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1、Food Safety & Sanitation 食品卫生与安全,Beijing Olympic Catering Services Project 北京奥运餐饮服务项目,We are doing the most important work for the Olympic Games,It is our responsibility to provide safe and healthy food so that the athletes can compete successfully; and the coaches, the staff and the volunteers will

2、 work well. 我们的责任是提供安全健康的食品,这样运动员才能比赛成功;教练员,工作人员和志愿者才能工作好。 The world is watching. No one can be sick from the food. If anyone gets sick from the food, it will be bad world-wide news! 全球都在观看。任何一个人都不能因吃而有病。如果任何人吃病了,那将是全球的坏新闻!,我们为奥运会做这一项最重要的工作,How Foods Can Be Unsafe 食物如何变的不安全,Time & temperature are no

3、t properly controlled 时间与温度处理不当 Cross contamination交叉污染 Bad personal hygiene不良的个人卫生 Improper clean & sanitation不正确的清洁与消毒,Cross Contamination 交叉污染,Foods That Can be Harmful 可能具危害因素的食物,Chicken, duck, poultry, fish & sea foods, meat (pork, beef & lamb) 鸡、鸭, 家禽、鱼 (及其他海产品)、肉(猪、牛、羊) Eggs, milk & milk prod

4、ucts 蛋、奶、及制品 Beans & bean products 豆类、豆制品 Cooked products 熟食品 Vegetables 蔬菜,How Food is Contaminated by a Person 食物如何被人污染,Scratching your head 抓头皮 Combing/Touching your hair with your fingers 用指头拨拢头发 Wiping and/or touching your nose 擦或摸鼻子 Rubbing your ears 搓耳朵 Touching your pimples 摸青春痘或未痊愈的疮 Wearin

5、g a dirty uniform 穿不清洁的制服 Coughing and/or sneezing into hand 对着手咳嗽或打喷嚏 Spitting 吐痰或口水,严禁吐痰!,严禁吐痰!,严禁吐痰!,To minimize the risk of contamination when serving food, all staff should: 为减少服务食品时交叉污染,厨房工作人员应该:,Store serving utensils properly 正确存放服务器具 Use serving utensils with long handles 用带长把的器具 Use clean

6、and sanitized utensils for serving 用干净,消毒的器具 Minimize bare-hand contact with food that is cooked or ready-to-eat 避免赤手接触做好,准备入口的食品 Practice good personal hygiene 养成良好的个人卫生习惯,Minimizing Contamination During Service 服务中减少交叉污染,Handling Food, Glassware, Dishes, and Utensils 服务中的对与错,Minimizing Contaminati

7、on During Service 服务中减少交叉污染,Handling Food, Glassware, Dishes, and Utensils 服务中的对与错续,Minimizing Contamination During Service 服务中减少交叉污染,Install sneeze guards 安装喷嚏护栏 Separate raw meat, fish, and poultry from cooked and ready-to-eat food 生肉,鱼,家禽与成品和即食食品要分开 Hand out fresh plates to customers 给客人新盘子使用 Lab

8、el all food items 所有食品要有标签 Maintain proper temperatures 保持正确温度 Practice First In First Out (FIFO) 实行先进先出,To keep food safe at food bars and buffets: 保持自助餐区食品安全:,Self-Service Areas自助餐区,Personal Hygiene 个人卫生,Good Personal Hygiene 好的个人卫生习惯,Maintain good personal hygiene 保持良好的个人卫生 Wear comfortable cloth

9、es 着装得体 Follow the key rules when washing your hands 按规则洗手 Get rid of unhealthy personal hygiene and behavior 杜绝不卫生的习惯和行为 Keep good health 保持身体健康,Take a shower or bath every day 每天淋浴或洗澡 Cut fingernails and clean underneath fingernails often 常修剪与清洗指甲 Do not have fake nails or nail polish. They are no

10、t allowed while working. 禁止佩戴假指甲或涂指甲油 No dangling jewelry allowed while working. 工作时,请不要佩戴吊挂类饰品 Wear clean and washed clothes 穿着干净的衣物 Do not eat, drink or smoke while working (except on breaks).当您在烹调或供应食物时,在烹调区,洗刷区、器具区,请勿吃东西、喝饮料或抽烟。 Report to your manager when you are sick. 生病时,您应立即向经理报告。,Good Perso

11、nal Hygiene 好的个人卫生习惯,Proper Hand Washing Procedure 正确的洗手程序,First use 38C water to wash hands 用38C温度的水冲洗双手,1,Apply soap 用肥皂,2,Rub hands in soap for 20 second 使劲搓洗至少20秒钟,3,Wash hands, scrub nails and under the finger nails 清洗指间和指甲缝,4,Rinse with running water用流水彻底冲洗,5,6,Use paper towel or electric air

12、to dry hands用一次性纸或电干风将手弄干,Hand Sanitizer 手消毒液,Must be approved by the FDA 必须经美农业部批准 Use hand sanitizer after washing hands 需洗手后用 Using hand sanitizer does not take the place of washing your hands用消毒液决不能代替洗手,Rules for Food Handlers 食品操作人员手的要求,Fingernails should be short and clean指甲要短,干净,Do not wear f

13、ake fingernails nor nail polish 不要戴假指甲 不要涂指甲油,A cover is always needed for an injured finger 受伤手指包扎后 要戴上罩,Rules for Wearing Gloves 戴手套,Wearing gloves does not take the place of washing hands 戴手套决不能代替洗手 You can only wear gloves once (do not ever re-use gloves) 只能用一次 It must fit the work you are doing

14、 适合要做的工作 Must be safe, durable, sanitized 必须安全、耐用、卫生 Must fit your hands 带上必须合适 You must use them properly 必须正确使用,Using Gloves Safely 安全地使用手套,Gloves must never be used in place of hand washing! 使用手套不能代替洗手! Always wash hands thoroughly: 彻底地清洗双手 Before putting on gloves 在戴手套之前 When changing into a fre

15、sh pair of gloves 在更换新的手套时 Wear gloves when: 戴手套 Appropriate for the task and for the job at hand 适合要做的工作 When handling raw meats, such as ground beef 在处理生肉时,如绞肉馅等 When handling ready-to-eat foods or foods that will not be cooked, such as salads, deli meats, etc. 当加工即食食品或无需烹饪的食品时,如沙拉,熟食等 Over bandag

16、es on hands and forearms 当手或前臂缠有绷带时,Always change gloves when: 更换手套 They become punctured, ripped, soiled or torn 当手套被刺破,裂开,受污染或被撕破时 Before beginning a different task, such as moving from meat preparation to salad preparation 在开始另一项不同工作时,如从肉的加工区转到沙拉加工区 At least every 2 hours or more often, if necessary, during continual use 在连续使用时,如果需要,至少每隔两个小时或更频繁,更换一次手套 After handling raw meat, such as hamburger, and before handling cooked or ready-to-eat foods, such as salad 处理生肉之后,如碎



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