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1、新闻热词,基础英语补充资料,2,和平发展 peaceful development 中国将始终不渝走和平发展道路,坚定奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。 China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace. 文化逆差 cultural deficit Cultural deficit就是“文化逆差”,指中国文化贸易(cultural trade)出口少于进口,中国的对外文化交流和传播严重“入超”。,3,党的建设

2、Party building 中国特色社会主义socialism with Chinese characteristics 在改革开放三十多年一以贯之的接力探索中,我们坚定不移高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,既不走封闭僵化的老路、也不走改旗易帜的邪路。 Throughout the past 30-plus years of continuous exploration for reform and opening up, we have held high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and reject

3、ed both the old and rigid closed-door policy and any attempt to abandon socialism and take an erroneous path.,4,民生 peoples livelihood 胡锦涛同志在十八大报告中提到了一系列改善民生的措施:促进教育公平、增加工作机会、加强职业技能培训、推进城乡社会保障体系、关注老龄人口问题、提供养老服务、改善医保体系,以及加强保障性住房建设等。 Hu introduced a series of measures including promoting fairness in ed

4、ucation, increasing job opportunities, strengthening vocational skills training, providing basic social security for urban and rural regions, addressing the issue of the aging population and providing old-age services, improving the medical insurance system and building affordable housing.,5,差额选举 co

5、mpetitive election Competitive election就是“差额选举”,即候选人名额多于应选代表名额的选举;与其相对的是single candidate election(等额选举)。 政治体制改革 political structure reform 奥巴马“连任” To win re-election就是“赢得连任”,也可以说US President Barack Obama was/got re-elected a second term in the White House。,6,科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development 科

6、学发展观是坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展观。 The Scientific Outlook on Development means putting people first and aiming at comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. 动员投票 get-out-the-vote Get-out-the-vote (GOTV)就是指的美国大选中的“动员投票”,是选举活动中重要的一部分。 中央军委 Central Military Commission 中共中央军事委员会简称“中央军委”,是党的最高军事领导机构

7、。 全体会议 plenum Plenum就是“全体会议”,也可以用plenary session/meeting来表示。 政治局 The Political Bureau,7,冬季征兵 winter conscription To draft someone into the army就是“征某人入伍”,新闻报道中常用winter conscription来表示“冬季征兵” 中央委员会 The Central Committee 中央委员会是由党的全国代表大会选举产生的。在党的全国代表大会闭会期间,中央委员会执行全国代表大会的决议,领导党的全部工作,对外代表中国共产党。 提前“供暖” Publ

8、ic heating system就是“公共供暖系统”,过去全部都是collective heating(集体供暖),现在不少住宅小区都已实现household-based heating(分户采暖)。 党代会 The National Party Congress 党的全国代表大会是中国共产党的最高权力机关,每五年举行一次,由中央委员会召集。 The CPCs organ of supreme power, the National Party Congress, held once every five years, is convened by the Central Committee

9、.,8,员工福利 employee benefits Chinas employee benefits system is still underdeveloped, with a majority of employees hoping to see improvements in their packages, a research report said on Wednesday. 周三发布的一份研究报告指出,中国员工福利保障体系仍未全面发展,大部分员工都希望福利保障有所提升。,9,Guangdong province is to launch a pilot project requi

10、ring all Party and government officials to report their assets, in the latest move to curb corruption. 广东省推最新反腐举措,将推出试点项目要求所有党政机关干部申报财产。 To report assets就是“申报财产”,如果是向公众“公开财产”则可以用disclose assets来表示,“公开收入”当然就是disclose income。 广东省此次pilot project(试点项目)先在几个designated districts and counties(指定区县)实行,如果有成效就

11、在全省范围内推行。另外,对官员illegally applying for identity cards and other certificates(非法申请身份证件)、transferring properties abroad(向国外转移财产),以及arranging for their spouses and childrens emigration(安排配偶子女出国移民)等行为也将进行更严格的监督。,10,气候融资 climate financing Developing countries have submitted a proposal for a mid-term finan

12、cing target for 2015, which is meant to ensure that the $100 billion a year in climate financing that developed countries have pledged to provide by 2020 in climate financing is guaranteed. 发展中国家提出的2015年中期融资目标意在确保发达国家承诺的到2020年前实现每年1000亿美元的气候融资能够到位。 Climate financing就是“气候融资”,指发达国家承诺通过征收碳税(carbon tax)

13、、国际运输税(tax on international transport service)和金融交易税(financial transaction tax),以筹集资金,帮助发展中国家应对气候变化。,11,The UN General Assembly on Thursday voted overwhelmingly to grant an upgrade of the Palestinians status at the United Nations from “entity“ to “non-member state“. 联合国大会周四以大多数赞成票通过决议,决定将巴勒斯坦在联合国的地位

14、由“观察员实体”升格为“观察员国”地位。 巴勒斯坦在联合国的observer status(观察员地位)从entity(实体)升级到了non-member state(非成员国),即“观察员国(non-member observer state)”。,12,Nicknamed “Carrier Style,“ it was deemed “cool, powerful and confident as well as amusing and comical“ by netizens who uploaded pictures showing various takes on the gestu

15、re. 很多网友都上传了各自模仿“航母style”的手势照片,还将其描述为“酷,强势,自信又带有娱乐和喜剧效果”。 Carrier Style就是这两天热门的“航母style”,其实是中国首艘aircraft carrier(航母)的两位crew members(地勤人员)指挥歼-15舰载战斗机take-off and landing maneuver(起降演练)时使用的手势。 此次“辽宁舰”成功起降歼-15舰载机采用的是ski-jump type take-off(滑跃起飞)而没有使用catapult system(弹射系统),使中国成为少数几个掌握了固定翼飞机(fixed-wing jet

16、s)航母起降技术的国家之一。,13,富裕阶层 affluent class 280 million people are expected to form the countrys affluent class by 2020, wielding $3.1 trillion a year of purchasing power, an amount equal to 5 percent of global consumption, according to research by the management-consulting company Boston Consulting Group. 波士顿咨询公司研究报告称,到2020年中国的富裕阶层将达到2.8亿人,年购买力达3.1万亿美元,占全球消费总额的5%。 Affluent class就是指“富裕阶层”,即家庭年均可支配收入(annual average household disposable income)至少为2万美元的人群。这个阶层比middle class(中产阶级)收入高,但财富能力又比不上high


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