英语读书报告 友谊

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1、英语读书报告英语读书报告 友谊友谊 Afterthought of “Shuang Leng Chang He” Friendship Recently, I read a book named ?Shuang Leng Chang He?which is written by Yu Qiuyu. There are some essays about philosophic theory of human life in this book. However, I was attractive by the essay of friendship for I was told the ess

2、ence of friendship and learnt how to make friends with others. Friendship is an eternal theme we examine and explore .But what is friendship? What is the real meaning of friendship? As we know, friendship is a life-long treasure. With friends, we share our joys and tears. Friendship is not a commodi

3、ty with a price, nor should we alienate our friends by questioning or judging their virtues. In traditional culture of China, most of the literary men admire the friendship between Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi. They hold the point that mountain stream with a knowing ear is the luckiest thing and looking f

4、orward to this kind of friendship in their whole life. However, a bosom friend is not easy to find in the real world. It usually comes that the person is your friend today, and tomorrow would be your enemy. Even more, when a person was deceived or betrayed by his friends, he would never trust any fr

5、iends. Usually, people will try their best to help their friends, even their lives when needed. However they find it hard to forgive the friend who betrayed them. Hence, how to establish friendly relationship is very important and necessary for human beings. There is a Chinese saying goes, you depen

6、d on your parents when you stay at home, and you depend on your friends when you go out. This kind of saying indicates that the importance of friends, at the same time it means the value of friends is for dependence. Therefore, will you make friends with a person who has no use for you? Or anyone he

7、lped you can become your friends? What do we expect from our friends? From my point of view, a real friend does not care your background, your wealth, your appearance. The truest friend of all is one that reads your very soul, one who is always there when needed. A real friend does not expect someth

8、ing from their friends or depend on his friends. Friendship is an in-depth relationship combining trust, communication, and understanding. Some people hold the idea that finding a friend is like coming home. When you come “home” to a friend, you can relax; unbosoming you pains and sorrows and you ne

9、edn?t pretend or act tough. But do not forget one point that is keeping distance between you. Most people of China are likely to ignore this kind of problem, which sometimes causes some unnecessary troubles. From my point of view, we should better keep proper distance with our friends if you want ke

10、ep a stable relationship. Generally, as a Chinese, people would rather receive excessive kindness than say “NO? to their friends. In their opinion, a good friend should not turn down their friends, if this happened, their friends would be regarded that they were looked down by their friends and felt

11、 loosing face. For example, one of your friends is afraid of exam and he asks for your help during the examination. What would you do? To be or not to be? Even though you are unwilling to cheat in the exam, you still promise to offer help and endure the suffering yourself from treating. Every man al

12、one is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins. Emerson said “A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. I do not wish to treat friendship daintily, but with roughest courage.” From these words, we know that friendship is built on sincerity, and sincerity is based on equa

13、lity of personality. Without sincerity and equality of personality, people will not trust others and make friends with others in heart. In addition to this, Aristotle also said that wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit. Maybe it only takes one second time to b

14、e friends, but you will spend more time to establish friendly relationships. Pure friendship without judgment can enrich our life. We have our own judgments on our friends according to their virtues. Though you find virtues in your friends, he was your friend before you found them. If you choose you

15、r friends on the ground that you are virtues and want virtuous company, you are no nearer to true friendship than of choosing them for commercial reasons. Though you may choose the virtuous to be your friends, they may not choose you as a friend. Nevertheless, without judgment does not mean that you

16、 should ignore what is right and wrong to support you friends without condition. Unquestioning support will bring disaster finally. From this article, people may feel that it is not easy to find a real friend. In fact the problem is we require too much from friendship, such as the sense of belonging, obligation and other virtues. If we get rid of this kind of demand and fetter, we will understand the friendship clearly and enjoy it completely. Friendship is just like a seed which we should look



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