高中英语 unit 24 society section lesson 2 lesson 3课时作业 北师大版选修

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《高中英语 unit 24 society section lesson 2 lesson 3课时作业 北师大版选修》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 unit 24 society section lesson 2 lesson 3课时作业 北师大版选修(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求Unit 24 Society Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3.单词拼写(根据汉语提示写出单词)1How many times did he_(抛,投) his net every morning?答案:cast2. The company has announced that it will_(从事) a full investigation into the accident.答案:undertake3I had to

2、_ (挤出) my way through the crowd.答案:squeeze4. The meat will _(腐烂) if it isnt put into the fridge.答案:rot5The lambs were_(跳跃) about all over the hill.答案:skipping.单句语法填空 1.You must obey every word of mine!_ if I dont?答案:What2It is reported that thirty people were killed in a_(collide) on the railway yes

3、terday.答案:collision3The society today offers the young generation more chances to show_ their talent and skills.答案:off4All people,_they are old or young,rich or poor,_(try) their best to help those in need since the disaster.答案:whether;have been trying5(山东高考改编)Her father is very rich.So _?She wouldn

4、t accept his help even if it were offered.答案:what6Its said that the chairman of the meeting_(elect) by the public.答案:was elected7The death of Mr Smith in a plane crash cast a shadow_his company.答案:on8(浙江高考改编)There are some health problems that,when _(treat) in time,can become bigger ones later on.答案

5、:not treated9Mr Collins undertook _(look) after the children _his wife could go to the club with two of her friends.答案:to look;so that10Kathy picked_a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.答案:up.翻译句子1我难以描绘那个山村的美景。(more than)_答案:The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I

6、can describe.2要是他不同意怎么办?(what if.)_答案:What if he doesnt agree?3即使邀请我去,我也不想听如此糟糕的报告。(用省略句)_答案:Even if invited to,I wont go to such a bad lecture.4你去还是不去与我无关。_答案:It doesnt matter to me whether you go or not.5这座城堡建于古罗马时期。(date back to)_答案:The castle dates back to the ancient Roman days.完形填空When I was 1

7、0 years old,my friend Sydney suffered from brain cancer.Sydney fought against it,but her body did not respond to the_1_.Sydney died at the age of 11.After her death,I felt extremely sad and discouraged.Finally,I decided to turn these_2_emotions into positive actions.When I was 11 years old,I founded

8、 the Pink Polka Dots Guild (协会) with two friends.My_3_has been to raise enough money to find a cure for brain cancer.Over the years,Pink Polka Dots (PPD) has_4_many events to raise money.The first event,a garage sale,_5_$9,000,and our most recent event,the fifth golf contest,brought in over $73,000.

9、In five years,we have raised almost half a million dollars.Ive been_6_by the public recognition that the guild has earned.Thats what I had never expected.PPD_7_an award from the government and spoke at an important conference.Each of these_8_has raised awareness and money for our cause.The effort we

10、 have made has_9_helped cancer research.With the money we raised,PPD has provided startup_10_for scientific discoveries,such as “Tumor Paint”,which illuminates (照亮) cancer cells_11_doctors can remove them more easily.I am very_12_to have had the chance to _13_the research on this lifesaving technolo

11、gy.My experience has taught me that with_14_and dedication,it is possible to make a_15_in the world.The determination that Pink Polka Dots raised in me has_16_ all aspects of my life,making me a(n)_17_debater and a dedicated volunteer.As PPDs impact_18_,its hard to decide which is more delightfulkno

12、wing how many cancer patientslives will_19_because of my work,or imagining how proud Sydney would be.But Im_20_about one thingI will continue with my work.语篇理解作者儿时的朋友患癌症死去,悲痛之余作者决心筹集善款,资助脑癌研究。1A.treatmentBmovementCcontributionDconclusion解析:从后面的Sydney died at the age of 11可知Sydney对接受的治疗没有良性反应。答案:A2A.

13、creative BattractiveCalternativeDnegative解析:从前面的I felt extremely sad and discouraged可知作者要把负面的情绪转变为积极的行动。答案:D3A.problem Bgoal CdiscoveryDdoubt解析:从后文的描述可知募资以资助脑癌研究是作者创办Pink Polka Dots Guild的目的。答案:B4A.observed BdescribedCexpected Dheld解析:Pink Polka Dots Guild应该是通过举办一些活动来筹集善款。答案:D5A.collected Bcost Ctook Dborrowed解析:从后面的and our most recent event,the fifth golf contest,brought in over $73,000可知此处是列举两次活动募集到的钱。答案:A6A.annoyed BsurprisedCbored Dpuzzled解析:从后面的Thats what I had never expected可知大众对PPD的认可让作者感到惊讶。答案:B7A.benefited BprotectedCreceive



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