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1、- I -摘要随着社会的进步和科学技术的不断发展,人们物质文化生活的需要也日益增加,环境问题成为了人们关注的焦点。如何控制环境污染就成为我们所要面对的问题。作为一名环境工程本科毕业生,应以治理污水,改善水质为己任,认真学习本科生的功课,在指导教师的指导下完成毕业设计,为将来的学习工作打下坚实的基础,争取在将来为解决水污染问题贡献自己的一份力量。本设计是黑龙江省长春地区 A 市的排水工程,由两部分组成城市排水管网系统的设计和城市污水处理厂的设计两部分组成。排水管网系统共设计了 A和 B 两套方案,经过技术经济比较,选择 A 方案。根据城市所处的地理位置和污水厂的规模,并考虑需脱氮除磷的要求,城市

2、污水处理厂设计采用 A2/O 工艺。污水处理流程为:粗格栅 泵房细格栅沉砂池初沉池厌氧池缺氧池好氧池二沉池消毒池电磁流计量出水排放。污泥处理流程为:污泥污泥提升泵房污泥浓缩池贮泥池污泥消化池贮泥池污泥脱水间泥饼外运。通过此工艺的处理,出水水质将达到城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准 (GB18918-2002 )一级 B 标准。关键词:城市排水管网;城市污水处理厂;A 2/O;沉淀池;污泥处理- II -AbstractWith the improvement of society and the development of technology, more and more resources

3、are needed, Therefore the environment problem has been a focus. So how to control the environment pollution is what we have to be faced with.As college students of environment science and engineering, we should consider the control of water pollution and improvement of water quality as our duty. And

4、 study hard to do our devise with the help of our advisers.This design is a drainage system in A city of Heilongjiang Province. It is made up of two parts, the design of the system of urban drainage pipeline networks and design of the urban sewage treatment plant.A and B, two schemes of drainage pip

5、eline network system have been designed altogether, and compare with each other by technological and economical methods, A scheme was chosen.According to the citys geographical position and scale of sewage treatment plant, combining with the demand of denitrification and dephosphorization in treatme

6、nt process, the sewage treatment plant designs and adopts A2/O craft. The sewage disposal procedure is: the medium screen the pumping station the fine screen the grit pool the preliminary settling tank the anaerobic pool the anoxic pool the oxic pool the secondary settling tank the disinfection tank

7、 the electromagnetic flow meter discharged into the river. The sludge treatment procedure is: sludge the bumping room the gravity thickening tank the sludge storing tank the sludge digesting pool the sludge storing tank the sludge dewatering room. After the treatment of this craft, the disposal wate

8、r quality will reach the first class B standard ofpollutant discharge standard of urban sewage treatment plant (GB18918-2002 ). Keywords: urban drainage pipeline networks, urban sewage treatment plant, A2/O, settling tank, sludge treatment哈尔滨工业大学本科毕业设计(论文)- III -目录摘要 .IAbstract.II第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 概述 .

9、11.1.1 城市概况 .11.1.2 目的和意义 .11.1.3 设计内容 .21.2 设计原始资料 .21.2.1 地形与城市规划资料 .21.2.2 气象资料 .41.2.3 地质资料 .41.2.4 受纳水体水文与水质资料 .4第 2 章 城市排水管网设计与计算 .62.1 城市排水管网设计原则 .62.1.1 排水系统的规划设计原则 .62.1.2 排水管网定线原则 .72.2 设计依据及排水体制的选择 .82.2.1 设计依据 .82.2.2 排水系统体制的选择 .82.3 城市污水管网计算 .92.3.1 城市污水管网设计方案的确定 .92.3.2 城市污水管网 A 方案水力计算 .102.3.3 城市污水管网 B 方案水力计算 .172.3.4 城市污水管网结果分析 .182.4 城市雨水管道水力计算 .



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