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1、Unit 6 Going West,reading,They are American Indians, the earliest Native Americans.,Who are they?,At some point within the last 35,000 years, prehistoric humans walked from the tip of Asia across a land bridge to Alaska, from where they spread through the unpeopled continents of North and South Amer

2、ica,The American Indians lived in huts and Houses of wood. They lived a simple life and made living by hunting and fishing near the Mississippi River.,From 16th to 17th century, European settlers got to America And drove away the native Americans and ruled the country,moving west,Westward Movement i

3、s a movement of people from the settled regions of the United States to lands farther west. Between the early 17th and late 19th centuries, Anglo-American people and their society expanded from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast. This westward movement, across what was often called the American

4、 frontier, was of enormous significance. By expanding the nations borders to include more than three million square miles, the United States became one of the most powerful nations of the 20th century.,However, this expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural loss for the N

5、ative Americans of North America. This expansion also meant that much of North America was dominated by English institutions and ways of life, instead of Spanish or French ones. The Spanish and French were also exploring and settling North America in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centur

6、ies. For good or ill, the Westward Movement of these Anglo-American settlers was one of the most influential forces to shape North American history.,The new settlements in America soon became known as the Wild West. Because the western states of the US during the years were settled by the first Euro

7、peans. There was not much respect for the law there.,1.whats the style of the writing ? A. Critical B. Narrative C. Subjective D. Objective,When did their travel begin and end? what was their destination?,The travel began in the middle of October of 1845 and ended at 3 oclock in the morning of Chris

8、tmas day. they decided to move to California.,Scanning:,B,T OR F 1. In the spring of 1845,my father read a book about New York 2. Indian Greek was the meeting place for people to move to the east 3. On Nov.4,1846,we entered the Salt Lake Desert and soon lost our the way 4 . When a young man suggeste

9、d that the writer stay behind and wait for help, the writer agreed 5 . at 3 oclock in the morning of New years Day ,they reached the edge of the desert.,F,F,T,F,F,Fast reading,Careful Reading,( )1.why did the heros whole family go west ? Because _. A. They wanted to seek treasures. B. His father was

10、 inspired by the beautiful description of the land beyond the Rocky Mountains. C. They were moved . D. They sought to experience adventures.,B,Supporting proof: This account of the wonderful land beyond the Rocky Mountains gave him the idea to move there.,2. In paragraph two, the author mentioned In

11、dian Creek. Where was it and was it very important?,It was in Kansas, their first destination. It was the frontier at that time and also the meeting place for people moving to the west.,3. Do you know what difficulties they ran into during the journey?,They entered the desert and lost their way, and

12、 didnt have enough water to drink. Their animals died from lack of water.,4. According to the fourth paragraph, why do people call the desert Death Valley?,People showed coldness and were not willing to help others in trouble. They abandoned everything they could. Valley is in chaos and full of dead

13、 animals. Therefore, we called it Death Valley.,( )5.Which of the following description can indicate that the wagons were not the most suitable means of transport? A. The cattle became tired and weak. The animals dragged their legs, too weak to pull their burden. B. As the animals could no longer pu

14、ll the wagons, we burnt them and packed the oxen with our supplies. C. The journey through the mountains and deserts in the central part of the continent was the most trying part. sometimes the wagons had to be lifted and pulled up when there were no roads. D. For miles both sides of the road were l

15、ined with dead animals and starvation.,C,( )6.What does the author mean by saying “No, I wont give up. I knew that giving up meant a shallow grave in the sand.” ? A. He was determined to go on with the journey ,for he was sure to die through Salt Lake Desert unless he struggled against the hardship.

16、 B. He was sure to continue the journey, for he would die because of the sand. C. He intended to go on with the journey , for death would wait for him unless he paused in the desert. D. He was going on with the journey ,for nobody would escape from the desert if he gave in to the bad fate .,A,( )7.what can we learn from the ending of the story “Going West”? A. People shouldnt set foot on a wild land because of hardship. B. Travelers should travel


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