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1、Begonia Club Takes Form One Day in the Studio of Autumn FreshnessCharacters: 李纨 Ann 探春 Olivia 迎春 Asuna 惜春 Sylvia 宝钗 Echo黛玉 Eva 宝玉 Jenniier 旁白 Lemon旁白:旁白:He(宝玉)went to the Studio of Autumn Freshness(秋爽斋) where 宝玉宝玉, 黛玉黛玉, 迎春迎春 and 惜春惜春 were assembled. 宝玉宝玉, 黛玉黛玉, 迎春迎春, 惜春惜春 (cried) (laughing, as he e

2、ntered.): Here comes another! 探春探春 (asked gleefully): Not so vulgar, was it, that sudden idea of mine? I wrote a few invitations to see what would happen, and you all turn up in force. 宝玉宝玉 (observed): We should have started a club like this long ago. 黛玉黛玉: Start one if you like, but dont count me i

3、n. Im not up to it.迎春迎春 (countered with a smile): If youre not, who is? 宝玉宝玉 (declared): This is a serious business. We should encourage each other, not back out of politeness. Lets all give our ideas for general discussion. What suggestions have you, Cousin 宝钗? And Cousin 黛玉?宝钗宝钗(asked): Whats the

4、hurry? Were not all here yet. 旁白:旁白:Before she had finished speaking 李纨 walked in. 李纨李纨(cried): How very refined! If youre going to start a poetry club, Ill volunteer to preside. I had this very idea last spring, but on second thoughts decided it would only be asking for trouble as I cant write poet

5、ry myself, so I dropped the idea and forgot it. Now that Third Sisters so keen, Ill help you get this going. 黛玉黛玉: If youre set on starting a poetry club, we must all be poets. And first, to be less conventional, we must stop calling each other sister, cousin, sister-in-law and so forth.李纨李纨(agreed)

6、 : Quite right. Lets choose some elegant pen-names. Ill be The Old Peasant of Sweet Paddy(稻香老农). No one else can have that name. 探春探春(cried): Ill be Master of Autumn Freshness(秋爽居士).宝玉宝玉 (objected): Theres something unreal and awkward about master and scholar. With all these wu-tung trees and planta

7、ins here, why not use them in your name?探春探春 (agreed): Yes, I know what. I like plantains best so Ill call myself The Stranger Under the Plantain(蕉下客). 旁白:旁白:The others approved this as more original.黛玉黛玉 (teased): Drag her off, quick! Stew some slices of her flesh to go with our wine.旁白:旁白:The othe

8、rs looked mystified.黛玉:黛玉: (explained with a smile)Didnt an ancient say, The deer was covered with the plantain? If she calls herself The Stranger Under the Plantain, she must be a deer. Lets hurry up and cook this venison. 探春探春 (cried):Just you wait! Youre very clever at making fun of people, but I

9、ve got the right name for you, a perfect name. (turning to the rest.) The wives of King Shun shed so many tears on bamboos that thereafter their stems became speckled, and now the speckled bamboo is called by their name. Well, she lives in Bamboo Lodge and shes always crying. When one day she pines

10、for a husband, Im sure the bamboos there will grow speckled too. I propose we call her Queen of the Bamboos(潇湘妃子).旁白:旁白:The rest applauded while 黛玉 lowered her head, reduced to silence. 李纨李纨 (volunteered): Ive thought of a good name for Cousin 宝钗. A short one too.惜春惜春 and 迎春迎春 (asked): What is it? 李

11、纨李纨 (answered): Im entitling her Lady of the Alpinia(蘅芜君). Hows that?探春探春 : An excellent title. 宝玉宝玉 (asked): How about me? Think of one for me too.宝钗宝钗 (chuckled): Youve already got one. Much Ado About Nothing(无事忙) is just the name for you.李纨李纨 (suggested): Why not keep your old title of Prince of

12、the Crimson Cavern(绛洞花主)? 宝玉宝玉 (smiled sheepishly): Dont bring up the silly things I did as a child. 探春探春 : Youve already got plenty of pen-names. What do you want a new one for? We can just call you by any name we feel like. 宝钗宝钗 (offered): Ive got one for you. Its vulgar, but it suits you to the g

13、round. The two hardest things to come by are riches and nobility, and the third is leisure. Few people enjoy more than one of these, but you have all three, so you should be called The Rich and Noble Idler(富贵闲人).宝玉宝玉 (grinned): Thats too good for me. But just as you please. 李纨李纨 (asked): What about

14、Second Cousin and Fourth Cousin? 迎春迎春 (rejoined): Were no good at writing poetry so we shant need pen-names.探春探春 (urged): Even so, youd each better have one. 宝钗宝钗 (suggested): As 迎春 lives on Purple Caltrop Isle, let her be Mistress of Caltrop Isle(菱洲). And 惜春 in the Pavilion of Scented Lotus could b

15、e Mistress of Lotus Pavilion(藕榭).李纨李纨 : Very good. Now as Im the eldest you must all listen to me. Im sure youll agree to my proposal. We seven are starting this club; but as Second Cousin, Fourth Cousin and I are no poetesses you must leave us out when it comes to writing, and well each take charge

16、 of something.探春探春 (giggled): Weve already got titles. But we might just as well not have them, the way youre still talking. We must decide on forfeits for mistakes like that from now on. 李纨李纨 : Wait till weve set up the club before laying down rule. My apartments are the largest, lets meet there. Though I cant versify, if you poets dont object to my vulgar company Ill act as hostess and in that way acquire some culture too. But if you e


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