u1-2unit task 导学(学习指引+参考 答案)

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1、专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 1 Unit Task【单元任务】Unit Task【单元任务】 亲爱的同学,你好! 短暂休息之后,请跟随我继续学习第 1 单元第 2 部分吧! 做题说明做题说明(教材第 4 页) Read Text A and practice a series of real tasks of reception supposing that you are a clerk in a company and you are going to impress your client during the busin

2、ess reception. 【阅读第 1 篇课文。假设你是一名公司职员,将准备完成一系列真实的接待任务。你打算如 何取悦你的客户,并给他/她留下好印象?】 Step 1 Step 1(教材第 5 页) Read the articles and get background information for the following real tasks. 【阅读第 1 篇课文中的 3 篇文章,为接下来的真实任务获取背景信息。 】 Work in groups of three. You are each going to read an article. Tell your group m

3、embers the main idea of what you have read and try to help Eric to list some key words. 【如果可能的话,你最好组成 3 人学习小组,每人读 1 篇文章,然后相互分享文章大意,并 帮 Eric 列出一些关键词。 】 1.如果找不到一起学习的伙伴,也可以独自完成本练习。 2.在阅读时,应避免指读、默读、译读等习惯,以免影响你 快速获取信息。 3.在第一遍阅读时应采用略读法 (skimming) 进行快速阅读。 略读又称跳读, 是指以尽可能快的速度进行有选择的阅读, 也就是跳过某些细节,只抓文章的主旨大意。此外,

4、不要 被生词限制住,而是要利用常识和上下文(context)猜测 关键词,非关键词可以忽略。 4.在第二遍阅读时应研读全文,借助词典、文末的生词表及 以下参考译文理解每一句话。 5.完成本练习后,你应该达到以下学习目标: 1)了解查询航班的步骤、机场接人的步骤以及如何招待 客户的注意事项。 2)掌握复述文章大意的技巧。 思考题:去往你所在的城市或地区的常用交通工具是什么?思考题:去往你所在的城市或地区的常用交通工具是什么? 如何获取交通信息?如何接待来访的外国客户?如何获取交通信息?如何接待来访的外国客户? 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Recept

5、ion 2 表达范例:表达范例: 1. The main idea ofArticle 1 is that【第 1 篇文章的主要意思是】 2. I think the key words of this article can be listed like this: 【我觉得这篇文章的关键词是】 参考答案:参考答案: Article 1: flight information, track, airport name, flight number, route, enter, click, alert Article 2: pick up, when, airline, flight num

6、ber, baggage claim, check, location, vehicle, greet Article 3: entertain, feed, recreational event, show around the city, creative ways 参考译文:参考译文: Tips for Business Reception【商务接待的秘诀】【商务接待的秘诀】 Eric Lee is a new clerk in ABC Textile Foreign Trade Company. He is going to handle his first deal. His Ame

7、rican client is coming to visit the company and making further negotiations. Eric is a little nervous. He wants to make a good impression on his client during the business reception to make the deal. His superior recommends him to read the following articles to get some tips. 【Eric Lee 是 ABC 纺织品外贸公司

8、的员工。他即将做第一单生意。他的美国客户要来 参观公司并做进一步的商务谈判。Eric 有点儿紧张。他想在接待时给客户留个好印象以便 谈成生意。他的上司推荐他阅读以下 3 篇文章以获得一些提示。 】 Article 1: How to Track Flight Status【如何追踪航班】【如何追踪航班】 If you are picking your client up at the airport, being on time is very important. Meanwhile you may worry about any changes of the flight informat

9、ion. Now airline flights can be tracked by an international flight tracker almost in real time. You can track flights airport name, by flight number and by route. Use these tips to track airline flights status. 【去机场接客户,准时到达十分重要,但同时您可能担心航班信息会有所变更。现在 有了国际航班追踪器,您就能够进行实时追踪:您可以根据机场名、航班号以及航线进行 追踪。请根据以下提示追

10、踪航班状态。 】 Step 1 Visit . Go to the “Flights” tab, click on “Flight Status”. 【第 1 步:第 1 步:访问网站:,进入“航班”标签界面,点击“航班状态” 。 】 Step 2 Enter the flight details for the airline you wish to track. 【第 2 步:第 2 步:输入您想查找的航空公司的航班信息。 】 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 3 Step 3 Scroll down and click on “

11、the Extended Details” to find all the details about the flight. 【第 3 步:第 3 步:向下滚屏,点击“航班状态展开” ,查找关于此航班的全部信息。 】 Step 4 Find out the flight changes in detail. 【第 4 步:第 4 步:查看飞行过程中的详细信息变更。 】 Step 5 Register for Flight Alert if you want to receive instant alerts on flight delays and other information. 【第

12、 5 步:第 5 步:如果您想得到即时航班信息变更通知,请注册申请“航班警报器” 。 】 Article 2: How to Pick up Your Client Quickly【如何快速接到您的客户】【如何快速接到您的客户】 Before you leave for the airport 1. Find out when your guest is expected to arrive at the airport. 2. Check his/her airline and flight number. Remember to bring the information with you

13、. 3. Tell the client that you are picking him/her up and meeting him/her at the baggage claim area. 4. Check the airline website or call the airport an hour or so before the expected arrival time. 【去机场之前,您需要:去机场之前,您需要: 1.了解您的客户计划到达机场的时间。 2.查看他/她所搭乘飞机的航空公司以及航班号,并将这些信息记录随身携带。 3.告诉客户您将去接机,在行李提取区碰头。 4.查

14、看航空公司网站或在航班预计到达前 1 小时左右致电机场。 】 Time for pick-up 1.Arrive 15-30 minutes before the landing time. 2. Park in the short-term parking area. Write down the location where you have parked your vehicle. 3. Check the monitor underArriving Flights for the flight status and baggage claim number. 4. Follow the

15、 signs to Baggage Claim. 5. Greet your client and claim his/her luggage. 6. Return to your vehicle. 【接机时,您需要:接机时,您需要: 1.在航班抵达前 15-30 分钟到机场。 2.将车停在短期停车场。记好你停车的位置。 3.在抵港班机的显示屏中查看航班状态以及行李提取区编号。 4.根据标示到达行李提取区。 5.迎接客户,领取行李。 6.回到车上。 】 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 4 Article 3: How to Make

16、 Your Client Comfortable During Business Reception 【如何使您的客户在商务接待期间感觉舒适】【如何使您的客户在商务接待期间感觉舒适】 The ability to entertain clients is one of the best skills in any company. If you impress your clients, it means possible repeated business. The trick of entertaining clients is to find out what they enjoy doing and make sure that they have a good time while in your company. With some preparation, you can have fun during business reception. Feed


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