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1、 电子科技大学成都学院 Matlab信号处理实验报告 课程名称:Matlab信号处理实验 姓 名: 学 号: 院 系:微电子技术系(光电子) 教 师: 2015 年 12 月 12 日 1、 设计概述用Matlab软件来处理我们遇到的各种计算或者画图、设计等问题。Matlzb这款软件功能十分强大在各个领域都可以用得到,我们在课上做了“计算器的简易编写”“矩阵运算”“画一维二维三维图”等等。二、开发工具 装有Matlab的Windows平台。3、 设计过程 在桌面上打开Matlab软件,在编辑框里写入各种代码如下;acos(0.3)*180/pians = 72.5424 a=1+ia = 1.

2、0000 + 1.0000i abs(a)ans = 1.4142 angle(a)*180/pians = 45 a=1 2 3:4 5 6:7 8 9a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a=1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 det(a)ans = 0 rank(a)ans = 2 a=1 2 3;4 5 6;7 7 7a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 det(a)ans = 0 a=1 2 3;4 5 6;9 9 7a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 9 7 det(a)ans = 6 inv(a)ans = -3.1667 2

3、.1667 -0.5000 4.3333 -3.3333 1.0000 -1.5000 1.5000 -0.5000 eig(a)ans = 15.6996 -0.1499 -2.5497 u v=eig(a)u = -0.2382 -0.5308 -0.4527 -0.5413 0.7848 -0.3953 -0.8064 -0.3198 0.7992v = 15.6996 0 0 0 -0.1499 0 0 0 -2.5497 A=2 -1 3;3 1 -5;4 -1 1A = 2 -1 3 3 1 -5 4 -1 1 B=5;5;9B = 5 5 9 X=ABX = 2 -1 0 p=1

4、 1 0 2 0 1p = 1 1 0 2 0 1 roots(p)ans = -1.7549 0.5000 + 0.8660i 0.5000 - 0.8660i -0.1226 + 0.7449i -0.1226 - 0.7449i p1=100 200p1 = 100 200 p2=1 21 20 0p2 = 1 21 20 0 a b c=residue(p1,p2)a = -4.7368 -5.2632 10.0000b = -20 -1 0c = 、如图上的代码x1=1:2:10x1=1:10y1=16 32 70 142 260 436 682 1010 1432 1960poly

5、fit(x,y,1)polyfit(x,y,3)polyfit(x,y,2)polyfit(x1,y1,2)polyfit(x1,y1,1)polyfit(x1,y1,3)plot(x1,y1,rx)hold onplot(x1,po,b)y2=polyval(p0,x1)p0=polyfit(x1,y1,3)y2=polyval(p0,x1)plot(x1,y1,g)plot(x1,y1,gplot(x1,y1,g)y2=polyval(y1,x1)plot(x1,y2,b)hold onplot(x1,y1,g)hold onhold offplot(x1,y1,rx)p1=polyfit

6、(x1,y1,1)p2=polyfit(x1,y1,1)y1=polyval(p2,x1)plot(x1,y1,b)hold onplot(x1,y1,b)hold onx0=1:10y0=16 32 70 142 260 436 682 1010 1432 1960p1=polyfit(x,y,1)p2=polyfit(x,y,2)p3=polyfit(x,y,3)y1=polyval(p1,x0);y2=polyval(p2,x0);y3=polyval(p3.x0);plot(x0,y0,rx)hold onplot(x0,y1,b)plot(x0,y2,g)plot(x0,y3,k)x

7、0=1:10y0=16 32 70 142 260 436 682 1010 1432 1960p1=polyfit(x,y,1)p1=polyfit(x0,y0,1)p2=polyfit(x0,y0,2)p3=polyfit(x0,y0,3)y1=polyval(p1,x0)y2=polyval(p2,x0);y3=polyval(p3.x0);y2=polyval(p2,x0);y3=polyval(p3.x0);plot(x0,y0,rx)hold onplot(x0,y1,b)plot(x0,y2,g)plot(x0,y3,k)polyval(p3,905)polyval(p3,9.5

8、)inter p1(x0,y0,9.5)interp1(x0,y0,9.5)interp1(x0,y0,9.5,lineer)interp1(x0,y0,9.5,spline)interp1(x0,y0,9.5,nearest)interp1(x0,y0,9.5,cubic)interp1(x0,y0,9.5,linear)a1=interp1(x0,y0,9.5,linear)a2=interp1(x0,y0,9.5,nearest)a3=interp1(x0,y0,9.5,spline)a4=interp1(x0,y0,9.5,cubic)syms tx=sin(t)y=cos(t);ez

9、plot(x,y)z=t;ezplot3(x,y,z,0,10*pi)ezplot3(x,y,z,0,10*pi),animateezplot3(x,y,z,0,10*pi),animate)ezplot3(x,y,z,0,10*pi,animate) x=0:0.1:2*pi;plot(x,sin(x);figureplot(x,cos(x)figureplot(x,cos(x)subplot(2,2,1)plot(x,cos(x)plot(x,sin(x)subplot(2,2,2)plot(x,cos(x)subplot(2,2,3)plot(x,tan(x)subplot(2,2,4)

10、plot(x,exp(x) hold onplot(x,cos(x),g)plot(x,tan(x),b)plot(x,exp(x),o)grid on plot3(x,sin(x),cos(x)grid on“简易计算器”所有代码function varargout = jisuanqi(varargin)% JISUANQI M-file for jisuanqi.fig% JISUANQI, by itself, creates a new JISUANQI or raises the existing% singleton*.% H = JISUANQI returns the han

11、dle to a new JISUANQI or the handle to% the existing singleton*.% JISUANQI(CALLBACK,hObject,eventData,handles,.) calls the local% function named CALLBACK in JISUANQI.M with the given input arguments.% JISUANQI(Property,Value,.) creates a new JISUANQI or raises the% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are% applied to the GUI before jisuanqi_OpeningFcn gets called. An% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application% stop. All inputs are passed to jisuanqi_OpeningFcn via varargin.% *See GUI Options on GU


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