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1、到乌蒙山区的昭通;从甘肃中部的定西,到内蒙古边陲的阿尔山,看真贫、知真贫,真扶贫、扶真贫,成为“花的精力最多”的事;“扶贫先扶志”“扶贫必扶智”“实施精准扶贫”Unit 2 Robots . 阅读理解Entering Space, astronauts can give us a fascinating account of a shuttle flight, describing the pressure of a countdown and launch, the complexities of living the days in the strange weightless envir

2、onment, the challenges of working in space, the emotional effect of seeing earth from space, the drama of the meteoric landing.However, there are also plenty of things that astronauts cant do because of their weightless environment, and thats very sad. Whats more, they cant even let their sadness sh

3、ow, because its impossible to cry in zero gravity.Of course, astronauts can still produce tears. But crying is much more difficult in space, reported The Atlantic in January. Without gravity, tears dont flow downward out of the eyes like they do here on Earth. This means that when you cry in space,

4、your tears have nowhere to gothey just stick to your eyes.In May 2011, astronaut Andrew Feustel experienced this during one of his spacewalks. “Tears,” he said, “dont fall off of your eye They just kind of stay there.”Besides making your vision unclear, this can also cause physical pain. Back on Ear

5、th, tears are supposed to bring comfort to the eyes. But thats not the case in space. The space environment dries out astronauts eyes, and when tears suddenly wet the eyes, it can cause pain rather than comfort. “My right eye is painful like crazy,” Feustel told his teammate during the walk.Since gr

6、avity doesnt work in space, astronauts need some extra help to get rid of the tears. Feustel chose to rub his eyes against his helmet to wipe the tears away. Another choice is to just wait“When the tears get big enough they simply break free of the eye and float around,” astronaut Ron Parise told Th

7、e Atlantic.There are lots of small thingsthings like cryingthat we are so used to on Earth. We usually take them for granted, until they become a problem in a totally different environment, like space. There, astronauts cant talk to each other directly. They also cant eat or drink in normal ways. Th

8、ey cant even burp(打嗝), because there is no gravity to hold the food down in their stomach. If they do burp, they just end up throwing up (呕吐) everything in their stomach, according to the UK National Space Center.Thus, perhaps its only space explorers who can honestly say,“Gravity, youre the best.”1

9、.What can we conclude from the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs? A.Astronauts are unable to feel sad in space.B.Tears produced in space dont flow downward.C.Astronauts produce fewer tears in space.D.Tears produced in space flow down more slowly.2.What can the astronaut do to get rid of the tears?A.Get the tea

10、rs big enough to break away from his eyes.B.Get the tears big enough to fall off his eyes.C.Rub his eyes against his helmet to let the tears float forward.D.Rub his eyes by hand to let the tears float around.3.What is the second-to-last paragraphs mainly about?A.Suggestions on how astronauts can sta

11、y comfortably in space.B.Why burping is impossible in space.C.Things that humans cant do without gravity.D.Other basic things that are difficult to do in space.4.What can be the best title of this passage?A.In the Sky, You Cant Cry.B.In the Sky, You Cant Burp.C.No Gravity, No Tears.D.Better Life wit

12、h Gravity.Are you a saver or a spender?5 This old saying calls attention to the wisdom of saving money. “Putting money away for a rainy day” is another way to talk about saving for the future.People who hate to spend money are known as “tightwads”, while those who like to get the most value for thei

13、r money are called“thrifty”. 6 A spendthrift is someone who spends wastefully. People like that are often said to spend money “like a drunken sailor” or “like theres no tomorrow”.In the United States, people who want to start a savings account have different choices of where to put their money. 7 Cr

14、edit unions are cooperatives for people who have some kind of connection. For example, the members might work for a university or a government agency. Most credit unions are non-profit organizations.Credit unions, banks and other financial institutions pay interest on savings accounts. But the inter

15、est rates are low. Certificates of deposit (存款) pay higher returns. With a certificate of deposit, a person agrees not to withdraw the money for a certain period of time. This term could be anywhere from a few months to several years. 8 People can withdraw their money early, but they have to pay a p

16、enalty(罚金).In a number of countries, people have been saving less over the years. It is reported that in 2000, Americans had a household savings rate of 7%. 9 Many European countries have higher rates, but Americans save more than families in Japan.A.People are willing to save money for the future.B.A penny saved is a penny earned.C.Before gold, even kin


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