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1、商务英语的合同文体和广告文体商务英语的合同文体和广告文体篇一:商务英语广告的文体特征商务英语广告的文体特征书面广告一般由标题(headline)、正文(body text)、口号(slogan)、商标(trademark)和插图(illustration)5部分组成,其中前 3 项属语言文字(verbal)部分,后 2 项为非语言文字(non_verbal)部分。本文主要讨论英语广告语言的文体特征及翻译原则。 广告学有个著名的 AIDMA 原则,是 1898 年由美国刘易斯最先提出,概括了消费者购买心理的全过程,是广告创作的基本原则和目标。其含义为:A(Attention)引起注意,I(Int

2、erest)产生兴趣,D(Desire)培养欲望,M(Memory)形成记忆,A(Action)促成行动。为了充分体现这个原则,实现广告促销功能,广告创作者在遣词造句语篇结构等方面都颇具匠心,形成了广告语言独特的文体特征。这里主要论述商务英语广告的词法、句法、修辞和语篇 4 个方面的文体特征。广告英语的词汇特征与翻译 简约用词。主要体现在两个方面,一是指用词简单,大量使用单音节词和口语词汇;另外一个是在广告语言中缩略语的大量使用。 广告的受众是社会大众群体,而不是某个特定的社会。群体和阶层,要让男女老少都能毫不费力地理解和识别,广告语言应该简洁生动,一目了然,琅琅上口,因此广告英语中经常使用单

3、音节(monosyllables)词汇和口语词汇。(1)Making life a little sweeter.M而排比是将某一词、词组、结构或句子重复排列起来,层层推进,增强语势,升华感情,实现语言形式和结构上视觉美。在翻译这类广告的时候尽可能保留原文的结构和形式,再现原文的形式美。 (15)Impossible is Nothing.Adidas一切皆有可能。阿迪达斯(16)Well tell you the odds before they are out.Well publish what other publications dare not.Well give you insid

4、e information you wont find elsewhere.我们要向您预示未来的结果;我们要发表别人不敢发表的东西;我们要给您在别的地方找不到的内幕新闻。杂志广告例(15)阿迪达斯的这个广告采用了倒装的双重否定句,来突现一个勇于创新、不断超越自我创造奇迹的企业形象。如果大家看到阿迪达斯为 XX 德国世界杯足球赛做的那幅巨型户外广告(全长大约 65 米,高约 18 米,图上是德国门将卡恩),印象一定会更加深刻。而例(16)则通过 排比句式来展示一个敢于揭露社会事实和真相的媒体形象。视觉修辞比喻、拟人。比喻和拟人就是通过借助另一个物体或者人的形象使得抽象呆板物体变得具体而生动,从而

5、实现广告语言视觉形象的美。 (17)“Unlike me,my Rolex never needs a rest.”Rolex和我不一样,我的劳力士从来不需要休息。劳力士(手表)(18)Oscar de la Renta knows what makes a woman beautiful.Oscar de la Renta2269 奥斯卡德拉伦塔知道如何让女人变得美丽。奥斯卡德拉伦塔(时装)例(17)把人和手表做比较,幽默风趣地展现了一个品质优良的瑞士手表品牌形象;同样例(18)直接用拟人的修辞手法生动地把服装品牌人格化,比拟成一个善于打扮女人的时装设计师,贴切而形象。音韵修辞押韵、拟声。押

6、韵多出现在诗歌里,由相同的韵脚组成。但是在商务英语广告文体中,也应用了大量的音韵修辞,如头韵(alliteration)、尾韵(rhyme)、叠韵(assonance)、拟声(onomatopoeia)等,使得广告富有节奏感,读起来铿锵有力,琅琅上口,实现广告语言的音乐美。 (19)Cut,Color,Clarity,and Carat Weight.造型别致,色彩斑斓,晶莹剔透,质量保证。(钻石 4C 标准)(20)A Mars a day keeps you work,rest and play.M there is obvious tendency and particular emph

7、asis in choosing the sentence types of business contracts. Because we need to explain and require the related right and obligation of both party in the contract accurately, be accurate to illustrate objectively to get with the related power of the contract the party concerned of provision with the d

8、uty, therefore, the frequency of declaration sentences used in the business contracts is much higher than in any other literary styles.More long sentences: Compare with common English, the sentence structure in the business contract is more complicate. The use of the complete long sentence in the bu

9、siness contract style can define the relevant right and obligation of both parties accurately. Thus makes no mistakes in the business contract to support the both parties legal benefits.Juxtaposition of periodic sentences: loose sentences and balanced sentences From the arrangement of information, w

10、e can divide the sentences into three classes: that is periodic sentence, loose sentence and balanced sentence. In business contracts, the use of periodic sentence is frequent. We can 10 express with the formula for subordinate clause + main clause = periodic sentence = emphatic sentence.3. 文体特征(The

11、 Text Characteristics)What the characteristic of a whole text is the compound body that the 11 article should have, is a certain linguistic object that refracts in society and the social supervision. Generally speaking, the society and the social supervision can be reflecting in the language structu

12、re of the text.: the purpose of study the stylistic features of the English contracts is to help people or parties to use the English for Business Contractsproperly, gracefully and accurately. 同时 , 商务合同英语词汇的总体原则在具体合同文件的表述中并不具有完全等同的地位和重要性。某些原则可能会让位于严谨准确性原则 ,以保证内涵的准确性、 完整性。篇三:商务英语文体风格和语言特点浅析摘要:商务英语里,如

13、商务信函、协议、合同、广告、单证和商务演说词等,均属于应用文体的范畴,尽管各有其自身的特点,但各类应用文还有其共同的文体风格。本文从选词、造句,构建有效段落和篇章结构等方面论述商务英语精辟、简练的文体风格和语言特点,但愿有助于国际商务工作者提高使用得体英语的能力。关键词:商务英语;文体风格;语言特点General Analysis of Writing Styles and Language Features of Business EnglishAbstract: Business English, such as business letters, agreements, contract

14、s, advertisements, documents and business speech, belongs to the category of practical writings. Although they each have their individual style, all kinds of practical writings have their common styles. This paper is to discuss the incisive writing styles and pithy language features from the use of

15、the words and expressions, the making of sentences, the structure of effective paragraphs and the pieces of writings, hoping to imp rove the international business workers ability to use appropriate English. Key words: business English; styles of writing; features in language一、引言 运用某种语言进行交际时,不仅要懂得使用

16、它的语法规则去构成句子,而且要根据不同的语境选择相应的文体,才能运用得体,收到良好的交际效果。中国人在学习英语的过程中,往往因缺乏“文体意识”( stylistic awareness) 或者说缺乏“文体洞察力”( stylistic insight)而造成语域( reg2ister)误用。所谓“语域”,指的是语言运用的场合。然而,社会之大,场合之多,不可胜数。如若缺乏文体分析的能力( stylistic competence) ,语域误用也就在所难免。本文首先根据现代语言学的理论去探讨文体知识在商务语境中的应用,然后从选词、造句、构造有效段落和篇章结构等方面论述商务英语精辟、简明的文体风格和语言特点。二、语言学与商务英语文体形成的关系文体学是一门运用现代语言学理论和方法研究文体的科学,是一门研究语言的表达效果的学问。人们一般认为它渊源于古希腊的修辞学, 20 世纪初,形成了文体学。随着现代语言学理论的发展,特别是 20 世纪 60 年代社会语言学的兴起,促进了文体学的发展。它依据现代语言学的原理,对语言的各类文体进行


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