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1、主题一 SPSS中的统计学基础,思考下列问题,领会统计的意义 【问题】: 座位的前后位置是否影响到学生的学习成绩? 【思考】: 采用何种方法证明该论题是否正确?,研究对象如何选择? 如何保证本研究所选取的对象代表一般学生的普遍状况? 研究方法如何确定? 如何保证该方法能够搜集到有效的数据,并从理论上确保问题解决的有效性? 研究资料如何处理? 采用何种方法分析所得资料,并从中得到所需要的信息? 研究结论如何确定? 如何把从该样本获得的结果推论到总体的一般情境中?,需要解决的问题(从量化研究的角度思考),It is already an accepted fact that “Statistica

2、l thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write.“ So, let us be ahead of our time.,活动1 领会统计的意义,思考:你了解统计吗,提到统计,你能够想到那些内容?,统计的功能,(1) Statistics helps in providing a better understanding and exact description of a phenomenon of nature. (2) Statistics h

3、elps in proper and efficient planning of a statistical inquiry in any field of study. (3) Statistical helps in collecting an appropriate quantitative data. (4) Statistics helps in presenting complex data in a suitable tabular, diagrammatic and graphic form for an easy and clear comprehension of the

4、data. (5) Statistics helps in understanding the nature and pattern of variability of a phenomenon through quantitative observations. (6) Statistics helps in drawing valid inference, along with a measure of their reliability about the population parameters from the sample data.,统计的功能,Statistics is ba

5、sically a subject related to mathematics. It deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of Data. Statistics provides us with a number of tools that help us in prediction and forecasting of data. There are three basic types of Statistics which are: - Descriptive Statistics:

6、Helps in summarizing a collection of data. - Inferential Statistics: Helps in drawing inferences about the population under study. - Mathematical Statistics : It concerns the theoretical basis of a subject.,活动2 关于SPSS的介绍,【课堂提问】: 你了解SPSS吗?你能够大致描述一下它的用途吗?你是否清楚学习SPSS的意义?,What is SPSS?,SPSS (originally,

7、 Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a computer program used for statistical analysis. SPSS was released in its first version in 1968 after being developed by Norman H. Nie and C. Hadlai Hull. SPSS is among the most widely used programs for statistical analysis in social science. It is u

8、sed by market researchers, health researchers, survey companies, government, education researchers, marketing organizations and others. The original SPSS manual (Nie, Bent & Hull, 1970) has been described as one of sociologys most influential books.,Why is SPSS so popular?,首先,它采用现今广为流行的电子表格形式作数据管理器,

9、使用户变量命名、定义数据格式、数据输入与修改等过程一气呵成,免除了原DOS版本在文本方式下数据录入的诸多不便; 其次,采用菜单方式选择统计分析命令,采用对话框方式选择子命令,简明快捷,无需死记大量繁冗的语法语句,这无疑是计算机操作的一次解放; 第三,采用对象连接和嵌入技术,使计算结果可方便地被其他软件调用,数据共享,提高工作效率。,SPSS的菜单,SPSS的菜单,File:文件管理菜单,有关文件的调入、存储、显示和打印等; Edit:编辑菜单,有关文本内容的选择、拷贝、剪贴、寻找和替换等; Data:数据管理菜单,有关数据变量定义、数据格式选定、观察对象的选择、排序、加权、数据文件的转换、连接

10、、汇总等; Transform:数据转换处理菜单,有关数值的计算、重新赋值、缺失值替代等; Statistics:统计菜单,有关一系列统计方法的应用; Graphs:作图菜单,有关统计图的制作; Utilities:用户选项菜单,有关命令解释、字体选择、文件信息、定义输出标题、窗口设计等; Windows:窗口管理菜单,有关窗口的排列、选择、显示等; Help:求助菜单,有关帮助文件的调用、查寻、显示等。,活动3 基本的统计学概念,1. 数据类型 ( types of data) 2. 变量 & 观测值 (variable & data) 3. 总体 & 样本 (population & sa

11、mple) 4. 频率 & 概率 (frequency & probability) 5. 参数 & 统计量 (parameter & statistic) 6. 描述统计 & 推断统计 (descriptive & inferential statistics) 7. 原假设 & 备择假设 (null hypothesis & alternative hypothesis) 8. 概率分布 (probability distribution),SPSS的数字化,录入SPSS的资料为数字资料,只有数字资料才可以被处理。 我们是否可以将外部客观世界和内部主观世界转化为数字? 思考:生活中用数字表

12、示事物特征的例子。 思考:专业理论中用数字表示事物的思想。,1. 数据类型 ( types of data),(1)点计数据和度量数据 (2)间断性和连续性数据 (3)称名数据、顺序数据、等距数据、等比数据,(1)点计数据和度量数据(计数和测量),点计数据: 计算个数所获得的数据。 度量数据: 用一定的工具或一定的标准测量所获得的数据。 举例:全班男生平均身高172cm,其中165以下计5人,166cm-170cm计11人,171cm-175cm计15人 175cm-180cm计6人,180cm以上计2人,(2)间断性(离散性)和连续性数据,间断性数据:个数有限的数据。这种数据的单位是独立的,

13、两个单位之间不能划分成细小的单位,一般用整数表示。 连续性数据:取值个数无限的(不可数的)数据。这种数据的取值范围能连续充满某一个区间。数据的单位之间可以再划分成无限多个细小的单位。数据可以用小数表示。 你是否可以列举相关的事例?,根据测量工具量尺的水平,测量一般可以分为四种水平。 称名变量:无绝对零点且无相等单位,可分类。例:性别。 顺序变量:无绝对零点且无相等单位,可排序。例:名次。 等距变量:无绝对零点但有相等单位。可进行加减运算,不能进行乘除运算,但差值可以进行乘除运算。例:温度计。 等比变量:有绝对零点且测量单位相等。可以进行加减乘除运算。例:长度、重量。,(3)称名数据、顺序数据、

14、等距数据、等比数据 Nominal data, ordinal data, interval data, ratio data, classification data, e.g. m,f no ordering, e.g. it makes no sense to state that M F arbitrary labels, e.g., m=0,f=1, etc,You are only allowed to examine if a nominal scale datum is equal to some particular value or to count the number

15、of occurrences of each value. For example, gender is a nominal scale variable. You can examine if the gender of a person is F or to count the number of males in a sample.,Nominal Data,ordered but differences between values are not important e.g., political parties on left to right spectrum given lab

16、els 0, 1, 2 e.g., Likert scales, rank on a scale of 15 your degree of satisfaction e.g., restaurant ratings,You are also allowed to examine if an ordinal scale datum is less than or greater than another value. Hence, you can rank ordinal data, but you cannot quantify differences between two ordinal values. For example, are preference scores, e.g. ratings of eating establishments where 10=good, 1=poor, but the difference between an establishment with a 10 ranking and a


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