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1、John Milton(1608-1674),The English Revolution and the Restoration John Milton (1608-1674) Miltons Works Paradise Lost Conclusion,1. Monarchy vs. Bourgeoisie 2. King vs. Parliament 3. Outburst of English Revolution (1642-1649) 4. Split within Revolutionary Camp 5. Restoration 6. Religious Cloak of th

2、e Revolution 7. Literature of Revolution Period,a. during Tudor Dynasty (1485-1603), harmony = share same enemies; collaboration; monarchy offered protection; bourgeoisie enjoyed protection by Monarchy b. when all internal and external foes had been crushed, monarchy strove to consolidate its positi

3、on, to strengthen its power; while bourgeoi-sie ceased to depend on Monarchy. c. thus came the conflict between Queen and Parliament,17th century, the clashes over monopoly (King) on merchandises (commercial interests) led to inconveniences to merchants and sharp rise in prices. Parliament announced

4、 that monopolies without its consent were illegal. But Charles I dissolved parliament in 1629, and ruled the country with an absolute government for 11 years (till 1640). Severe persecutions hit the capitalist class. Consequently, there arose a demand for a new government.,parliament: merchants; art

5、isans; apprentices; peasants king: conservative gentry; landlords; monopolists= royalists civil war in 1642. lasted till 1649 Oliver Cromwell reorganized parliamentary forces into the New Model Army in 1645, victory in Naseby, civil war ended when Charles I was captured, but he escaped from captivit

6、y. So civil war broke out again until Charles I was re-captured and executed in 1649 mounted the guillotine scaffold Monarchy was abolished Commonwealth / Republic was declared in England,The middle bourgeoisie and the big bourgeoisie struggled for supremacy in parliament. The ordinary people who pr

7、eviously fought for parliament were now disappointed and felt they had been betrayed. Revolts were put down by Cromwell. Diggers Movement were suppressed by landlords and soldiers. “Everyone talks of freedom, but few act for freedom, actors of freedom are oppressed by talkers/ verbal professors of f

8、reedom.”,Bourgeois dictatorship established Cromwell. Charles II was recalled in 1660. Restoration Period. Later when Charles II threatened to restore the old absolute monarchy, he was expelled. William, prince of Orange, from Holland, was invited to be king of England in 1688. It was the so-called

9、“Glorious Revolution” because it was bloodless, without revival of revolutionary demands.,fight Gods battles. 从旧约中偷来面具掩饰革命的本质目的。也有人称英国资产阶级革命为puritan revolution. Puritanism doctrine “divine duty” is hard work, unceasing labor only to accumulate capital. in 1642, London theatres were closed down for t

10、heir extravagance and deterioration and also for the puritanical abhorrence of “worldly” pleasures in general,concerned with the social upheavals of the time, Milton defended the English Commonwealth,Miltons Life Sketch,born in London; father was a scrivener 公证人 puritan and loved music Cambridge, Ch

11、rists College, good at Latin; speech before the students; knowledge to make the spirit of man reach out far and wide; personal beauty and strictness of life(no courting, no drinking) made him “the lady of the Christs” Master Degree in 1632.,self studied for 6 years on classical, Hebrew, Italian and

12、English literature, science, theology and music. profession: to be a poet married in 1642, but no more than a month, his wife went back to her parents and refused to return. ( divorce impossible),Travel on the continent 1638-1639 met Galileo in Italy Eyes trouble : from boyhood eyes disease; in 1652

13、, totally blind. ( His wife Mary Powell died that year); in 1656, remarried. (His second wife died in child birth several years later.) ; Milton wrote his only love poem, a sonnet, for his second wife, “ On His Deceased Wife” (1658).,After the Restoration: arrested, imprisoned, books burned; saved b

14、y a poet, after release, he retired in silence a fire in London destroyed his house; living in poverty, depending on his daughters in 1674, he died of gout 痛风,1. Poems 2. Pamphlets 3. Epics,“On the Morning of Christs Nativity” (composed while studying in Cambridge); “ LAllegro” ( about cheerful soci

15、al mood; composed after graduation); “ Comus” ( 司宴乐的神;“假面具”,to be set to music); “Lycidas” ( in 1637, for the premature death of a classmate) ( an elegy),“ Of Reformation in England” to urge thorough religious reform In 1643, a series of pamphlets on marriage and divorce; “incompatibility should be

16、sufficient cause for divorce.” Areopagitica” (1644, for censorship of books. Appeal for the freedom of press.) 论出版自由,“ Defense of the English People” and “Second Defense of the English People”. (1654) “Our King made not us, but we him. Nature has given fathers to us all, but we ourselves appointed our own king; so that the people is not for the king, but the king for them. ” “ The Ready and Easy Way to Esta


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