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1、九年级上册,第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,第 22 讲 Unit 11Unit 12 话题本讲涉及了“情绪或感受和出乎意料的事”等相关话题。,要点梳理过关,重点词汇过关,单词拼写 1Youre a little fat.I think you should lose w eight (重量) 2I am a hundred percent in a greement (一致)with your decision to put off our plan. 3He did his homework t ill (直到)10:30 last night. 4Im afraid we have to

2、c ancel (取消)the meeting. 5Does the President have more p ower (权力)than the Prime Minister? 6Lindas father and Marys father are both b ankers (银行家),7I asked where Steve was and she n odded (点头)in the direction of the kitchen. 8Peter often gives his little sister a ride on his s houlders (肩膀) 9Paul is

3、 a(n)u nexpected (出乎意料的)visitor.I dont know he will drop by my home. 10Soon many people ran out of the b urning (燃烧的)building.,11Look! Billy is k icking (踢) a soccer ball around the yard. 12The old man is very rich.And he has a lot of w ealth (财富) 13The little girl is ill.Look! Her face is as p ale

4、(苍白)as a chalk. 14I dont like loud music.It makes me u ncomfortable (令人不舒服),高频考点精讲,考点1 make的用法 Sad movies make me cry.悲伤的电影让我哭泣。 Unit 11 P81 【透析】当make意为“使;使得”时,是使役动词,一般用于以下结构中: (1)make sb. / sth.adj.“使某人或某物”。如:The smell of cooking makes me hungry.烧菜的味道让我感到肚子饿。 (2)make sb.n.“使某人成为”。如:We made him capt

5、ain of our football team.我们推选他为我们足球队的队长。,(3)make sb.do sth.“使某人做某事”,在被动语态中,要变为sb.be made to do sth.。如:The teacher makes me feel more confident.老师让我感到更加自信。 (4)make it时间 “把时间约定在”。如:Lets make it a quarter to seven.让我们把时间定在六点四十五。,考点2 drive的用法 Waiting for Amy drove Tina mad.等候埃米使蒂娜生气了。 Unit 11 P82 【透析】 d

6、rive意为“迫使”,常用于以下结构中: (1)drive sb.adj.“迫使某人”。如:I drove my mother mad today.我今天惹妈妈生气了。 (2)drive sb. / sth.介词短语“迫使某人 / 物”。如:The wind drives the rain against the window.风雨点打在窗户上。 (3)drive sb.to do sth.“迫使某人做某事”。如:He drove Tom to sell his new car.他迫使汤姆卖掉了他的新车。,考点3 rather than的用法 The next day,Peter went t

7、o soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.第二天,彼得鼓足勇气去练习足球,而不再内心充满恐惧。 Unit 11 P86 【透析】 (1)rather than作连词词组,表示在两者之间进行选择,意为“而不是;与其不如”,后面只能接与前面词性相同的词,所连接的并列成分可以是名词、动词、代词或介词短语等。如:Tom called me rather than wrote a letter.汤姆给我打电话而没有写信。,(2)rather than也可以与would连用,构成“would rather.than.”句式,意

8、为“宁愿而不愿”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一,与prefer to do.rather than do或者prefer doing to doing可互换。如:I would rather watch TV at home than go to the park.我宁愿待在家里看电视也不愿意去公园。,考点4 leave的用法 When I got home,I realized I had left my keys in the backpack.当我到家的时候,我才意识到我把钥匙忘在背包里了。 Unit 12 P90 【透析】(1)leave地方“离开某地”。如:Mr.Wang le

9、aves home at 7 am.every day.王先生每天上午七点离开家。 (2)leave for地方“动身去某地”。如:Tomorrow he will leave for Shanghai.明天他会动身去上海。 (3)leavesth.地点“把某物遗忘在某地”。如:I left my notebook in the classroom.我把笔记本忘在教室里了。,【拓展】 辨析leave与forget,考点5 till的用法 The other planes were full so I had to wait till the next day.别的飞机满员了,因此我必须等到第二

10、天。 Unit 12 P91 【透析】 (1)till“到;直到”,等于“until”。在肯定句中,主句的谓语动词要是延续性的,它所表示的动作一直延续到till表示的时间为止,意为“直到为止”。如:I watched TV till my mother came back home.我看电视一直到我妈妈回家。 (2)在否定句中,主句的动词一般是非延续性动词,也可以是延续性动词,它表示的动作直到till所表示的时间才发生,意为“直到才”。如:I didnt watch TV till my mother came back home.直到我妈妈回家,我才看电视。,考点6 辨析be about t

11、o do sth.,be to do sth.与be going to do sth. I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first.我正要上楼,这时我决定先去买杯咖啡。 Unit 12 P91,关联语法链接 语法1:过去完成时 语法2:复习状语从句 见P193,考点即时运用,1考点6Look! The train is_to leave! Aat Bfor Cabout Dwith 2考点3Its raining outside. I_stay at home_go out. Aprefer;to Bprefer;than

12、 Cwould rather;than Dwould rather;to 3考点3Rather than_a crowded bus to go home,he prefers_a bike. Ataking;to ride Btaking;riding Cto take;riding Dtake;to ride 4考点1A good teacher always makes_easy for students to understand some hard questions. Ait Bthis Cthat Dthese,D,C,C,A,5考点1The workers were made_

13、from morning to night in the past. Aworked Bto work Cwork Dworking 6考点4Show me your homework,Dave? Sorry,Mrs.Brown.Ive_it at home. Amissed Bforgotten Clost Dleft 7考点6Do you have any plans for tonight? Yes,I_at the new Italian restaurant in town. Aeat Bhave eaten Cate Dam going to eat,B,D,D,8考点5Lucy,

14、you look tired today. Yes!I learned English_it was 11:00 last night. Aunless Bafter Ctill Dso 9考点1The running water makes the stones_very smooth. Asound Btaste Csmell Dfeel 10考点6I am_to school tomorrow. Ato go Bwent Cabout to go Dto going 11考点3I like western comedies_tragedies.They make me relaxed.

15、Arather than Bthanks to Cbecause of Dprefer to,D,C,A,A,12考点6I was about to go out_someone knocked at the door. Awhile Bwhen Cafter Dbefore 13考点2Jane sometimes_his mother_unhappy about his study. Adrives;feel Bdrove;to feel Cdrives;to feel Ddrive;to feel 14考点1At last,the baby was made_and began to laugh. Astop crying Bstopped to cry Cto stop to cry Dto stop crying 15语法2Did you win the game yesterday? Not really._we all tried our best,we lost it. AIf B


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