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1、keeping healthy,Healthy Food,Plenty of exercise,good eating habits,Remain in good mood,Regular health checkups,Eating right,Eat a variety of foods. A balanced diet is one that includes all the food groups. In other words, have foods from every color, every day.,staple food / principal food,steamed b

2、read/bun/dumpling/ rice cake deep fried spring roll/dough sticks/dough twists baked sesame cake hand pulled noodles porridge soybean milk jellied bean curd,spaghetti whole-grain bread muffin pancake sandwich hamburger hotdog pizza,pork mutton lamb beef veal chicken/duck/goose Beijing roast duck fat

3、meat lean meat tenderloin,fish/fish fillets sweet and sour fish fish stew shellfish shrimp crab oyster mutton shish kebab/kebob braised beef (with soy sauce),meat or fish,lettuce, spinach cabbage, pumpkin /squash garlic green Chinese onion cucumber,vegetables,cauliflower broccoli sweet potato celery

4、 bell pepper eggplant corn on the cob,cooking styles,deep-fry stir-fry braise/stew/simmer roast barbecue steam bake boil cuisine (Sichuan cuisine),hot/spicy sour sweet salty bitter crisp tasty/tasteless delicious/flavorful strong/greasy/weak/light,smart food, junk food,Food for health and well-being

5、 is not a new idea. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans believed that certain foods were natural cure-alls. Pop juice was used to kill pain, strawberry roots to treat mad-dog bites. Crocodile blood was recommended for failing eyesight. Here are some foods that are currently thought to be good for you.,

6、Smart food, good-for-your-body foods,banana: contains potassium钾, helps to prevent ulcers(溃疡) Barley大麦: high in the good fat, helps lower cholesterol胆固醇 carrots: contain beta carotene胡萝卜素, good for eyes cheese: contains calcium钙, fights cavities蛀牙 chili peppers: good for bronchitis支气管炎, colds cucumb

7、ers: break up cholesterol deposits胆固醇沉淀 figs无花果: help to stabilize blood sugar Fiber(纤维): helps to rid waste, makes u feel full (found in fruits, vegetables and whole-grain cereal) Fish: good for your brain. (the mineral zinc锌 is found in fish and shellfish, a minimal deficiency of zinc缺锌impairs thi

8、nking and memory),garlic and onions: kill flu and cold viruses病毒 ginger root: fights nausea恶心 caused by motion sickness (seasick, airsick, carsick) and relieve migraine偏头痛 headaches. (make a tea of fresh ginger root by simmering慢炖 it in water for 10 minutes) milk (low fat): contains calcium钙, helps

9、to build strong bones spinach: contains lots of folic acid叶酸,维生素B, good for spirits yoghurt: helps the body to fight infections water: purifies you bloodstream and cleans your cells and tissues组织, is the best liquid to drink,Junk food,cakes and cookies: too much sugar, no enough vitamins and mineral

10、s矿物质 cola: lots of sugar, few nutrients, may contain caffeine ice cream: has many nutrients but is full of sugar and fats imitation fruit drinks: mostly sugar and water, with artificial flavors, colors added, contain very little pure fruit juice potato chips: deep fried and contain lots of salt and

11、fats sugar-coated cereal: half cereal and half sugar,Healthy eating,Its important to consume food from all groups, not just one. This way, you will get necessary balance of vitamins and minerals from your diet. Choose low fat milk. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Eat beans or lean

12、meat. Consume several smaller meals a day instead of three large meals.,Decrease your serving sizes. Eat when you are hungry; do not eat when you are not hungry. Exercise. Relax. Limit fats and sweets.,In maintaining a diet, it is very important to consume enough calories to meet your activity level

13、. You do not want to restrict your calories too much, thereby endangering your health. Eating a variety of foods while exercising moderately 3 to 5 times per week for 30 minutes or more will help. Food is not a poison. It is meant to be enjoyed. But just like most things in this world, food needs to

14、 be used in moderation.,Pair work A. 1. Do you often cook your own meals? 2. What food can you cook? 3. How do you cook meat/vegetables? 4. What is the best dish you can make? How do you cook it? 5. Do you think it is important for people to learn how to cook? Why? Please ask two more questions. B 1

15、. What foods do you like or dislike? 2. How often do you go to restaurants? 3. When you have guests, do you prefer eating at home or eating out? Why? 4. Do you like western food? Why?/Why not? 5. What is your favorite restaurant? Why? Please ask two more questions.,Group discussion:,Work in group. T

16、alk with your partner about your daily meals and reflect your own eating habits. Are there any changes that you would like to make?,Physical Exercise,We all need physical exercise to function our best. Getting the right amount of exercise can rev up your energy levels and even help you feel better emotionally.,Everyday Ways to Get Active,Getting exercise is easier than you might think. Adding a little extra activity to your everyday routine can make a big difference.,Your Everyday W


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