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1、解除合同通知书解除合同通知书, ,英文英文篇一:解除合同通知书 (中英文解除合同通知书 (中英文)Notice of terminate contract致: To:我公司与你公司于 XX 年 11 月 24 日订立买卖合同。你公司应于 XX 年 6 月 14 日前向我公司交付购货款。我公司于 XX 年 1 月 15 日就以生产完,数次通知你方打款,你公司已在推脱,鉴于合同已经过期,我方向你方特发解除合同通知书。 we entered into a purchase contract in November 24, XX. Your company should pay all of the

2、trucks money in June 14, XX .And Our company productionfinished in January 15, XX ,we inform you Several times to pay the rest money, and yours always Shirk. And now the contract has expired, so we send the notice terminate contract to you.依据双方于 XX 年 11 月 24 日订立的买卖合同第 5 条之规定,我公司特向你公司通知如下: Based on t

3、he both parties entered into contract of terms regulation in November 24, XX .由于(文句应参照合同约定或法律规定的相应的解除权条件)你公司未能在规定的时间里完成货款交付,导致我公司产品积压给我公司造成重大经济损失,我公司特依合同约定通知你公司解除合同。 Due to (Sentence should refer to the contract or by operation of law conditions of the corresponding) Your company cant pay the rest m

4、oney about the trucks. Led to our trucks backlog and to our company resulting in heavy economic we notice yours terminate contract.The date of同时,我公司将保留进一步追究你公司违约责任的权利。 (或,请你公司于接到通知后三日内打来余下货款,否则我方将解除合同。 )Meanwhile, we will retain the company to further pursue your right to liability for breach of con

5、tract.(or, Your company within three days after receipt of the notice transfer the rest money, otherwise we will terminate contract.) 特此通知。Hereby noticeA 公司 A co.,ltd篇二:劳动合同解除通知(中英文)解除劳动合同通知书Notification of Termination of Employment Contract(员工通知联)(Notice to employees)先生/女士:Mr/Mrs:因 原因,公司决定从 年 月日起与你

6、解除劳动合同。贵、我双方于 不再继续履行。请于月日按照公司规定将所有工作交接完毕并办理完离职手续。特此通知。Our company decides to conclude a employment contract on _. You and our company signed employment contract on _,and we both will not perform the contract. Please follow the company policy to finish the work transferring and handling resignation p

7、rocedures on_.Thats all通知方(签章): Notify party (Signature):Date:签收回执 Signed receipts本人已收执同上列内容的解除劳动合同通知书 。Ive received the Notification of Termination of employment contract as upper content.被通知方(员工)签名:Notified party (employee) Signature:日期:20 年月日Date:解除劳动合同通知书Notification of Termination of Employment

8、 Contract(单位存根联)(Company stub form)先生/女士: Mr/Mrs:因原因,公司决定从年 月日签订的劳动合同,不再继续履行。请于日按照公司规定将所有工作交接完毕并办理完离职手续。特此通知。Our company decides to conclude a employment contract on _. You and our company signed employment contract on _,and we both will not perform the contract. Please follow the company policy to

9、finish the work transferring and handling resignation procedures on_.Thats all.通知方(签章): Notify party (Signature):日期 Date:篇三:英文解除劳动合同通知书解除劳动合同通知书Notice of Termination of Labor Contract:您与我公司于 年 月 日签定了一份为期 年的劳动合同。 You and our company concluded a labor contract on (date), the term of which isyears.现由于您

10、严重违反劳动纪律,公司正式通知您从年月日起依法解除您与公司的劳动合同。 Now please be advised that our company decides to terminate that labor contract since (date) because your serious violation of labor disciplines.上海伊康贸易有限公司 年 月 日Company Name (seal)Date篇四:解除劳动合同协议(中英文版)XXXXXX(XX)有限公司地址: XXXXXXXXXXXXX 电话: XX-XXXX 传真: XXX-XXXXX. 解除劳动

11、合同协议 企业名称(甲方): 职工姓名(乙方):甲乙双方于 XX 年 11 月 28 日订立了为期 3 年的劳动合同,现经乙方提出,并双方协商一致,同意解除劳动合同,并达成如下协议: 1、 甲乙双方从签订本协议起,原劳动合同即行解除,甲乙双 方根据规定办理相关手续;2、 甲方同意给予乙方解除劳动合同经济补偿金 7000元;3、 甲乙双方同意原劳动合同解除后不再提出或威胁提出针对对方的任何劳动仲裁、诉讼或索赔请求;4、 本协议自双方签字之日起生效;5、 本协议一式二份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。6、 本协议以中英文书就,如中英文版本之间存在任何差异,以中文版本为准.7. 本协议按中国法律解

12、释, 受中国法律管辖.甲方代表(签字): 日期:乙方(签字): 日期:Rm 2801, Taian Bldg., No 38-2 Minzu Ave., Nanning, Guangxi , PRCTel: +86 771 588 7355 Fax: +86 771 588 7266XXXXXX(XX)有限公司地址: XXXXXXXXXXXXX 电话: XX-XXXX 传真: XXX-XXXXX. Agreement to Terminate the Labor Contract Name of Employer(Party A):Name of Employee(Party B):Party

13、 A and Party B entered into a 3-year Labor Contract on 28 November XX. Upon Party Bs request, after mutual negotiations, both parties have agreed to terminate the Labor Contract and therefore reached the following agreement: 1、 Upon signing of this agreement, the previous labor contract is immediate

14、ly terminated. Both parties shall proceed with work hand-over accordingly in line with companys policies;2、 Party A agree to pay Party B a lump sum of RMB7000 as compensationfor termination of the labor contract;3、 Upon terminating the labor contract, either of the parties shall not makeor threaten

15、to make any claims or take labor arbitration or litigation against the other party;4、 This agreement shall come into effect upon signing by both parties;5、 This agreement is made in two originals, and each party holds one ofthese. The two originals have the same legal effect;6、 This agreement is mad

16、e in both Chinese and English. If there is anydiscrepancy between the English and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail;7. This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the Chinese lawand governed by Chinese law;Party A Representative (Signature): Date:Party B(Signature): Date:Rm 2801, Taian Bldg., No 38-2 Minzu Ave., Nanning, Guangxi , PRCTel: +86 771 588 7355 Fax: +86 771 588 7266篇五:解除合同通知书(模



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