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1、,Introductions 介绍,If you were an animal,what type of animal would you be and why? 请用一种动物来形容你自己,并说出为什么?,PROGRAMME OUTLINE,Program Outline 课程大纲 (Day 第一天) 1) Administration & Introduction 课程介绍 2)Creating a Learning Environment 学习环境的创建 3)Writing Instructional Objectives 撰写教学目标 4)Designing and Structurin

2、g a Learning Event Introduction 设计并构建一个课程介绍部分 5)Designing and Structuring a Learning Event Development 设计并构建一个课程发展部分 6 )Question Technique 提问技巧 7 )Designing and Structuring a Learning Event Consolidation 设计并构建一个课程-巩固部分 8 ) Supporting Learning through Visual Aids 运用视觉工具支持培训课程 9 ) Preparing to Deliver

3、 准备授课,PROGRAMME OUTLINE,Program Outline 课程大纲 (Day 第一天) 10)Group Handling 对小组学员的管理 11)Increasing Participation 提高学员参与 12)Course Review and Close 课程回顾及总结,OBJECTIVES 课程目标,By the end of the programme you will be able to.在本次课程结束后,你将能够: Successfully apply the principles of the learning cycle to design&str

4、ucture a group learning event,with appropriate content and support material.成功地运用学习链的原理来设计并构建一个小组培训,运用恰当的内容及辅助材料。 From an identtfied need,write an instructional objective for a group learning event.根据已识别出的需求,为一个课程撰写教学目标 Complete the required preparation and conduct a group learning event that maximi

5、ses the level of learning.完成需要的准备工作,进行小组培训并最大可能地确保学习效果 Encourage learner participation,control group dynamics and accommodate different learning styles to promote learning.鼓励学员的参与,控制小组活动并且就不同的学习类型来提升学习效果,Basic Ground Rules 培训期间注意事项,Please be on time 请准时出席并保证培训的正常出勤No Smoking 请勿吸烟Keep your mobile pho

6、ne in silent mode 请将手机调至震动模式Enjoy mutual communication 请畅所欲言Be active towards each task 请积极参与课程中的各项活动Notes/Handouts 随时记录笔记,Module 2 CREATING a LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 学习环境的创建,CREATING A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 学习环境的创建,Objectives 目标 By the end of this session you will be able to:此章节结束时,你将能够: Identify the 4

7、 learning styles and explain their implications to a Trainer.识别出四种学习类型,并说出培训员如何调整培训来应对这些类型的学员 Explain the 5 stages in the Learning Cycle and how we as Trainers can help people through those stages,to improve learning.解释学习链上的五个环节并说出培训员如何帮助学员通过这几个环节来提高学习效果,HONEY & MUMFORD FOUR LEARNING STYLES 四种学习模式,T

8、he Activist 积极型 Experiences 经验,The Pragmatist 实用型 Plans 计划,The Reflector 思考型 Thinks 经验,The Theorist 理论型 Theorizes 建立理论,CREATING A LEANING ENVIRONMENT 学习环境的创建,HONEY & MUMFORD FOUR LEARNING STYLES 四种学习模式,SYNDICATE EXERCISE小组练习,In 2 groups:分两组 What are the implications for you as the Trainer if you hav

9、e如果你的培训中有以下类型的学员,你将如何调整培训来应对他们,Group One 第一组 An Activist 积极型 A Reflector 思考型in the group,Group TWO 第二组 A Theorist理论型 A Pragmatist实用型in the group,Flipchart your answers Nominate a spokesperson 5 minutes to complete 请在5分钟内在白板纸上写下你们的讨论结果并请一名学员来陈述,THE LEARNING CYCLE学习链,THE LEARNING PROCESS学习过程,Create in

10、terest 激发兴趣 Reason for Learning 学习的原因 Define Need确定需求 Define Objectives确定目标,Logical有逻辑性 Visual Aids辅助工具 Exercises练习,Asking Questions 提问 Group Exercises 小组练习 Discussion 讨论,Asking Questions 提问 Building on Questions 扩展问题 Practice 练习,Asking Questions to consolidate & test 通过提问进行总结或测试 Use Quizzes,Handout

11、s&Questionnaires 进行小测试,发放资料或问卷,Module 3 WRITING AN INSTRUCTIONALOBJECTIVE 撰写教学目标,WRITING INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES撰写教学目标,By the end of this session you will be able to:此章节结束时,你将能够: Explain the terms Aim,Instructional Objective and Learning Objective解释什么是目的,什么是教学目标及学习目标 Explain why it is important to

12、write an Instructional Objective for each session or learning event.解释为每一个章节或课程撰写教学目标的重要性 Explain the 3 component parts of an Instructional Objective.解释教学目标的三个组成部分,AIMS & OBJECTIVES DEFINITIONS 目的及目标的定义,Definition of AIM:目的的定义An overall goal which can be achieved through a range of different activit

13、is.通过一系列不同的活动而达到的一个总体结果 Definition of OBJECTIVE:目标的定义A specific statement of the desired outcome.对所期待的结果进行的具体描述,INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE教学目标,INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE 教学目标,LEARNING OBJECTIVE 学习目标,In 2 groups:分两组Group One will identify the benefits and importance of instructional objectives for the Trai

14、ner. 第一组:请说出教学目标对培训者的重要性 Group Two will identify the benefits and importance of instructional objectives for the Learner. 第二组:请说出教学目标对学员的重要性,Write your findings on a flipchart.Elect a spokesperson to feedback.5 minutes allowed. 在白板纸上写出你们的讨论结果。选一个小组发言人。 时间:5分钟,GROUP EXERCISE小组练习,WHY WRITE INSTRUCTION

15、AL OBJECTIVES为什么要撰写教学目标,At the start 课程开始时 We need to know precisely what our Learners will be able to do as a result of the learning event. 有助于我们清楚指导学员在学习结束后能够做什么 During the Session在课程进行中 They will help us to stay on track and not get lost. 有助于我们按照课程规划进行讲解,不会跑题 At the End课程结束后 We can check how succ

16、essful the learning event has been. 有助于我们检查培训成功与否,WORDING OF INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES教学目标的措辞,“By the end of this session you will be able to ” 在本章节结束时,你将能够And then states:然后描述出What the Learner is expected to be able to do at the end of the learning event. 在学习结束后,期望学员能够做什么,WHY DO WE START WITH AN INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE 为什么我们要从制定教学目标开始,“If you dont know where you are going,you wont get there-but if by chance you do,you wont know you are there because you didnt know where you were going!” 如果你不知道自己要去哪里,你是不会到达那里的,如果碰巧到达了,你也不知道这就是你要去的地方,因为你不知道自己去了哪儿。,


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