2018年秋季高中英语 unit 4 body language period 4 using language要点讲解课课件 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit 4 Body language Period 4 Using Language 要点讲解课,. 朗读下列句子, 体会并写出黑体单词的意思 1. The function of the medicine is to hold back the heart disease. ( ) 2. I am truly grateful for all your help. You are a kind person. ( ),作用, 功能,真诚地; 真实地,3. He got a very serious facial injury in the fight yesterday. ( ) 4.

2、At last I never thought Tom shouted in anger. ( ) 5. I dont want to give you a false impression. ( ),面部的,怒气, 怒火,错误的, 假的,6. They served for everyone regardless of social rank. ( ) 7. The expression in her face told me that something was wrong. ( ) 8. I think there has been some misunderstanding; I me

3、an nine in the morning, not nine at night. ( ),等级; 军衔,表情,误解,9. They have to communicate entirely by gesture because of the distance between them. ( ) 10. Working day and night helped to ease him of pain because of the death of his son in an accident. ( ),手势,减轻,. 短语互译 1. 上上下下 _ 2. 舒适; 快活; 自由自在 _ 3. 丢

4、脸 _ 4. 背对; 背弃 _ 5. 留心; 注意 _,up and down,at ease,lose face,turn ones back to,watch out,6. be wrong about _ 7. take action _ 8. keep away from _ 9. in most cases _ 10. even if _ 11. look away from _,弄错; 误解,采取行动,远离,在大多数情况下,即使; 尽管,不看, 不注视,朗读课文, 回答下列问题 1. Main idea: _ _,Body language has many universal,g

5、estures.,2. What kind of feelings do these different gestures show to us according to the text? Smiles show _ and put people _. Frowning and turning ones back to sb. shows _. Making a fist and shaking it means someone is _ and _ another person.,happiness,at ease,unhappiness, anger,angry,threatening,

6、Nodding ones head shows _; Shaking ones head shows _. Looking away from people and yawning shows _. Not giving a hug to a boss or teacher or standing too close to a higher rank shows _ to another person.,agreement,disagreement,boredom,respect,1. ease n. 安逸; 舒适; vt. 减轻(痛苦、忧虑) I did my best to make hi

7、m at ease. 我尽力让他舒适。 They are expected to win the election with ease. 预计他们在竞选中能够轻易获胜。,Take your ease, for the journey ahead will be very long. 好好休息一下, 前面的路程还很长。 A smile is a sign that you are happy, which helps put people at ease. 微笑表示你感到高兴, 它能使人感到自在。,Do send an e-mail to your mother to ease her of w

8、orry. 务必给你妈妈发一封电子邮件, 别让她担心。,【自我归纳】 at ease _ _(=easily) 熟练地, 轻而易举地 take ones ease _ put sb. at ones ease _ _sb. _sth. 减轻某人的,舒适, 快活, 自由自在,with ease,休息; 放松一下,使某人宽心/感到无拘无束,ease,of,【巧学助记】 Now he can set his mind at ease because he has passed the examination with ease. 现在他可以放心了, 因为他已经轻松地通过了考试。,【活学活用】 1.

9、Walking can help to _ _ _ her pain. 散步有助于减轻她的疼痛。 Knowing that the children were safe, her mind was _ _. 得知孩子们都非常安全, 她的思想放松下来了。,ease,her,of,at,ease,_ _ _, for you are too tired. 好好放松一下, 你太累了。 The smile on her face _ _ _ _ immediately. 她脸上的微笑使我们马上没有拘束了。 Our team won the football match with ease. 译: _,

10、Take,your,ease,put,us,at,ease,我们队轻而易举地赢得了足球比赛。,I am never at ease with strangers. 译: _,我在陌生人面前总会感到不自在。,2. lose face丢脸 朗读下列句子, 体会lose face在句中的含义并翻译。 There are unhappy smiles, such as when someone “loses face” and smiles to hide it. 还有不愉快的微笑, 比如当某人“_”就会用微 笑来掩饰。,丢了面子,Losing face in public made him sad.

11、 _让他感到十分难过。,在公共场合丢脸,【知识延伸】 (1)与lose相关的短语: lose heart 灰心; 丧气 lose weight 减轻体重; 减肥 lose temper 发脾气,(2)与face相关的短语: save face 保全面子 face to face 面对面 in the face of. . . 面对; 面临 be faced with 面临着; 面对着,【活学活用】 2. If Tom doesnt keep his promise, hell _ _. 如果汤姆不信守诺言, 他就会丢面子。 Even though she _ _ _ great difficu

12、lty, she never _ _. 尽管她面临着巨大的困难, 她从来都没有失去信心。,lose,face,was,faced,with,lost,heart,To know the truth, youd better have a talk with him _ _ _. 要知道真相, 你最好跟他面对面地谈一下。 (2016兰州高一检测)You should keep calm _ _ _ _ danger. 面对危险时, 你应当保持冷静。,face,to,face,in,the,face,of,3. means n. 手段; 方法; 工具 The quickest means of t

13、ravel is by plane. 最快的交通方式是乘飞机。 These heavy things are raised by means of pulleys. 这些重物是用滑车吊起来的。,Can I bring Kate to the party? 我可以带凯特参加聚会吗? By all means. 当然可以。 By no means shall we give in to the enemy. 我们决不向敌人投降。,【知识延伸】 a/the means of _ _ 经由 by_means 决不(用在句首, 句子要用倒装) by all means _,一种的办法,by means

14、of,no,当然可以,【活学活用】 3. Shall I use your bike? _ _ _. 我可以用一下你的自行车吗? 当然可以。 He let himself down slowly _ _ _ a rope. 他借助于绳子慢慢地下来了。,By,all,means,by,means,of,(2016景德镇高一检测)_ _ _ been tried but no problem has been solved. 所有的办法都试过了, 但是没有解决任何问题。,All,means,have,4. in most cases在大多数情况下 All people I know will vote for him and in most cases, me too. 我认识的人都投他的票,


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