中考英语复习 第一部分 教材同步复习篇 第2课时 七上 modules 610试题 外研版

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1、为深入贯彻落实党的十九大精神和习近平总书记的重要指示精神,保障人民安居乐业、社会安定有序、国家长治久安、进一步巩固党的执政基础,束城镇深入贯彻全市扫黑除恶会议精神,强化措施,深入扎实开展扫黑除恶专项斗争第二课时七年级(上)Modules 610为充分发动群众积极参与到扫黑除恶工作中来,束城镇通过由包片班子成员、包村干部、村书记召开各村群众大会广泛宣传动员、公布全镇扫黑除恶举报电话、邮箱和纪委举报等方式,增强人民群众通黑恶势力做斗争的决心,在全镇范围内营造了全民扫黑除恶的浓厚氛围I.单项选择。(A)1. Who is in _ front of you? My brother. On _ rig

2、ht, that is my father.A. /; the B. the; theC. /; /D. the; / (D)2. Lets buy some _ and _ in the shop. A. tomato; carrotB. tomatoes; carrotC. tomato; carrotsD. tomatoes; carrots(B)3. Does the giraffe _ meat?No, it _. It only eats plants. A. eats; isnt B. eat; doesnt C. eats; doesnt D. eat; isnt (D)4.

3、_ do I save the document? You _ “save” and write a name for it. A. What; checkB. How; checkC. What; clickD. How; click (C)5. Do you often _ Alice? Yes. There are _ letters from her in the box. A. hear from; a littleB. hear of; a littleC. hear from; a fewD. hear of; a few(A)6. It is 8:00 pm and it is

4、 time for me to begin _ my homework. A. to do B. does C. do D. to doing (D)7. I dont want to get fat _ I wont eat any meat for dinner. A. and B. but C. because D. so(C)8. Mary is _ information about some interesting places on the Internet. A. waiting for B. getting off C. searching for D. turning on

5、 (C)9.Can I help you,sir?Yes, I want _.Atwo bags of apple Btwo glass of juiceCtwo bowls of rice Dtwo cup of coffee(B)10. His mother often tells him_ too much time playing games.Adont spend B not to spendCspends DspendingII.完形填空。Eugene Bostick is an old man from America. He loves helping save dogs.He

6、 saves them in a 11 way.The 80-year old man has a 12 . And there is a horse house on the farm. Sometimes people dont want 13 dogs and they leave the 14 in the horse house.Bostick starts to 15 food to dogs and let them in. He also takes them to see the 16 to keep them healthy.To make the the dogs hap

7、py, Bostick makes The Dog Train 17 them. He often 18 them to the forest or parks.The dogs 19 the train a lot. They jump into it when they hear Bostick starting the train.Im 80 years old now. I dont think I can do it for a long time. 20 Ill keep it going as long as(只要)I can.says Bostick.The dogs have

8、 a great time.( B )11.A. same B. special C. important D. difficult( D )12.B. hotel B. cinema C. park D. farm( C )13.A. our B. your C. their D. my( A )14.A. dogs B. houses C.clothes D. books( C )15.A. get B. make C. give D. buy( B )16.A police B. doctor C. worker D. actor( D )17.A.in B. at C. with D.

9、 for( A )18.A. drives B. sends C. helps D. meets( C )19.A. open B. sleep C. enjoy D. remember( D )20.A. Or B. Because C. And D. ButIII. 阅读理解。 AGreen Eyes is a book.Its about a lovely cat called Green Eyes. He is one year old. He is interested in everything around him. He lives in his big red box and

10、 greets (迎接) spring, summer, autumn and winter each with their special colours and feelings (感受). The pictures of the book are beautiful, and the words are easy to read. Herere some reviews of the readers: Hello KittyIt is a great book about how a cat sees the seasons. Im a teacher and I read it to

11、my students every year when we study the seasons.A Sweet GirlIm a little girl from America. Ive got the book on my 12th birthday this year. My parents buy it for me. I love it so much. I often read it before going to bed. Warm WindIm Jenny. Im in the school reading club (俱乐部). We share our favourite

12、 book every Sunday. I share this book with other students in the club. They all like it. (B)21. What is Green Eyes?A. Its a dog.B. Its a cat.C. Its a bird.D. Its a lion. (D)22. Where does Green Eyes live? A. Under a red bed.B. In a little red box. C. Behind a red box.D. In a big red box. (C)23. The

13、underlined word “reviews” means _ in Chinese.A. 建议 B. 想法 C. 评价 D. 注意(D)24. How much do you know about “A Sweet Girl”?A. Shes 13 years old.B. Shes a girl from England.C. Her friend gives her Green Eyes. D. She loves the book Green Eyes.(A)25. What can we learn from the passage?A. Hello Kitty is a tea

14、cher and she thinks Green Eyes is good.B. Jenny never shares her books with others. C. Hello Kitty and Warm Wind are in the same club. D. Green Eyes is a book about numbers.B根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The GiftLast summer, Kelly visited her Aunt Mina for a week. They spent two days at Kellys favorite museum, the Museum of Modern Art. At the museum, Kelly wanted to buy a gift. 26 . In the gift shop, she saw some cards, T-shirts and posters


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