Essay写作-Theme of Isolation in Jane Eyre

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1、 meeloun论文网 专业留学生essay代写网站Essay写作-Theme of Isolation in Jane EyreCompare and contrast the ways in which the writers present the theme of isolation to construct the characters of Rochester, Jane and Antoinette in “Jane Eyre” and “Wide Sargasso Sea”.The theme of isolation is utilised in English litera

2、ture to shape the principal characters and provide a particular vision on some crucial aspects of their identities. The aim of this essay is to compare and contrast the ways, in which Charlotte Bronte and Jean Rhys interpret the theme of isolation to construct such characters as Rochester and Jane f

3、rom the novel Jane Eyre and Antoinette from Wide Sargasso Sea. In these literary works the ideas of isolation are presented as a direct result of characters loneliness that they have experienced since early childhood, thus the writers apply both to social and inner isolation. The reality, in which t

4、hese people live, is so harsh that they isolate themselves from the rest of the world. Such alienation is a complex psychological disorder that influences the formation of characters identities. Isolation results in the expulsion of a person from all social affairs and interactions, preventing him/h

5、er to become a full member of society. Although Jean Rhys utilises the similar idea of isolation as Brontes narration, she provides her own interpretation of this issue. Contrary to Bronte, the writer considers that madness of a woman is not innate, but rather is a consequence of the injured self th

6、at is formed in a person because of isolation and oppression. In this regard, isolation is perceived by characters as a certain rescue that seems to save them for a time being, but, in fact, it gradually destroys these protagonists. The fact is that the identity of a person is created through certai

7、n social and cultural interactions with people, but isolation deprives him/her of acquiring the completeness of identity.Jane Eyre and Antoinette Cosway, the principal female characters of Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea, are portrayed as entirely isolated personalities who, despite the different ba

8、ckground and different living conditions, experience similar loneliness and despair. Jane is a little orphan who is treated cruelly by her aunt and who is isolated from the rest of the household. When Jane is sent into Lowood Institution, her isolation is aggravated; she is transformed into a reserv

9、ed and serious woman with low self-esteem and lack of hopes. Similar to Jane, Antoinettes isolation starts at home and continues in the nunnery, influencing her identity. She spends almost all time in the room and close people regard her as mad, although she acts in a rather normal way. But, contrar

10、y to Jane, such prolonged isolation results in more complex psychological destruction and further madness of Antoinette . As she claims at the beginning of the narration, no one came near us. I got used to a solitary life (Rhys 18). No one notices her and her family; instead people betray her trust

11、and hopes. Antoinettes isolation in childhood shapes her personality, negatively influencing her adult life and relations with people. This vulnerable and emotionally destroyed woman lives in her own created world, and when Rochester, a person whom she loves, alienates from her, she can no longer en

12、dure this isolation. Antoinette seeks love and attention, but her own husband fails to understand her.Rhys reveals that Rochesters isolation cant be explained by his severity; instead he is portrayed as a destroyed personality who is forced to marry a person chosen by his family and who has to live

13、in a place alien to him. Antoinette regards Rochesters alienation as his inability to accept something that is different from his well-ordered life and habits. As a result of Rochesters alienation, his attitude to Antoinette is sometimes negative, and gradually, she is transformed into a mad female,

14、 like her own mother, but Rhys opposes to the view that Antoinette inherits this madness from her mother. Instead, throughout the narration she stresses on the fact that isolation inevitably brings a woman to this psychological disorder. Antoinettes mind is split and she flees into the past, isolati

15、ng herself not only from the outside world, but also from her present life. Such isolation appears to be really dangerous for such a sensitive woman, and, as Coral Howells puts it, Antoinettes moment of authenticity is also the moment of her destruction (121). In pursuit of escaping this isolation,

16、Antoinette commits a suicide.Thus, Antoinette fails to eliminate the negative emotions and feelings that are evoked by her loneliness and isolation. Although Jane Eyre also experiences anger and scorn towards her relatives, she manages to destroy these emotions. Unlike Antoinette, this young woman who feels isolation since childhood meets a person who experiences the same loneliness, and falls in love with him. This powerful feeling saves her from


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