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1、翻译理论与实践,主讲 蔡子亮,Wet paint 湿的漆 油漆未干 John was a fool for danger. 约翰对危险是个傻子 没有一个中国人能懂。只有把fool从反面说过去,才能豁然开朗。 约翰是天不怕地不怕的。 这就是正说反译,反说正译法 negation,正说反译、反说正译法,Negation 在语法与翻译两个不同的学科中含义不同。 Negation作为一种翻译技巧,指在翻译实践中,为了使译文忠实而合乎语言习惯地传达原文的意思,有时必须把原文中的肯定说法变成译文中的否定说法,或把原文中的否定说法变成译文中的肯定说法。 而语法中的negation则指“否定”,含完全否定,部

2、分否定,双重否定等。,正说反译、反说正译法,1、正说反译法(动词) 2、正说反译法(形容词) 3、正说反译法(名词) 4、正说反译法(虚词) 5、正说反译法(短语),正说反译法(动词),含否定意义动词可反译fail,miss, lack,ignore,refuse,withhold,refrain,deny, overlook,exclude,neglect等 The revolutionaries were beaten,refused anything to read,kept for a time in semi- darkness as well as in chains. 那些革命者

3、当时受到拷打,不准阅读任何书刊 The window refuses to open. 窗户打不开。 She was refused admittance by them. 他们不许她进去。,正说反译法(动词),Please refrain from smoking. 请不要吸烟。 Mr. White has refrained from making any official comment on the coup in that country. 怀特先生并没有对该国的政变发表正式评论 She refrained from laughing. 她忍住了,没有发笑。,正说反译法(动词),He

4、 shot at it,but missed. 他朝它开了枪,但未射中。 I arrived too late and missed the train. 我抵达时已太迟了,没有赶上火车。 She went to the station to meet her husband,but missed him in the crowd. 她去车站接丈夫,但在人群中没有见到他。 Hes missed school three days this week. 他这星期有三天没有去上学。,正说反译法(动词),The minister has denied these allegations 部长不承认这

5、些指控。 Permission to enter was denied. 不准入内。 I was denied the chance of going to university. 我得不到上大学的机会。,正说反译法(动词),Today he failed to get to school on time. 他今天没有准时到校。 If the crops fail there will be a serious food shortage. 如果谷物收成不好,将会出现严重的粮荒 The letter failed to arrive. 信没有送到。 His secretary failed t

6、o tell him about it. 他的秘书没有告诉他。,正说反译法(动词),They excluded children from getting in. 他们不准小孩入内。 The evidence is conclusive, excluding all possibilities of doubt. 证据确凿,毋庸置疑。 People under 21 are excluded from joining the club. 二十一岁以下的人不得参加这个俱乐部,The plan failed and for years he lost his political power. 计划

7、失败了,他在政治上多年不得志。 Such a chance was denied me. 我没有得到这样的机会。 Ex-Governor Stark remained a private citizen. 前州长斯塔克从此一直没能当官。 Their action amounted to treason. 他们的所作所为无异于卖国。,正说反译法(动词),Avoid operating the keys roughly. 使用按键不要用力过猛 Do you know why she is always trying to avoid you ? 你知道她为什么总是不想见到你吗? He tried

8、to avoid answering my questions. 他试图避而不答我的问题。,正说反译法(形容词),There are two aspects to everything,to say there is only one is to be aware of one aspect and to be ignorant of the other. 任何事物都有两点,说只有一点叫只知其一不知其二。 The County Party Committee here is ignorant of conditions at the lower levels. 那里的县委不了解下情。 He i

9、s not only stupid,but also ignorant. 不仅愚蠢,而且无知。,正说反译法(形容词),Slips are scarcely avoidable when youre new to your work. 工作没有经验,出点差错在所难免。 A young clerk new to the job 对工作还不熟悉的年轻办事员 He is often absent-minded. 他常常心不在焉。 The teacher found some students absent. 老师发现有些学生不在。,正说反译法(形容词),She said angrily,the men

10、 are all bad! 她愤愤地说,男人都不是好东西! You are a bad boy! 你是个不听话的孩子! The companys failure was due to bad management. 公司因经营不善破产。 Bad living habits 不良的生活习惯,正说反译法(形容词),His key was lost. 他的钥匙不见了。 He was reading his book,completely lost to the world. 他正在看书,对周围的一切都不加注意。 Good advice is lost on him. 忠告对他不起作用。,正说反译法(

11、名词),And this failure to recognize and analyze the inter-relationship of linguistic and non- linguistic problems produces two major signs of ineffectiveness. 由于看不到、也不去分析语言问题与非语言问题之间的相互关系,产生了两大不足 This failure was the making of him. 这次不成功是他成功的基础。 The governments failure to carry out their election pled

12、ge 政府对选举时所作的保证没有付诸实行。,Tom will be in charge of the office during my absence. 我不在的时候,办公室由汤姆负责。 Why does he say nothing about the total absence from his list poems about the Paris Commune? 他开的单子里根本没有关于巴黎公社的诗歌,对此他为什么只字不提呢?,正说反译法(名词),He tries to overcome the lack of technical data. 他试图克服技术资料的不足。 Her abs

13、traction was not because of the tea party. 她那心不在焉的神情,并不是因为茶话会 Silence reigned all over for a while. 全场寂静无声。,正说反译法(介词),Capitalism is beyond all comparison superior to feudalism. 资本主义无可比拟地比封建主义优越。 To do this is beyond my ability. 干这事我力不胜任。 The problem,which was in the past beyond the capacity of any s

14、ingle family, was solved quickly by the collective. 个别家庭无力解决的这个问题,通过集体能迅速得到解决。,正说反译法(介词),There is nothing in this shop above $5. 这家商店卖的东西价钱都不超过5美圆。 Leifengs noble deeds are above all praise 雷锋的高尚事迹令人赞扬不尽。 He is above meanness and deceit. 他不至于做卑鄙和欺骗人的事情。 Her behaviour was above suspicion. 她的品行不容怀疑、,正

15、说反译法(虚词),Few of my friends speak French. 我的朋友中几乎没有人说法语。 This was the last place the colonialists would leave,for in it lay rich resources. 这是殖民主义者最不愿离开的地方,因为 That is the last thing I should expect him to do. 那是我认为他最不可能做的事情。,正说反译法(虚词),He gained little advantage from the plan. 他从这项计划中没有获得什么利益。 Some pe

16、ople think that man is the least reliable scientific instruments. 有些人认为人是最不可靠的科学仪器。 But firemen succeeded in confirming the outbreak to warehouses containing less inflammable materials. 消防队员成功把火势控制在存放不易燃烧物品的仓库范围内。,正说反译法(副词),He has become understandably restless. 他变得焦躁不安,这是不难理解的。 He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued Mr. And Mrs. Glen. 他没有脱衣服就跳进水里去救格伦夫妇。 Soaking the welfare state likewise set badly with party elders. 削减福利同样使党内的元老感到不安,正说反译法(短语),某些固定短语一般要译作否定. 1. far from, fre


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