,*English competed with the French for

4、 furs *Native American groups competed to supply Europeans with furs,Native American Alliances,*The fur trade created economic and military rivalries and alliances between the Native Americans and the Europeans. These alliances between the Natives and Europeans led to their involvement in the war. A

5、lgonquin and Huron sided with the French while the Iroquois became divided,*Conflict in the Ohio River Valley,Seeds of war planted by when British fur traders moved into the Ohio River Valley in the 1750s. British land companies were also planning to settle colonists there.,War Begins and Spreads,To

6、 keep British out of the valley, they destroy a British trading post (Pickawillany) The French then built forts to protect the region linking their Canadian and Louisiana settlements,Virginia Reacts,Send major George Washington to ask the French to leave English build a fort close to present day Pit

7、tsburg French seize the fort before they were done and name it Fort Duquesne,“He told me the Country belognd to them, that no English Man had a right to trade upon them Waters; & that he had Orders to make every Person Prisoner that attempted it on the Ohio or the Waters on it.” G.W.,Fort Necessity,

8、Washington was on his way to Fort Duquesne when he heard of its surrender Instead, he built a small fort but was attacked and forced to surrender (July 3, 1754),*Albany Plan of Union,While the fighting was beginning, representatives were trying to get the Iroquois to fight with the colonists (Englis

9、h) *Ben Franklin was trying to get the colonists to join together for defensive purposes Council that could collect taxes, make treaties, raise an army, and make new settlements.,Braddocks Defeat,July 9, 1755: Marched on Fort Duquesne with 2 regiments and Washington They were ambushed and destroyed

10、1000 English men were killed or wounded The English new it would take more to defeat the French,The British Take Quebec,William Pitt Sec. of State New Philosophy on the war Sent more troops, nations top generals and more money to win the war,Turning Point,Quebec cliff 300 feet above the St. Lawrence

11、 River loaded with cannons and troops For 2 months sailed around looking for a way to capture it eventually found an unguarded path up the cliff,Turing Point,At night fall 4,000 British snuck up the cliff and waited Surprised the French in the morning Montreal falls within the year *Why do you think

12、 Battle of Quebec is a turning point in the war?,*Treaty of Paris*,Britain received all land east of the Mississippi Spain received all land west of the Mississippi and New Orleans for its help *Britain got Florida from Spain in exchange for Cuba and the Philippines *Treaty ended the war as well as French power in North America,Pontiacs Rebellion,*Proclamation of 1763 forbid colonists to settle west of Appalachian Mountains B/C new they couldnt protect them against Natives or French Colonists are not happy about this; feel it is their right to settle the land,豆丁人文家园提供文史哲类外文原著 http:/


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