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1、,教学模式解读,山西省孝义六中教育集团,Section B 2a-2e,Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?,Walt Disney Walt Disney, the successful film-maker, was born in Chicago in 1901. Disneys greatest wish was to be a famous artist . However , he was unlucky when he was a young man . The main reason was that people were not

2、interested in his pictures . Disney did not lose heart .He kept drawing lots of pictures in the family garage(车库).One day a mouse came into the garage . Disney stopped drawing and watched the mouse . He gave the mouse a piece of bread . Then the mouse came and sat on his desk every day . In this way

3、 ,the artist and the,mouse became good friends . Some years later Disney moved to the USA . He tried to draw different pictures of the mouse day after day. At last he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse . He called it Mickey Mouse . He soon drew other cartoon characters like Donald Duc

4、k , Goofy and so on . His first cartoon was Steamboat Willie . People all over the world like his cartoons .,Mickey Mouse 米奇老鼠(又称米老鼠或米奇)于1928年创作出的动画形象,迪士尼公司的代表人物。1928年11月18日,随着米老鼠的首部电影短片汽船威利号在殖民大戏院(Colony Theater)上映,米奇老鼠的生日便定为了那天。他的感召力和友善使他成为妙妙屋的中心人物,而他的亲切和丰富情感使他成为史上最受欢迎的卡通形象。,Minnie - Mickeys girlf

5、riend,Disneyland,迪士尼乐园(英语:Disneyland,正式全名为Disneyland Park),是一个位于美国加利福尼亚州安纳罕市(Anaheim)的主题乐园。由华特迪士尼(Walt Disney)一手创办的迪士尼乐园是由华特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)所创立与营运的一系列主题乐园与度假区中的第一个,离洛杉矶市中心大约有20分钟的车程(高速公路)。到今天,除了加州洛杉矶迪斯尼乐园外,还建造了奥兰多迪士尼乐园、巴黎迪士尼乐园等主题公园。,Hollywood,好莱坞位于美国西海岸加利福尼亚州洛杉矶郊外,是一个依山傍水,景色宜人的地方。最早是由摄

6、影师寻找外景地时发现的,大约在20世纪初,这里便吸引了许多拍摄者,而后是一些为了逃避专利公司控制的小公司和独立制片商们纷纷涌来,逐渐形成了一个电影中心。洛杉矶郊外的小村庄最终成为一个庞大的电影城,好莱坞也在无形中成为美国电影的代名词。,好莱坞星光大道(Hollywood Walk of Fame)是条沿着美国好莱坞好莱坞大道与藤街伸展的人行道,上面有2000多颗镶有好莱坞商会追敬名人姓名的星形奖章,以纪念他们对娱乐工业的贡献。,the Hollywood Walk of Fame,山西省孝义六中教育集团,Task 1 Skimming,Try to complete the time line

7、 on the the top of Page 38,on November 18, 1978,Steamboat Willie came out in New York,on November 18 , 1928,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.,Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,in the 1930s,Task 2 Scanning,A black mouse with two large round ears,Wal

8、t Disney,Steamboat Willie,Minnie,山西省孝义六中教育集团,Task 3 Discussion in groups,1. Why is the Mickey so popular?2. Do you want to be a person like Mickey ?, a black mouse with two large round ears .,Mickey Mouse,cartoon,a symbol in American culture, appeared in Steamboat Willie .,became the first cartoon c

9、haracter to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,the first cartoon with sound and music came out in New York on November 18 , 1928, be like a common man , try to face any danger and be always ready to try his best,Walt Disney, a rich and successful man ., made 87 cartoons with Mickey,教学模式解读,Tas

10、k 4请用下列词的适当形式填空,People in America enjoy_ cartoons . Because they are not only the symbol in American _but also there are many famous cartoon characters . One of the _ is a black mouse with two large round ears _Mickey Mouse . _he was like a common man . He was very brave and tried to face any _. He,

11、he dangerous one why although watch popular success call culture,watching,culture,most popular,called,Although,danger,had many problems but he was always ready to try _best and never give up . Thats the main reason _people love it . The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney . He became a rich and _man a

12、fter making the first cartoon Steamboat Willie .It was the _one with sound and music .,why,successful,first,his,he dangerous one why although watch popular success call culture,Everyone has their own dreams , they give us courage and confidence to get over difficulties and never give up . Our life i

13、s like a long journey旅行 which is not all roses , but we believe rainbows will appear after storms . Our dreams will come true if we try our best .,Homework Write an article about Mickey at least 100 words .,think of 80多年前 a symbol of 尽最大努力去 come out 面对困难 over 80 years ago 想到,考虑 in the 1930s 星光大道 one

14、 of the main reasons 20世纪30年代 face the danger 不像一样 be ready to do sth. 出版,问世 try / do ones best to do sth. 愿意迅速做 the Walk of Fame 的象征 not so / as as 主要原因之一,Thank You!,They are all famous Disney characters and they are always ready to fight against the evil(邪恶) to be successful . They are the embodiment of justice .,


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