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1、Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe,基础知识梳理,考点知识导练,基础知识梳理 抓主干 固双基,accustomed,accustom,assume,assumption,acknowledge,acknowledgement,patience,patient,patiently,advanced,advancement,advance,tension,tense,relief,relieve,glory,glorious,broad,broaden,sympathy,sympathetic,commitment,commit,committed,cons

2、istent,consistence,faith,faithful,faithfully,devotion,devote,devoted,accuse,witness,it,out,in,of,at,of,for,to,no,more,dangerous,than,did,he,know,it,may,考点知识导练 解疑难 提知能,1.accustomed adj.习惯的,英文典例: She was a person having eight hours sleep a night.她是那种习惯每晚睡八个小时的人。 .they find themselves working to suppor

3、t the lifestyle to which they have so quickly become accustomed. (2015浙江,完形填空) 他们发现自己工作是为了维持他们那么快就已经习惯了的生活 方式。 It took a while for me to accustom myself to all the new rules and regulations. 我花了一段时间才逐渐适应了所有新的规章制度。,accustomed,to,2.assume vt.假定,假设;担任,承担;装出,英文典例: So,let us historical buildings are both

4、 attractive and important to the majority of people. 因此,让我们假设历史上的建筑物对大多数人既有吸引力又重要。 Assuming that the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money? 假定这个建议被采纳,我们什么时候能拿到钱? I assume him to be 40 years old.我认为他40岁了。,assume,that,特别提示:“假设”小结:assuming/providing/provided/suppose/ supposing (that),

5、if,in case,on condition that等。 写作联想:典例其他表达方式 If the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money? Suppose/Supposing the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money? Providing/Provided the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money?,3.acknowledge vt.承认;认为;告知收到(信件、礼

6、物等);感谢,英文典例: The thief acknowledged stealing a watch from the store. 那个小偷承认从这个店里偷过一块手表。 He is acknowledged as an expert in this area. 大家都承认他是这方面的专家。 It is now generally acknowledged that he was innocent. 现在大家普遍认为他是无辜的。 They the old man a house. 他们送给那个老人一套房子以表达谢意。,acknowledged,with,4.accuse vt.控告,谴责,

7、指责,英文典例: The boy made trouble for his teacher because he was accused of destroying public property. 这个男学生给老师带来了麻烦,因为他被指责破坏公物。 Several of were found guilty. 被告中有数人被判定有罪。,the,accused,词语辨析:,He was with the robbery. 他被指控抢劫。 She him of stealing her watch. 她控告他偷了她的手表。 He me for negligence.他责备我粗心大意。,charge

8、d,accused,blamed,5.make it 成功;及时到达;赶上;能参加,英文典例: She practiced hard and finally made it.(2016天津,完形填空) 她努力训练,最终获得了成功。 I dont know how Im going to the day. 我不知道我将如何熬过这一天。(朗文P1187) Lets make it 8:00 am if you want to go to the park with me. 如果你想和我去公园的话,让我们把时间定在上午8:00吧。,make,it,through,6.set out,英文典例: Yo

9、u will be anxious if you set out for a dinner late. (2015陕西,阅读填空) 如果你赴宴出发迟了的话,你会焦虑不安的。 My father then set out to sell it. 然后我的父亲开始着手卖它。 The women their chickens and ducks on the market stalls.妇女们把鸡鸭陈列在市场的摊子上。,set,out,7little did he know what impact he was going to make. 他根本不知道他将要造成多大的轰动。,英文典例: Not once to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class. 迈克尔从来没想过有一天他会成为班里的一名顶尖学生。 In no case should the students cheat when taking exams. 在任何情况下学生考试都不应作弊。 No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause. 莫言一登上舞台,观众就报以雷鸣般的掌声。,did,it,occur,


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