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1、animal 动物,Jamie,Lesson 1-3,monkey,fish,dog,cat,panda,pig,hen,frog,duck,cow,crocodile,tiger,cock,bird,zebra,snake,rooster,bee,lion,sheep,chick,donkey,goat,horse,peacock,deer,turtle,dolphin,giraffe,rabbit,fox,wolf,shark,kangaroo,parrot,elephant,leopard,dragonfly,fly,ostrich,crab,rat,butterfly,mouse,mi

2、ce 复数,ant,eagle,worm,sparrow,insect,bear,squirrel,whale,dinosaur,spider,octopus,-Whats this?,-Its a tiger.,tiger,-How many tigers are there?,-There is one.,zebra,-Its a zebra.,-How many zebras are there?,-There is one.,-Whats that?,insect,-Its an insect.,-How many insects are there?,-There is one.,-

3、What is it?,crab,-Its a crab.,-How many crabs are there?,-There is one.,-What is this in English?,-Its a dolphin.,-How many dolphins are there?,-There is one.,-What is that in English?,dolphin,-What are these?,-They are deer.,deer,-How many deer are there?,-There are eleven.,-What are those?,-Theyre

4、 horses.,horses,-How many horses are there?,-There are twenty.,-What are they?,-They are butterflies.,butterflies,-How many butterflies are there?,-There are thirteen.,-What are they?,-They are mice.,mice,-How many mice are there?,-There are thirteen.,Whats your favorite animal?,My favorite animal i

5、s ,What are your favorite animals?,My favorite animals are ,Do you likes?,Yes, I do. / No. I dont.,Does he likes?,Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.,/ Does Ken likes?,Does she likes?,Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.,/ Does Ann likes?,-How many dolphins are there?,-There is one.,-How many giraffes are there?

6、,-There are three.,There is a dolphin and three giraffes.,There be句型表示在某处有某物,翻译为“有”, 我们要遵循就近原则。,There are three giraffes and a dolphin.,Bye-bye!,animal 动物,Jamie,Lesson 4,cow,horse,sheep,rooster,cock,hen,chick,duck,dog,cat,奶牛,马,公鸡,母鸡,鸭子,猫,绵羊,公鸡,小鸡,狗,pig,猪,frog,青蛙,donkey,rabbit,bird,monkey,deer,tiger,


8、e,worm,驼鸟,章鱼,虫子,老鹰,sparrow,麻雀,dragonfly,蜻蜓,squirrel,松鼠,Make a dialogue:,Whats your favorite animal? ,How many,Make a dialogue:,Whats this/that?,Do you like?,Whats your favorite?,Make a dialogue:,How many,Do you like?,Whats your favorite?,Make a dialogue:,What are these/those?,How many,Make a dialogu

9、e:,What are those? They are ,How many,Make a dialogue:,Make a dialogue:,Does he like?,Make a dialogue:,Does he like?,goats,chicks,Make a dialogue:,Does she like?,animal 动物,Jamie,Lesson 5,Lets learn,At the zooOur class is going to visit the zoo tomorrow. There are many animals in it. There are some b

10、eautiful tigers and two old lions. They eat a lot of meat every day.There are also two big elephants and a baby one. I want to ride(骑) on the elephants. The elephants eat much grass every day. They like children because(因为) they sometimes give them bread and bananas. Elephants like bananas very much

11、.In our zoo there are also brown, black and white bears. They stand on their back legs, hold up(抬起) their arms and ask for food. They like cakes very much.,There is also a Childrens Corner in our zoo. There children ride horses and donkeys(驴) and watch the monkeys. The monkeys are very funny. They c

12、limb(爬) up ropes and jump(跳) down again and play with each other like small children. They love nuts and bananas and bread. I want to take a basket to the zoo with bread, cakes, nuts and a bunch(串) of bananas.,( ) 1. There are some beautiful lions and two old tigers. ( ) 2. There are three elephants

13、 in the zoo. ( ) 3. Elephants dont like banana very much. ( ) 4. There is no brown bear in the zoo.,Read , judge and answer:,T,F,F,F,5. What do the bears like?,6. Can the children ride horses and donkeys and watch the monkeys?,7. What does the monkeys like?,They like cakes very much.,Yes, they do.,They love nuts and bananas and bread.,Bye-bye!,


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